Listen In / 聽在

by Ennien Ashbrook, / 藉著 Ennien Ashbrook,

(Nb: This story is based on the BOTP episode in which Mark impersonates Zoltar. Princess states that she has caught at least 5 hours of Zoltar on her cassette recorder.) / (Nb: 這一個故事以 BOTP 插曲為基礎在那一個馬克模仿 Zoltar。 公主說她已經捕捉在她的卡帶錄音機上的至少 5 小時的 Zoltar )。

Transcript of recording, May 27, 20** / 錄音,五月 27 日的抄本,20**

Location: Spectra operations base. / 地點: 頻譜手術基礎。

Operative: G-3 / 職員: G-3

Ed> In order to effect the plan for Mark to impersonate / Edmund> 在次序產生關於馬克的計劃模仿
Zoltar and throw the Spectran mission, it was necessary to record Zoltar's voice so that an accuate imitation can be made. I was assigned this task. I spent a good 5 hours in the Spectran base. I had found a good location in the eaves above the central control room, behind a chink in the drywall above a mainframe. No sooner had I settled myself in and turned on the recorder, than Zoltar swept into the room.. literally. / Zoltar 和投 Spectran 任務,記錄 Zoltar's 的聲音是必需的以便一個 accuate 模仿能被創下。 我被分配這一件工作。 我在 Spectran 基礎中度過一個好的 5 小時。 在一部電腦主機上面的 drywall 中的一個裂口後面我已經發現在中央的控制房間上面的屋簷一個好地點。 沒有搶先佔有土地之人安頓我我自己在而且打開錄音機,比較 Zoltar 進入房間之內清掃。。 照字面上地。

Zoltar: Do I have to do everything around here?? / Zoltar: 我必須做每件事物嗎在這裡周圍??

Soldier #1: Sire? / 軍人 #1: 陛下?

Zoltar: What *are* these things, anyways, who was eating them and why can't they pick up after themselves?? It's like dealing with children! / Zoltar: 什麼 *是*這些事物,無論如何, 誰正在吃他們而且為什麼能不他們在他們自己之後逐漸恢復 ?? 它是像處理孩子!

S1: Umm, I think they're called peanuts, sire. Corhassan was eating them,sire. He's a slob, sire. Yes, sire. / S1: Umm,我認為他們叫做花生,陛下。 Corhassan 是吃他們,陛下。 他是邋遢的人,陛下。 是的,陛下。

Z: Everything by the book for you, isn't it? / Z: 每件事物藉著書為你, 它不是?

S1: Sire? / S1: 陛下?

Z: Never mind.......... / Z: 不必介意..........

Ed> That crash was the broom falling off the shelf Zoltar had leaned it against. That was a sigh of exasperation, even though it sounds like the air conditioning starting up. / Edmund> 那一個墜毀是從架 Zoltar 跌下來 的掃帚已經倚靠它反對。 那是一聲惱怒的歎息, 即使它聽起來像空調一樣出發在上面。
Zoltar has just crossed to his station and is looking down at his chair in bemusement. / Zoltar 剛剛交叉到他的車站並且正在往下看使發呆的他椅子。

Z: There is a doughnut on my chair. / Z: 有在我的椅子上的一個油炸圈餅。

S1: Yes, sire. Corhassan again, sire. / S1: 是的,陛下。 Corhassan 再一次,陛下。

Z: I see. / Z: 我知道了。

S1: Sire. / S1: 陛下。

Ed> The doughnut is disposed of. I can't quite see it from here, but it appears to be a sugar doughnut because Zoltar has to spend several minutes dusting off the seat before he can sit down. The next several minutes are devoid of conversation, as the soldier returns to his task and Zoltar activates his terminal. / Edmund>油炸圈餅被解決。 我不能相當從這裡看見它,但是因為在他能坐下之前 , Zoltar 必須在座位外度過好幾分鐘打掃,它似乎是一個糖油炸圈餅。 下好幾分鐘缺乏交談,如同軍人回到他的工作,而且 Zoltar 刺激他的終點一樣。


S1: Sire? / S1: 陛下?

Z: Well, where the hell is it? / Z: 好吧,它在哪裡?

S1: Sire? / S1: 陛下?

Z: Was anyone useing this terminal? / Z: 任何人正在使用這一個終點嗎?

S1: I believe Captain Amagosta was, sire. / S1: 我相信,船長 Amagosta 是,陛下。

Z: You wouldn't know what he was doing, would you? / Z: 你將不知道他正在做的,不是嗎?


Z: What did he do to my terminal, soldier? / Z: 他做什麼到我的終點? 軍人

S1: Installed a new game, sire. / S1: 安裝了一場新的比賽,陛下。

Z: A game.... / Z: 一場比賽....

S1: Sire. / S1: 陛下。

Z: Captain Amagosta to Comm Room 1, NOW! / Z: 到 Comm 的船長 Amagosta 住宿 1,現在!

