Out of the Shadows / ±q¼v¹³
Part 11 / ²Ä 11 ³¡¥÷
The component Rafael had to adjust resided not in Joe's head, but between
his shoulder blades. Now Joe lay face down on the operating table, wired
to electrodes as a device resembling an X-ray camera pointed down at a
spot to the left of his spine. Dr. Rafael operated the device from a sealed
glass control room a few feet away. After three admonitions to hold still,
Joe was finally cooperating, and the readouts told Rafael that he'd fallen
asleep. Joe despised these procedures, and sleep was his usual defense.
This time, Rafael noted that he truly looked exhausted. / ¦¨¥÷ Rafael ¥²¶·¦b³ìªºÀY¤¤¤£½Õ¾ã¦í,
¦Ó¬O¦b¥LªºªÓ¤M¾W¤§¶¡¡C ²{¦b³ì¦b¾Þ§@®à¤l¤W©ñ¤UÁy, ¥H½u¥[±jªº¨ì¹q·¥·í¤@Ó¬Û¦ü¤@¥x X¥ú¬Û¾÷ ªº¸Ë¸m¦b¤@Ó¦aÂI«ü¤U¨Ó¨ì¥Lªº¯á´Õ¥ªÃä¡C Rafael
³Õ¤h¾Þ§@¤F¨Ó¦Û±K«Êªº¬Á¼þ¸Ë¸m±±¨î©Ð¶¡¤@¨Ç¸}¤§»·¡C ¦b¤TÓĵ§i¤§«á«O«ùÀR¤î,³ì¥¿¦b³Ì«á¦X§@¡A¦Ó¥B¸ê®Æ¸ÑªR§i¶D¤F Rafael ¥L¤w¸gºÎµÛ¡C ³ì»´µø¤F³o¨Çµ{§Ç¡A¦Ó¥BºÎ¯v¬O¥Lªº¥±`¨¾½Ã¡C
³o¦¸¡A Rafael ª`·N¤F¥L¯u¹ê¦a¬Ý°_¨Ó«Ü¥ÎºÉ¡C
In the control room, the phone rang. Rafael considered putting it on speaker,
but instead grabbed the receiver from its cradle. "Yes?" / ¦b±±¨î©Ð¶¡¤¤¡A¹q¸Ü»ïÅT¡C
Rafael ¦b»¡ªÌ¨¤W¦Ò¼{¤F±À±ì¥¦, ¦ý¬O§ï¬°§ì¨ú¤F¨Ó¦Û¥¦ªº·nÄx±µ¦¬¾¹¡C "¬Oªº"?
"Dr. Rafael," Joe's voice said solemnly, and Rafael jumped,
staring at the man napping on the table outside. "The Wolf's mission
is concluded." / "Rafael ³Õ¤h", ³ìªºÁnµÄYµÂ¦a»¡¡A¦Ó¥B Rafael ¸õÅD,¨nµÛ¥~±ªº®à¤l¤W¤pºÎ
ªº¨k¤H¬Ý¡C "¯Tªº¥ô°È³Q±À½×" ¡C
"Stop that, Robert," Rafael hissed into the phone. "Now
is not the time for jokes! What's going on?" / "°±¤î¨º,ù«k¯S",Rafael
¶i¤J¹q¸Ü¤§¤ºµo¥X¼NÁn¡C "²{¦b¤£¬O¯º¸Üªº®É¶¡! ¤°»ò¥¿¦bÄ~Äò?"
"Sorry, Doctor." The voice raised a few notches and softened.
Rafael could now hear the smile in it. "We're in good shape. The
base is in ruins, and there are ISO people swarming around it now. We
destroyed both field generators--I haven't seen a single Black Knight
that's still moving. GelSadora's command ship departed, but it's still
in Ameria, and we have it on our radar. Galactor is so focused on the
Kagaku Ninjatai that they haven't noticed us at all." / "¹ï¤£°_,Âå¥Í".