Z: He did, too, I don't believe it... / Z: 他也做,我不相信它。。。

Ed> Captain Amagosta enters the room. And I thought / Edmund>船長 Amagosta 進入房間。 而且我想
Zoltar's outfit was silly... / Zoltar's 的用具是愚蠢的。。。

Captain Amagosta: HAIL SPECTRA!! / 船長 Amagosta: 向頻譜歡呼!!

Z: What the did you do to the reconn files?? / Z: 什麼那你做到那再指揮操舵檔案??

CA: I DON'T UNDERSTAND, SIRE! / 加州: 我不了解,陛下!

Z: Stop shouting, I can hear you just fine. / Z: 停止呼喊,我能聽到你正直的罰款。

CA: SIRE! / 加州: 陛下!

Z: Is this your game? (Ed> the game is just visible on the screen. it looks like some sort of war game. The graphics would make Jason swoon) / Z: 這是你的比賽嗎? (Edmund>比賽確實是看得見的在螢幕上。 它看起來像一些種軍事演習一樣。 圖形將會使傑生昏暈)

CA: COMMANDO 101, SIRE! ITS ALL THE RAGE! THE GRAPHICS / 加州: 突擊隊 101,陛下! 它的十分熱門! 圖形

Ed> Zoltar appears to be both cringing and giving this captain a "look". Its hard to tell under the mask. / Edmund> Zoltar 似乎都是 cringing 而且給這一位船長 "神情". 它的困難在假面具之下告訴。

Z: It's taking up 8 mgs of my disk space. / Z: 它正在著手進行我的磁碟片空間的 8個毫克。

CA: CAN'T BE SIRE. I FORMATTED IT. / 加州: 不可能是陛下。 我格式了資訊科技。

Z: You WHAT?? / Z: 你什麼??

CA: FORMATTED IT, SIRE. IT MAKES IT.. / 加州: 格式了資訊科技,陛下。 資訊科技製造資訊科技。。

Z: I know what it does. It also corrupted my reconn files. / Z: 我知道它所做的。 它也腐爛我的再指揮操舵檔案。
You know, the files that compile all of the information the spies have collected and gives us a nice picture of the attack site and its defenses?? / 你知道,編譯間諜已經收集並且給我們攻擊位置的一張美好照片和它的防衛所有的資料檔案??

CA: (Ed> This guy is also chewing on peanuts and has a doughnut in his hand. He's getting both all over the floor, the terminal and Zoltar's clothes.) / 加州: (Edmund>這一個傢伙也正在花生上咀嚼並且有他的手一個油炸圈餅。 他正在全地板得到兩者,終點和 Zoltar's 的衣服.)

CA: UH... I GUESS YOU HAVE TO DO THEM OVER AGAIN, HUH? / 加州: UH。。。 我猜測你必須再一次將他們重做,哼!?

Z: No. I won't. YOU will. In fact, since the information those files were collated from was also in the directory you toasted, it will have to be gathered all over again. You can do this personally, of course, I wouldn't trust anyone else with such an important task AND WILL YOU QUIT SNOWING / Z: 號碼我將不會。 你決意。 事實上, 因為那些檔案被對照的資料從也在目錄中你敬酒,它將必須被再一次到處聚集。 你能親自地做這,當然,我將不以一件如此重要的工作信賴其他任何人,而且你將離開下雪水於嗎
ON ME??? (Ed> Oops, there goes the doughnut..) / 在我身上??? (Edmund>啊,那裡去油炸圈餅。.)


Z: you do that.... / Z: 你做那....

(Ed> icing sugar doesn't mix with whatever fabric it is / (Edmund> 糖衣糖以任何的織物不混合它是
Zoltar's outfit is made of. It's not coming off) / Zoltar's 的用具組成。 它沒有在脫落)

Z: Guy doesn't even realise when he's being punished.. I really hope some security guard catches him.. then I can promote someone else to Captain.. someone competant. Then I might actually get some *work* done around here.. / Z: 當他已經被處罰的時候,傢伙不甚至覺悟。。 我真的希望,一些保安人員捕捉他。。 然後我能對船長促進其他人。。 某人 competant。 然後我可能實際上變一些 *工作* 做在這裡周圍。。

Soldier #2: Sire, the Luminous One demands a report. Oh, / 軍人 #2: 陛下, 發光一要求一項報告。 哦,
Corhassan gave you a doughnut too, sire? / Corhassan 也給予了你一個油炸圈餅,陛下?

Z: I'm surrounded by idiots...... / Z: 我被白癡包圍......