Ánµ¤É°_¤F¤@¨Ç¨è²ª¦Ó¥BÅܬX³n¡C Rafael ²{¦b¥i¥H¦b¥¦¸Ì±Å¥¨ì·L¯º¡C "§Ú̪¬ªp¨}¦n¡C °ò¦¬O¦b·´·À¤¤, ¦Ó¥B¦³²{¦b¦b¥¦©P³ò¸s¶°
ªº°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´¤H¡C §Ú̯}Ãa¤F¨âÓ»â°ìµo¹q¾÷--§Ú¨S¦³¬Ý¨ì¤@Ó¤´µM¥¿¦b²¾°Êªº³æ¤@¶Â¦âªºÃM¤h¡C GelSadora's ªº«ü¥O¸Ë²î¹B°e¹L¥hªº,¦ý¬O¥¦¤´µM¦b
Ameria ¤¤¡A¦Ó¥B§Ú̦b§Ú̪º¹p¹F¤W¦³¥¦¡C Galactor ¬O¦p¦¹ªºµJÂI©Ò¦bªº¦b Kagaku Ninjatai ¤W¥HP©ó¥L̤@ÂI¤]¨S¦³ª`·N§ÚÌ¡C"
"That's good. What's the status of the Kagaku Ninjatai?" / "¨º«Ü¦n¡C
Kagaku Ninjatai ªºª¬ºA¬O¤°»ò?"
"They crippled the base," Robert said. "They found it quickly,
but I wanted to step up the attack before the Black Knights retaliated.
I was able to contact one of their members--the Swallow--directly. They
believed me too easily--what's to prevent one of Galactor's operatives
from doing the same thing later?" / "¥LÌ·l¶Ë¤F°ò¦",ù«k¯S»¡¡C "¥L̫ܧ֦aµo²{¥¦¡A¦ý¬O¦b¶Â¦âªºÃM¤h³ø´_¤§«e
, §Ú·Qn¥[³t§ðÀ»¡C §Ú¯à°÷³sµ¸¥L̪º¦¨û¤§¤@--«|³ï--ª½±µ¦a¡C ¥L̤Ӯe©ö¦a¬Û«H¤F§Ú-- ¤°»ò¬Oªý¤î Galactor's ªºÂ¾û¤§¤@µy«á°µ¬Û¦Pªº¨Æª«?"
"That's their concern." / "¨º¬O¥L̪ºÃö¤ß" ¡C
"They were injured in an explosion--I think they were unconscious.
They didn't seem to have noticed when Joe pulled them out of the bay."
/ "¥L̦b¤@ÓÃz¬µ¤¤¨ü¶Ë--§Ú»{¬°¥L̬OµL·NÃѪº¡C ·í³ì§â¥Ḻq®üÆW©Ô¥X¨Óªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L̦ü¥G¤£¤w¸gª`·N¡C"
Rafael frowned. Joe hadn't seen fit to mention that. / Rafael ½K¬ÜÀY¡C ³ì¨S¦³¬Ý¨ì¾A©y´£¨ì¨º¡C
"How's our Ultimate Soldier doing now, anyway? And when do I get
a chance to meet him?" / " ¦p¦ó§Ú̪º²{¦b°µ ªº²×·¥x¤H,µL½×¦p¦ó? ¦Ó¥B§Ú¦ó®É±o¨ì¹J¨£¥Lªº¤@Ó¾÷·|?"