Ed> By the end of this tape, I'll be agreeing with him. / Edmund>在這一捲錄音帶結束以前,我將同意他。
Captain Amagosa not only fails to re-acquire the information demanded of him, he gets himself shot within 15 minutes of entering the complex. Soldier Corhassan has managed to recover the damaged files and delete the game, so this seems to have at least partially redeemed him for making such a huge mess. He dumps his soda drink over his own console though, which seems to have cheered Zoltar immesurably. He needed it, since he seemed to have gotten a thorough yelling from his Great Spirit. / 船長 Amagosa 不只沒有再獲得他被要求的資料, 他在 15 分鐘內進入合成物得到他自己射擊。 軍人 Corhassan 已經設法恢復被損壞的檔案而且刪除比賽,因此,這似乎為製造一個如此極大的雜亂至少部份地有贖回他。 他雖然傾卸在他自己的控制檯上的他蘇打飲料,那一個似乎已經鼓舞 Zoltar immesurably 。 他需要了它,自他似乎已經由他的棒精神得到完全的大叫以後。

There isn't a lot of conversation going on, because everyone is down to work. Several more soldiers enter and take up their work stations. Zoltar seems to be the fastest typist, but he seems to be the fastest wit, too, so perhaps this isn't surprising. / 因為每個人是,所以沒有繼續 的許多交談下來工作。 一些更多的軍人進入而且著手進行他們的工作站。 Zoltar 似乎當最快速的打字員,但是他似乎也當最快速的機智,如此的也許這不是令人驚訝的。

Soldier #3: Sire, Captain Dorog from Section M reports a problem with their computer. Its not saving properly. / 軍人 #3: 使生,來自部分 M 的船長 Dorog 報告他們的電腦問題。 它的不適當地解救。

Z: Dorog? I don't recognise that name. / Z: Dorog? 我不承認那一個名字。

S3: He's a new acquisition, sire. Got his position through his family, sire. They have influence with Govornor Kahl. / S3: 他是一個新的取得,陛下。 使他的位置通過他的家庭,陛下。 他們以 Govornor Kahl 有影響力。

Z: Joyous, another richkid... Patch him through. / Z: 快樂又另外 richkid。。。 穿越補綴他。

Captain Dorog: Sire, our computer terminal isn't saving properly. We need a new one. / 船長 Dorog: 使生,我們的電腦終點沒有在適當地解救。 我們需要一個新的。

Z: Would you mind explaining to me how you came to this conclusion? / Z: 你將會對我介意解釋你如何得到這一個結論嗎?

CD: It won't save. / CD: 它將不解救。

Z: Is there a problem in the FAT table? / Z: 有胖桌子的一個問題嗎?

CD: Uh.... I lost 5 pounds. / CD: Uh.... 我減了 5 磅。

(Ed> How did this guy get in the army??) / (Edmund> 這個傢伙進入起來如何軍隊??)

Z: What are you doing? What procedure are you using when you try to save something? Are you saving to hard disk or floppy? / Z: 你正在做什麼? 當你試著解救某事的時候,你正在使用什麼程序? 你正在解救到硬碟或叭塌叭塌響的?

CD: Floppy, sire. I make backups. / CD: 叭塌叭塌響的,陛下。 我作後援。

Z: Very good, very commendable. How are you making the backu.. no, scratch that.. Describe what you do to make the backups. / Z: 非常好的,非常值得讚美。 你如何製造 backu 。。 不,擦那。。 描述你做作後援的。

CD: I put the disk in the drive. / CD: 我把磁碟片放入磁碟機。

Z: Good start. / Z: 好開始。

Cd: Then I go into the File manager and click on the file I want to save. / Cd: 然後我進入我想要的在檔案上的檔案經理和點擊解救。

Z: Yes, and...? / Z: 是的,和。。。?

CD: I save it to the disk. Then I check the disk to see if it saved. / CD: 我解救它到磁碟片。 然後我檢查磁碟片看看是否它解救。

Z: And it doesn't.. / Z: 而且它不。。

CD: No, it does. But it loses it. / CD: 不,它做。 但是它失去它。

Z: (Ed> He looks like HE's about to lose it) How do you mean, "loses it"? / Z: (Edmund> 他看起來像他一樣正要失去它)你如何意謂,"失去它"?

CD: When I try to load it back on from the disk, its not there anymore. / CD: 當我試著把它裝載回來的時候在從磁碟片之上, 它的不在那裡不再。

Ed> What follows is a lot of technobabble. It seems like this guy has a genuine problem, something that gave even me something to chew on. Suggestions were made, concerning the reading of the disk, running a disk checker on it, using different grades, densities and makes of disk. The next hour was spent running a utilities program on the computer in question. / Edmund>追從所是許多 technobabble 的。 它像這一個傢伙有一個真正的問題, 甚至給予我的某事某事咀嚼在之上。 建議被做,關於磁碟片的閱讀,跑在它上的一個磁碟片檢驗員, 使用不同的等級,密度而且磁碟片製造。 下個小時被花費跑在問題的電腦上的一個水電氣公共設施計畫。

Z: The FAT checks out, the drive is fine, the cards are fine, the disks are fine.. You got me. / Z: 脂肪退房,磁碟機是罰款, 卡片很好, 磁碟片很好。。 你得到了我。

CD: Will you authorise a new computer for us then, sire? / CD: 你將然後為我們認可一部新的電腦嗎,陛下?

Z: I guess I'll have to, at least until we can figure out what's wrong with this one... / Z: 我猜測我將必須,至少直到我們能理解什麼對這一個感到錯誤。。。

CD: Okay. I'll stick up my disks and use paper until the new one arrives. / CD: 好。 直到一個新的到達,我將在我的磁碟片和使用上面黏住紙。

Z; Righ.. Waitasecond, what do you mean "stick up your disks"?? / Z; Righ。。 Waitasecond,你意謂 "在你的磁碟片上面黏住" 什麼??