"Robert..." Rafael shook his head. "I'm with him now. Return
to base, and bring the others back with you." / "ù«k¯S¡C¡C¡C"Rafael
·nÀY¡C "§Ú²{¦b¬O©M¥L¦b¤@°_¡C ¦^¨ì¥H, §@°ò¦¦Ó¥B©M§A§â¨ä¾lªÌ±a¦^¨Ó¡C"
"Yes, Doctor." The connection cut, and Rafael returned to work
on his latest unruly charge. / "¬Oªº,Âå¥Í". ³s±µ´î§C¡A¦Ó¥B Rafael ¦^¨ì³B²z¥Lªº³ÌªñÃø±±¨îªº¶O¥Î¡C
Joe awoke to the sensation of a hand on his shoulder, shaking him. Groggily,
he lifted his head and blinked at Dr. Rafael. "The adjustments are
finished," the doctor said. "Come with me." / ³ì¹ï¦b¥LªºªÓ¤W¤â·Pı³ê¿ô,·n°Ê¥L¡C
°s¾K¦a¡A¥L¦b Rafael ³Õ¤hÁ|°_¤F¥LªºÀY¦Ó¥B¯w²´¡C "½Õ¾ã³Q§¹¦¨",Âå¥Í»¡¡C "©M§Ú¨Ó" ¡C
Joe climbed to his feet, stretched, and followed Rafael to the door and
down a corridor to his main lab. As they walked, he heard the swishing
of air through feathers, and he ducked aside as Rafael's hawk flew past.
The bird kept its wings lifted as it teetered on the old man's shoulder,
unable to find a comfortable perch, and Joe noticed the tension in Rafael's
posture. / ³ìÃkµn¨ì¥Lªº¸}¡M¦ù®i¡M¦Ó¥B¸òÀH¤F¹ïªùªº Rafael ©M¤U¨Ó¹ï¥Lªº¥Dn¹êÅç«Çªº¤@Ó¨«´Y·í¥L̨«¸ôªº®ÉÔ,¥L¸g¹L¦Ð¤òÅ¥¨ì¤FªÅ®ðªº±aµÛÜÛÜÛÁn´§°Ê¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¨S¤J¤ô¤¤¤F¦pÆN¸¤F¹L¥hªº
Rafael's ªº®Ç¥Õ¡C ·í¥¦¦b¦Ñ¤HªºªÓ¤W·n·n±ýÂ\ªº®ÉÔ¡A³¾¨Ï¥¦ªº¯Í»H³Q¤É°ª, ¤£¯àµo²{¤@®ÚµÎªAªº´Ï¤ì , ©Mª`·N Rafael's ªº«º¶Õºò±iªº³ì¡C
Once inside the lab, Dr. Rafael turned to Joe. "X stopped looking
for you once the Kagaku Ninjatai destroyed Galactor's resources. Galactor
is now scouting out the grounds for a new installation in the Dera Desert,
and that should be perfect for you to field-test your adjustments. X is
single-minded enough, and his memory can be short when he's working on
large projects. He shouldn't be on his guard against you." / ¤@¥¹¦b¹êÅç«Ç¸Ì¡A
Rafael ³Õ¤h¨D§U©ó³ì¡C "¤@¥¹ Kagaku Ninjatai ¯}Ãa¤F Galactor's ªº¸ê·½¡A X °±¤î§ä´M§A¡C Galactor
¹ï©ó Dera ¨Fºzªº¤@Ó·sªº¦w¸Ë¬O¥X¦Û²z¥Ñ²{¦b¥¸Ô¬¡°Ê¡A¦Ó¥B¨ºÀ³¸ÓÅý§A¬O§¹¬üªº¹ê¬I¸ÕÅç§Aªº½Õ¾ã¡C ·í¥L¥¿¦b³B²z¤jªºpµe®ÉÔ¡A X °÷¸Û¹êªº¡A¦Ó¥B¥Lªº°O¾Ð¥i¯à¬Oµu¡C
"When do I leave?" / "§Ú¦ó®ÉÂ÷¶}"?
"In a week." / "¦b¤@Ó¬P´Á¤¤".
Joe nodded and turned away, and Rafael said, "You neglected to tell
me you rescued the Kagaku Ninjatai yourself." / ³ìÂIÀY¦Ó¥BÂàÂ÷¶}¡A¦Ó¥B Rafael
»¡,"§A²¨©¿§i¶D§Ú§A±Ï¥X¤F Kagaku Ninjatai §A¦Û¤v" ¡C
"It wasn't important." / "¥¦¤£«n" ¡C
"Joe--" / "³ì--"
Joe turned around. "You ordered me to remain in San Frangelis, so
I was there when X attacked, trying to track me down. I heard the explosion,
and I saw signs the team was in trouble. They could have drowned."
/ ³ì¦^¹LÀY¡C "§A©R¥O¤F§Ú«O«ù¦b®áªe Frangelis ¤¤¡A¦]¦¹¡A·í X §ðÀ»ªº®ÉÔ¡A§Ú¦b¨º¸Ì, ¹Á¸Õ§â§Ú°lÂܤU¨Ó¡C §ÚÅ¥¨ì¤FÃz¬µ¡A¦Ó¥B§Ú¬Ý¨£Ã±¸p¤p²Õ¦³³Â·Ð¡C
"They've been through worse." / "¥L̤w¸g¬O¸g¹L§óÃaªº¨Æ" ¡C
"How the hell would you know?" / " ¦p¦ó¦aº»§A±N·|ª¾¹D¶Ü"?
Rafael's expression didn't change. "One of these days, they'll see
you clearly. Then what? How long do you think we can convince them it's
just a trick--that you aren't who they think you are?" / Rafael's
ªºªí¹F¨S¦³§ïÅÜ¡C "³o¨Ç¼Æ¤Ñ¤§¤@,¥ḺN²M·¡¦a¬Ý¨£§A¡C µM«á¤°»ò? §A»{¬°¦h¤[¡A§Ú̯à¨Ï¥L̬۫H¡A¥¦¥u¬O¤@Ó¸Þp-- §A¬O¤£§A¬O¡A¥LÌ·Q½Ö?"
"I'm not who I was," Joe said. / " §Ú¬O¤£§Ú¬O½Ö",³ì»¡¡C
"No, you aren't. Deal with it, Joe," Rafael snapped. "And
don't tell me you didn't ask for it," he added when Joe seemed about
to retort. "We're far beyond that now. Make up your mind. You can't
continue to follow your old team everywhere, only to run away whenever
they turn around." / "¤£¡A§A¤£¬O¡C ³B²z¥¦¡A³ì,"Rafael «rÂ_¡C " ¦Ó¥B¤£§i¶D§Ú§A¨S¦³n¨D¥¦",·í³ì¨ì³B¦ü¥G¤Ï»éªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¼W¥[¡C
"²{¦b§Ú̬O»·ªº¶W¹L¨º¡C ¨M©w¡C §A¤£¯àÄ~Äò¦U³B¸òÀH§Aªº¦Ñ¤p²Õ, ¤£®Æ³º·|°k¨«µL½×¦ó®É¥L̦^¹LÀY¡C"
Joe glared into Rafael's eyes, his jaw clenched, his gaze darkening. /
³ì¶i¤J Rafael's ªº²´·ú¤§¤ºµo¯t¥ú,¥LªºÃEºò´¤,¥Lªºª`µø§Ë·t¡C
"Look, Joe." Rafael's voice gentled. "I'm worried about
future missions. If you continue on your present course, the Kagaku Ninjatai
will always be a distraction. Look at you! You've been miles away ever
since you came back to the lab. You can't afford to be distracted now.
We have too much at stake. I have too much at stake in you." / "¯«±¡,³ì".