CD: I stick them to my desk, sire. They stay out the way that way. / CD: 我黏住他們到我的書桌,陛下。 他們那樣外出方法。

Z: (looking like he knows what this guy is going to say and fervently wishing he were wrong) What do you stick them with? / Z: ( 看像他知道這一個傢伙將要說而且熱心地願他是錯誤的)你用什麼黏住他們?

CD: Oh I've got this great big magnet I use. I just stack up my disks, put 'em against my desk and stick 'em on with the magnet. / CD: 哦我已經使我使用。 在我的磁碟片上面正直的堆疊我, 放 ' 對抗我的書桌和樹枝的 em' em 在和磁鐵之上。

Ed> The snorting sounds really close to the microphone are me trying to keep from laughing. To top it off, Zoltar has slumped down in his chair so bonelessly that he now looks like a big pile of grape jello. / Edmund> 噴著氣弄響鼻子聲音真的是在麥克風的附近我嘗試避免笑。 為了要走開超越它, Zoltar 已經在他的椅子中猛然掉落下來如此的 bonelessly 以致於他現在看起來像葡萄凝膠物的大堆一樣。

If Captain Amagosta took the cake, Captain Dorog takes the entire dessert tray. Zoltar doesn't even bother to reply, but shuts off the intercomm. / 如果船長 Amagosta 帶了蛋糕,船長 Dorog 帶整個的甜點盤子。 Zoltar 不甚至煩擾答覆, 但是關閉 intercomm 。

S3: If it's any consolation, sire, I had to discover why his sheet disks weren't working. (ed> I think a 'sheet disk' is the equivalent to a 5.5" floppy. It seems to be, from the described abuse) / S3: 如果它是任何的安慰,陛下, 我必須發現為什麼他的張磁碟片不是工作的。 (ed> 我認為, '張磁碟片' 是同等物到一 5.5"叭塌叭塌響的。 它似乎是,從被描述的濫用)

Z: Okay, I'm game.. why? / Z: 好,我很勇敢。。 為什麼?

S3: We tried everything, just like you did. Then he told me the problem happened after he labeled them. Wanna know how he was labeling them? / S3: 我們嘗試了每件事物,僅僅像你做。 在他分類了他們之後,然後他告訴了我被發生的問題。 想要知道他如何正在分類他們?

Z: Sure why not.......... / Z: 確信為什麼不..........

S3: He was running them through his printer. / S3: 他正在經過他的印表機跑他們。

Ed> I had to sneak a peek around the drywall at a Spectran printer to see what was so funny about this. There are several in Comm 1, but most appear to be dot matrix or maybe inkjet types. Whatever their print medium, they seem to use a roller and tractor feed. If this guy were running disks through them.... / Edmund>我必須在一台 Spectran 印表機的 drywall 的周圍偷偷地逃走偷看看見什麼是如此好笑關於這的事。 那裡是一些在 Comm 1 中,但是大部分似乎是點矩陣,否則也許噴墨打字。 任何的他們印刷媒體,他們似乎使用滾筒和牽引者飼養。 如果這一個傢伙正在經過他們跑磁碟片....

By the way, I think this is the first time I've ever seen / 順便一提,我認為這是我曾經已經看到的第一次
Zoltar actually laughing. / Zoltar 實際上笑著的。

Z: So.. why didn't you warn me about him? / Z: 如此。。 你何不關於他警告我?

S3: Because I thought he had a genuine problem too. / S3: 因為我想了他也有了一個真正的問題。

Z: That's obvious / Z: 那是明顯的

S3: Well, you would think it would be obvious that you don't put a magnet over a disk. I didn't think he was *that* dumb. / S3: 好吧,你將會認為它將會是明顯的你不把一個磁鐵放在一個磁碟片上。 我沒有認為,他是 *那*啞的。

Z: Neither did I. Live and learn. / Z: I. 活到老學到老也沒有。

Z: Zoltar. / Z: Zoltar。

Mala: Did you hang up on Captain Dorog? / Mala: 你在船長 Dorog 上掛斷嗎?

Z: What do you think? / Z: 你想什麼?

Mala: If I knew I wouldn't have asked, now would I, Dear / Mala: 如果我認識,我就不會問了, 現在將會我,親愛的
Brother? He's bothering Commisary saying you authorised the purchase of a new computer. / 兄弟? 他正在煩擾被認可對一部新的電腦購買的說你 的 Commisary 。

Z: Put a stop on that, will you? And come up with some excuse to keep him AWAY from the things.. / Z: 把一個停止放在那,是嗎 ? 而且提出一些藉口使他遠離事物。。

Mala: He wants a Tarac-5000 ASV. / Mala: 他想要 Tarac-5000 ASV 。

(Ed> Zoltar does a double take) / (Edmund> Zoltar 做一個加倍拿)

Z: You've GOT to be joking. / Z: 你必須開玩笑。

Mala: I don't joke about Taracs. They do well enough themselves. / Mala: 我關於 Taracs 不開玩笑。 他們做好的充足他們自己。

Z: But a 5000???? That's stone age! / Z: 但是一 5000???? 那是石器時代!