Rafael's ªºÁnµ·Å©Mªº¡C "§Ú¬°±N¨Óªº¥ô°È¾á¼~¡C ¦pªG§AÄ~Äò§Aªº²{¦b½Òµ{,Kagaku Ninjatai ±NÁ`¬O¤@ºØ®T¼Ö¡C
¬Ý§A! §A¤w¸g¬O¥Ñù¤§»·¦Ü¤µ§A¦^¨ì§A¤£¯àt¾á¦b²{¦b³Q¤À¤ßªº¹êÅç«Ç¡C §Ú̦³¤Ó¦h¦b½äª`¡C §Ú¦³¤Ó¦h¦b§A¸Ì±ªº½äª`¡C"
Joe turned away from him. / ³ìÂà¦V»·Â÷¥L¡C
"We have to destroy Sosai X. That's all that matters. If the Kagaku
Ninjatai will help you achieve this, then rejoin them. If not, leave them
behind. Make a decision one way or the other." His voice took on
an edge. "Or I will make it for you." / " §ÚÌ¥²¶·¯}Ãa Sosai
X þ¤@¬O©Ò¦³ªº¨º¦³«¤jÃö«Y¡C¡C ¦pªG Kagaku Ninjatai ±NÀ°§U§A¹F¦¨³o,µM«á¦A¥[¤J¥LÌ¡C ¦pªG¤£,§Ñ°O¥LÌ¡C §@¨M©w¤@Ó¤èªk©Î¥t¤@Ó¡C"¥LªºÁnµ©Ó¾áÃä½t¡C
"©Î§Ú±N¬°§A°µ¨ì " ¡C
Joe whirled back around and stared into Rafael's face, his eyes narrowed,
fists clenched. With a startled shriek, the hawk launched from Rafael's
shoulder and flapped toward the ceiling. The old man didn't flinch, though
blood trickled from a scratch in his cheek left by the bird's talons.
/ ¦V«á¦a³Q³ì±ÛÂ઺¦b¦Ó¥B©P³òª`µø¶i¤J Rafael's ªºÁy¤§¤º¡A¥Lªº²´·úÁY¤p,®±ÀYºò´¤¡C ¥Ñ©ó¤@¾_Åå¦y¾UªºÅTÁn,ÆN±q Rafael's
ªºªÓµo®g¦Ó¥B¹ï©ó¤ÑªáªO©ç¥´¡C ¦Ñ¤H¨S¦³¬ÈÁY,ÁöµM¦å±q¥Lªº³Q³¾¤ö¯d¤UªºÀUÀ¿¶Ëºw¬y¡C
In a low, controlled voice, Joe said, "Are you finished?" /
¦b¤@Ó§CÂI¡A¨ü¬ù§ôªºÁnµ¤¤¡A³ì»¡," §A¬O§¹¦¨ªº"?
"For now." / "¹ï©ó²{¦b".
Joe walked out of the room. The automatic door didn't give him the luxury
of a nice, satisfying slam, so Joe turned his fury on the stone wall of
the corridor. Without leaving his office, Rafael called two of his staff
to clean up the mess. / ³ì¨«¥X©Ð¶¡¡C ¦Û°Êªºªù¨S¦³µ¹¥L¬ü¦nªº, º¡·Nªº¯yµMÁnªº»¨µØ¡A¦]¦¹¡A³ìÂà¦V¤F¦b¨«´Yªº¥ÛÀYÀð¾À¤Wªº¥L¼««ã¡C
¤£Â÷¶}¥Lªº¿ì¤½«Ç¡A Rafael ©I¥s¤F¥LªºÂ¾û¤¤ªº¤GÓ²M±½¤@¹Î¶Ã¡C
Dr. Nambu looked up at the knock on his door, waiting as the agent entered.
"Hello, Julia. How are you feeling?" / ³Q¬Ýªº Nambu ³Õ¤h¦b¦b¥Lªºªù¤WºV¡Aµ¥Ô¦p¥N²z¤H¶i¤J¤W±¡C
"«¢Åo¡A¯ü²ú¨È¡C §A¦p¦ó·Pı?"
She blinked. "Almost like new, sir. Thank you for asking. I have
that information on the man who handled the rescue of the Kagaku Ninjatai."