Mala: Yes, I know, but thats what he wants. And / Mala: 是的,我知道, 但是他所想要的。 而且
Commisary's got several they want to get rid of. / 被使他們想要免除的 Commisary's。

Z: Why would he want a Tarac-5000? / Z: 他為什麼將會想要 Tarac-5000?

Mala: He says he was told they were good. / Mala: 他說他被告訴他們很好。

Z: By whom.. no don't tell me.. Govornor Kahl? / Z: 被誰。。 沒有不告訴我。。 Govornor Kahl?

Mala: How did you know? / Mala: 你如何知道?

Z: I'm psychic.. / Z: 我是靈魂的。。

Mala: Only with me and don't dodge the question. / Mala: 只有和我而且不避開問題。

Z: You haven't asked the question for me to dodge. / Z: 你沒有為我問問題避開。

Mala: Did you authorize him to purchase a Tarac? / Mala: 你認可他購買 Tarac 嗎?

Z: Let's put it this way.. I ordered you to stop purchase authorization on a new computer.. but I will authorise the purchase of a Tarac. / Z: 這樣讓我們放它。。 我命令了你停止在一部新的電腦上的購買授權。。 但是我將認可對 Tarac 的購買。

Mala: He's confused. / Mala: 他感到困擾。

Z: Again, or still? / Z: 再一次, 或劇照?

Mala: He's gone to pick up his Tarac. What did he do that you don't want him near real computers? / Mala: 他已經去拾起他的 Tarac 。 他做你在真正的電腦附近不想要他什麼?

Z: Sticking floppies to his desk with magnets. / Z: 黏的叭塌叭塌響的到和磁鐵的他書桌。

Mala: How'd this guy get to be a captain? Govornor Kahl, of course, how silly of me..... Alright, I'll get on with my day..Do you know anything about the Andes project? / Mala: How'd 這一個傢伙開始當船長? Govornor Kahl, 當然, 如何愚蠢的我..... 好的,我將繼續我的日子。。你知道關於安迪斯山脈計畫的任何事嗎?

Z: Andes project?? / Z: 安迪斯山脈計畫??

Mala: I guess that answers my question.. / Mala: 我猜測答案我的問題。。

Z: What Andes project? / Z: 安迪斯山脈計畫什麼?

Mala: The one the Luminous One evidently hasn't informed you of.. / Mala: 那一個發光一明顯地沒有告知你。。

Z: Evidently.. / Z: 明顯地。。

Mala: He wants Govorner Task to oversee it, answering to me. He seems to have this notion that my little brother is incompetant. / Mala: 他想要 Govorner 工作監督它,回答我。 他似乎有這一個我的小兄弟是 incompetant 的觀念。

Z: I have incompetant help. And I am NOT your little brother. / Z: 我讓 incompetant 幫助。 而且我不是你的小兄弟。

Mala: Are too. / Mala: 也是。

Z: Am not! / Z: 不是!

Z: Piss off, the lot of you. You were saying? / Z: 走開小便,你的運氣。 你正在說?

Mala: *I* know you're not incompetant. The Spirit seems to equate the commander with the soldiers. You just had to waste time with Captain Dork there, *I* had to handle the / Mala: *我*知道你不是 incompetant。 精神似乎視指揮官為軍人。 你僅僅必須在那裡用船長 Dork 浪費時間,*我* 必須處理那
Amagosa mess. The guy couldn't even die right, he had to spread himself around like one of those cheesy video games he was always playing. / Amagosa 雜亂。 傢伙無法甚至正確地死,像那些低俗的電視遊樂器他之一總是玩,他必須在附近傳佈他自己。

Z: Saved by the Dork... / Z: 藉著 Dork 解救。。。

Mala: A *literal* mess! / Mala: 一 *文字的*雜亂!

Z: I understand completely. / Z: 我完全地了解。

< bark of laughter from Soldier #3> / < 來自軍人的笑吠聲 #3>

Z: What are you l.. OH MY...!!!! / Z: 你是作什麼的 l。。 哦我的。。。!!!!

Mala: What?? What?? What am I missing?? / Mala: 什麼?? 什麼?? 我正在失去什麼??

S3: I was clearing out Amagosa's private accounts, ma'amsire. He had unusual tastes. / S3: 我是出自 Amagosa's 二等兵清掃帳戶,ma'amsire。 他有了不尋常的品嚐。

Z: To say the least! / Z: 說最少!

(Ed> I'd kill to know what they were looking at) / (Edmund>我將會殺知道他們正在看的)

Z: You gotta see this, Mala.. I didn't think that was possible! / Z: 你必須看見這,Mala。。 我沒有認為那是可能的!

Mala: What???? WHAT????? / Mala: 什麼???? 什麼?????

S3: Transferring file, sire. / S3: 轉移檔案,陛下。

Mala: Oh. My. God. / Mala: 哦。 我的。 上帝。

Z: Yah. / Z: 表示不愉快。

Mala: Up to the elbow????? / Mala: 決定於手肘?????

Z: ... must be hollow. / Z: 。。。 一定是洞。

Mala: That's just gotta hurt! / Mala: 那很正直必須傷害!

S3: Rougoufan won't see that one's business. / S3: Rougoufan 將不看見那一個生意。

(Ed> I bet if I knew what "Rougoufan" was I'd get this conversation...) / (Edmund>我打賭是否我知道了我將會得到這交談的 "Rougoufan" 是什麼。。.)

Z: Noooo doubt. / Z: Noooo 懷疑。

S3: There seem to be more of these.. / S3: 那裡似乎對這些是更多的。。

Z: I don't want to know.... / Z: 我不想要知道....

Mala: Patch them through down here, we could use a good laugh. / Mala: 補綴他們完成的向下這裡,我們可以使用一聲好笑。

S3: Transferring them all, ma'am. / S3: 全部轉移他們,夫人。

S1: I'm going for tchekna. / S1: 我正在去拿 tchekna 。

Z: Have we gotten *any* work done around here today? / Z: 我們得到了 *任何的* 今天工作在這裡的周圍做?

S3: I've been working on the plan of attack, sire. I've completed eliminating what *won't* work. / S3: 我已經處理攻擊,陛下的計劃。 我已經完成除去什麼 *不將*工作。

Z: Thank heavens someone around here has a brain in their heads... / Z: 謝謝某人在這裡的附近所有的天堂他們的頭腦。。。

S3: Thank you, sire. / S3: 謝謝你,陛下。

Mala: This guy was a captain??? / Mala: 這一個傢伙是船長???

Z: Mala's having fun. / Z: Mala's 有樂趣。

S2: Anybody want to try a "Twinkie"? / S2: 任何人想要試 "Twinkie"?

S3: Hmm.. I think I've found their base. / S3: Hmm。。 我認為我已經發現他們的基礎。

S2: What are these things filled with? / S2: 這些事物是什麼裝滿 ?

Z: What base? / Z: 什麼以?作基礎

Mala: Here's one for you, Zoltar... / Mala: 為你一在這裡,Zoltar。。。

S3: G-force's base / S3: G-力量的基礎

Z: I'll get you for that, Mala. / Z: 我將為那得到你,Mala。

S1: The tchekna machine is broken again. / S1: tchekna 機器再一次被打破。

S2: Wanna "Twinkie"? / S2: 想要 "Twinkie"?

Mala: You don't even know what picture it is! / Mala: 你不甚至知道描寫的東西它是!

Z: G-force's base?? Where? When? How? / Z: G-力量的基礎?? 在哪裡? 何時? 如何?

S1: These things are dry. / S1: 這些事物是乾的。

Z: I don't need to know what picture it is. / Z: 我不需要知道描寫的東西,它是。

S3: It seems to be in the ocean somewhere. I caught a random transmission, sheer luck. I'm trying to track it. / S3: 它似乎某處是在大海中。 我捕捉了任意的傳輸,絕對的運氣。 我正在嘗試追蹤它。

S2: Does anyone smell sewage? / S2: 任何人聞髒水嗎?

Z: Can we limit this to one conversation here??? / Z: 我們能在這裡對交談限制這嗎???

S3: Somebody mop up that tchekna before it leaks onto the power cables. / S3: 在它在力量電纜之上漏之前 , 某人吸取那 tchekna 。

S1: Gross, the tchekna smells like sewage. / S1: 賺進,tchekna 聞起來像髒水一樣。

Mala: I think this one's illegal. / Mala: 我想這一個非法的。

S3: IF IT GETS ON THE POWER CABLES I'LL LOSE THE SIGNAL! / S3: 如果資訊科技上力量打海底電報我將失去信號!

Z: Go mop that up. NOW. / Z: 去提高的拖把。 現在。

S1&2: Sire! (Ed> and take your Twinkies with you...) / S1&2: 陛下! (Edmund> 而且和你帶你的 Twinkies。。.)

S3: Triangulating, sire. / S3: 分成三角形,陛下。

Z: Good work, this *might* just get the Luminous One off our backs. / Z: 好工作,這 *力量* 僅僅使發光一遠離我們的背部。

S3: That'd be a switch. / S3: That'd 是一個開關。

Z: It'd be nice for once. / Z: 它將會對一次是美好的。

S3: Could have repercussions. / S3: 可以有彈回。

Z: Such as...? / Z: 如此的當做。。。?

S3: You might be in a good mood. Sire. / S3: 你可能是在一種好心情中。 陛下。

Z: Smart ass. / Z: 聰明的驢。

S3: I try, sire. Someone has to. / S3: 我試,陛下。 某人有到。

Z: You got that right. / Z: 你得到了權利。

Mala: I think this one was airbrushed. / Mala: 我認為,這一個被油漆噴霧器。

S3: Here we go... NxNW 247...Sx / S3: 我們去這裡了。。。 NxNW 247.。。Sx


Ed> It's now completely dark and silent. Evidently something has shorted the power. From the splishy noises / Edmund>它是現在完全黑暗和沈默。 明顯地某事已經短力量。 從 splishy 噪音
Zoltar makes as he goes out the door, I think it must be that "tchekna" stuff. You can just barely make out what / 當他出去門的時候, Zoltar 製造,我認為它一定是 "tchekna" 事情。 你能僅僅幾乎了解什麼
Zoltar's saying, and in some places the sound is lost altogether. / Zoltar's 的敘述,而且在一些地方中聲音被全部失去。

Z: ..doing?? / Z: 。。做??

Voice #1: / 宣述 #1:

Z: Did I ask you to try to fix it?? Did I?? Are you in the head??? / Z: 我要求你試著固定它嗎?? 我?? 你是在頭中嗎???

Voice #2: a favour, sire. / 宣述 #2: 。。你一個好意,陛下。

(Ed> everything from here until Zoltar comes back into the room, sounds like it's in another language. I have no idea what they're saying, but can speculate that Zoltar is telling them what incompetant jerks they are and that they're the reason he's always in trouble with the Spirit. / (Edmund> 來自這裡的每件事物直到 Zoltar 進入房間之內回來, 聽起來像它一樣以另一種語言。 我不知道他們正在說, 但是能深思 Zoltar 正在告訴他們什麼 incompetant 痙攣他們是和他們是他總是以精神是在麻煩中的理由。

After today, I have more sympathy for the man. He really *is* surrounded by idiots) / 在今天之後,我有更多的同情給男人。 他真的 *是* 包圍在白癡手邊)

Z: I do not believe these people.. OW!!! / Z: 我不相信這些人。。 表示突然疼痛所發出之聲!!!

S3: Watch out for the bucket, sire. / S3: 留意桶子,陛下。

Z: Thank you for warning me. What are you Agh! Sorry.. / Z: 謝謝你警告我。 你是作什麼的 Agh! 難過的。。

S3: Sorry, sire.. I'm looking for the emergency lights. / S3: 對不起,陛下。。 我正在找尋緊急的光。

Z: Got news for you.. / Z: 為你得到了新聞。。

S3: I've got the mop out.. / S3: 我已經使拖把外面的。。

Z: Curtson failed to change the bulbs. / Z: Curtson 沒有改變球莖。

S3: What, in the emergency lights?? / S3: 什麼,在緊急中點燃??

Z: Yep. / Z: Yep。

S3: Well.... just find yourself a chair, sire, I'll try to mop around you... / S3: 好的.... 僅僅發現你自己一張椅子,陛下,我將試著在你周圍用拖把洗擦。。。

Z: No, don't worry about it, we've lost it anyways... / Z: 不,不為它擔憂,我們已經無論如何失去它。。。

S3: I've sent for a repair crew, sire. I'll have to mop it up or it'll just electrocute us. / S3: 我已經延請一個修理組員,陛下。 我將必須用拖把洗擦它提高,否則它將僅僅以電椅處死我們。

Z: Anything would be an improvement.. / Z: 任何事將會是進步。。

S3: Sire, I'm shocked! / S3: 使生,我感到吃驚!

Z: Don't start. / Z: 不要開始。

S3: Sire. / S3: 陛下。

Ed> I get a little worried at this point, because the panel the crew needs to access is behind the mainframe that I'm hiding above. In short (no pun intended), it's right below me. / Edmund>因為儀錶板組員對通路的需要在我正在藏在上面的電腦主機後面,所以我此時稍微得到擔憂。 簡而言之,它是正確地在我下面。

Repairman #1: Move this bank over, will you, Chat? / 修理工 #1: 結束移動這個銀行,你不將嗎,聊天?

R1: Right.. now to get this panel off.. / R1: 權利。。 現在走開得到這嵌鑲板。。

R1: You try this, Arnm. / R1: 你試這,Arnm。

R2: I think it's stuck. / R2: 我認為它被欺騙。

R1: Is it locked, sire? / R1: 它被鎖,使生嗎?

Z: Not that I'm aware of. / Z: 不那我知道。

S3: The room was painted by Jorst and his crew. / S3: 房間被 Jorst 和他的組員畫了。

R1: ..which means they painted over everything and the bloody panel's welded on... / R1: 。。那一個意謂他們在每件事物和被焊接的血腥儀錶板之上畫在之上。。。

Z: Joy. / Z: 歡喜。

S3: They're known for that, sire.. / S3: 他們被以那聞名,陛下。。

R1: Right. Well, give me that jimmy, Chat, and we'll give 'er a pry.. / R1: 權利。 好吧, 給我鐵撬,聊天, 而且我們將給 ' er 一根槓桿。。

R1: I think that's just about.. Oh bugger! / R1: 我認為那是僅僅大約。。 哦 bugger!

Z: What was that and do I want to know? / Z: 什麼是而且我想要知道嗎?

R1: We're gonna need another jimmy. / R1: 我們將要需要另一個鐵撬。

(Ed> It's pitch black and I can't see my hand in front of my face, but I'd SWEAR Zoltar's giving this guy a black look) / (Edmund> 它是頂點黑色,而且我在我的臉之前不能看見我的手,但是我將會發誓 Zoltar's 給這一個傢伙一個難看的眼光)

Z: Everybody's a comedia..Ow! / Z: 每個人 comedia。。表示突然疼痛所發出之聲!

S3: Sorry, sire, was that your nose? / S3: 對不起,陛下,是那你的鼻子?

Z: Get your elbow out of my face and get on with that mopping. / Z: 把你的手肘趕出我的臉並且繼續那用拖把洗擦。

S3: Smell's getting to you, sire? / S3: 味道到達你,使生?

Z: That too. / Z: 那,也。

the shuffling sounds are me hiding further back, because the lights have just come back on. Zoltar is sitting huddled up on a chair, staring around at the wreckage of the room.> / 拖曳聲音是我更進一步向後地藏, 因為光剛剛回來在之上。 Zoltar 坐著推擠在一張椅子上上面,在房間的殘餘附近注視。>

S3: Whoops, I've mopped it all over the cupboards.. / S3: 跌倒時喊出的聲音,我已經在全食櫥用拖把洗擦它。。

Z: Hardly surprising when you're mopping in the dark. / Z: 剛剛令人驚訝你何時正在黑暗中用拖把洗擦。

S3: I was sure I had avoided those.. / S3: 我確定我已經避免那些。。

Z: Hardly worth worrying about. / Z: 剛剛值得煩惱關於。

S3: I'll get it cleaned up straight away, sire. / S3: 我將得到它立刻清掃,陛下。

R1: Why don't you get the janitors to do it? / R1: 你何不得到守衛做它?

S3: They fixed the tchekna machine this morning. / S3: 他們今天早晨修理了 tchekna 機器。

Z: Oh now that gives you confidence. / Z: 哦現在那給你信心。

S3: I'll go get a better mop. I'll be back in about 15, sire. / S3: 我將去得到一個較好的拖把。 我將回來在大約 15,陛下。

Z: Take your time... / Z: 從容不迫。。。

R1: We need a few more parts before we can get the computers back online. Several links on the grid were blown. It'll take about a half hour. / R1: 在我們能把電腦得到回來線上之前 , 我們需要再過幾部份。 在格子上的一些連結被吹。 它大約一個一半的小時將拿。

Z: Go ahead. / Z: 前進。

Z: You can come out, now. / Z: 現在你能出來。

Ed> My heart stopped when he said this. He couldn't possibly have detected my presence... / Edmund>當他說了這的時候,我的心停止。 他無法已經可能地發現我的出現。。。

Z: You've been recording the last couple of hours, Dove. / Z: 你已經記錄最後兩小時,鴿子。

Ed> I was wrong. / Edmund>我是錯誤的。

Z: You'd best get out now, while you can. When that crew comes back, they'll have to tear out the wall to get at the grids. You'll be spotted and then I'd have to take you prisoner. And there's only one way out of the room. / Z: 你將會最好地現在逃跑,當你的時候能。 當那一個組員回來的時候,他們將必須流淚出牆壁到達格子。 你將被看見和我然後將會必須帶你囚犯。 而且離開房間只有一個方法。

Ed> He's right, of course. I snuck in through the door when the room was empty, during shift change. I had planned to sneak out again during the next shift change. / Edmund>他是正確的, 當然。 我 snuck 在經過門當房間是空的時候,在變化改變期間。 我已經計畫再一次在下變化改變期間偷溜。

G3: And I suppose you'll let me go if I go now. / G3: 而且我推想,如果我現在去,你將讓我去。

Z: That is the concept I had in mind, yes. Taking prisoners will just give me even more headaches. As I'm sure you've seen, I have enough of those as it is. / Z: 那是我認為的觀念,是的。 動人的囚犯將僅僅給我甚至更多的頭痛。 當我確定你已經看到,當它是的時候,我那些有充足。

Ed> The scraping sounds are me coming out of my hiding place. What else can I do? I make my way across the floor and slip in the remaining "tchekna" He catches me... one handed. / Edmund> 扔棄聲音是我從我的藏身處出來。 什麼別的我能做嗎? 我製造橫過他捕捉我的剩餘 "tchekna" 的地板和滑的我方法。。。 一傳遞。

Z: Watch yourself. Not only does machine-made tchekna smell awful, its viscous. / Z: 看你自己。 不只機器製的 tchekna 聞起來可怕嗎, 它的黏。

G3: I gather its not supposed to be? / G3: 我聚集它的不推想是?

Z: No more than coffee. Now, quick: Take the corridor to your right, then duck into the crawlspace between the door and the hanger bay elevators. Take the second passage past the third curve, then the left fork to the gantry. That'll be deserted until sundown. / Z: 沒有於咖啡。 現在,快的: 帶對你的權利走廊,然後躲進在門和弔骨海灣電梯之間的 crawlspace。 越過第三個曲線佔據第二個通道, 然後對起重台架的左邊叉子。 That'll 被遺棄直到日落。

G3: Second passage, third curve, left fork to gantry.. got it. / G3: 第二個通道,第三個曲線,留下了對起重台架的叉子。。 得到了它。

Z: Go! / Z: 去!

Ed> I went. / Edmund>我去。