She held up a disk, which Nambu took and slotted in his computer. The
two-page screen went blank, then the scene faded in: the interior of one
of the ISO's conference rooms. / ¦o¯w²´¡C " ´X¥G¬Û¦üªº·s,¥ý¥Í¡C ÁÂÁ§A°Ý¡C §Ú¦³Ãö©ó³B²z¤F
Kagaku Ninjatai ªº´©±Ï¨k¤Hªº¸ê°T¡C"¦o¤ä¼µ¤@ӺϺФù,Nambu ¦b¥Lªº¹q¸£¤¤®³¦Ó¥B¯d²Óªøªº¤Õ¡C ¤G¶ªº¿Ã¹õÅܪťÕ,
µM«á²{³õ¤w¿Æ¦âªº¦b: °ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´ªº·|ij¤§¤@ªº¤º³¡¦í±J¡C
"The two men you'll see on this video were interviewed for a story
in the Globe entitled, 'I Personally Rescued the Kagaku Ninjatai,'"
Julia said. "It came uncomfortably close to our own reports, so we
pried the proper names and faces from the Globe's editor." / "§A±N¦b³o¿ý¼v±a¤W¬Ý¨£ªº¤G¦ì¨k¤H¬°¦b¦a²yªº¤@Ó¬G¨Æ±µ¨ü±½Í¦³¸ê®æªº
,' §Ú³Q¿Ë¦Û¦a±Ï¥X Kagaku Ninjatai,'" ¯ü²ú¨È»¡¡C "¥¦¦b§Ú̦ۤvªº³ø§iªþªñ¤£µÎªA¦a¨Ó¡A¦]¦¹¡A§ÚÌ¥´Å¥¤F¨Ó¦Û¦a²yªº½sªÌ±M¦³¦Wµü©MÁy"
Nambu watched silently as on screen, Julia's assistant Takashi brought
in two young men and sat them in expensive leather seats. One was a San
Frangelis native: tall, sunburned, and robust, with short blond hair.
The other had a slim build, classic Japanese features and thick black
hair pulled into a ponytail. Both looked tired despite their nervousness.
An intern, wearing khakis, sports shirt and security badge, appeared at
the door. "Is there anything I can get for you gentlemen?" /
·í¦b¿Ã¹õ¤W¡A¯ü²ú¨Èªº§U²z Takashi ¦b¶Qªº¥Ö²®y¦ì¤¤¤Þ¶i¤G¦ì¦~»´ªº¨k¤H¦Ó¥B§¤µÛ¥L̪º®ÉÔ¡A Nambu ÀqÀq¦a¬Ý¡C ¤@¬O®áªe Frangelis
¥»¦a¤H: °ªªº,ÅζÂ, ©M°·±dªº,Âǥѵuª÷¾vªºÀY¾v¡C ¥t¤@Ó¦³¤@½Gªº«Ø¥ß,²Ä¤@¬yªº¤é¥»¯S¼x©M«pªº¶Â¦âÀY¾v·Æ¶i¤@Ó°¨§À¤Ú¡C ¨âªÌ³£¤£¦b¥G¥L̪º¯«¸gºò±i¬Ý°_¨Ó«Ü¯h²Ö¡C
¤@Ó¹ê²ß¥Í,¬ïµÛ¥d¨ä¦â, ¹B°ÊŨm©M¦w¥þÀ²³¹,¦bªù¥X²{¡C " ¦b¨º¸Ì¬O¥ô¦ó¨Æ§Ú¯à¬°§A±o¨ì²Ô¤h"?
The blond refused, and the Japanese man asked for a Coke. The intern left.
The camera panned to reveal Julia sitting at the end of the table, then
pulled back to reveal everyone in the room. / ¨ºª÷¾vªº©Úµ´,¦Ó¥B¤é¥»¨k¤Hn¨D¤@Ó¥i¼Ö¡C ¹ê²ß¥ÍÂ÷¶}¡C
¬Û¾÷¥Î¥©³ÁçµNÅã¥Ü¦b®à¤lµ²§ôªº®ÉÔ§¤ ªº¯ü²ú¨È,µM«á¦V«á¦a©Ô¦b©Ð¶¡¤¤Åã¥Ü¨CÓ¤H¡C
Takashi said, "Chief, this is Bill Weathers and Naoto Kitazume, members
of the United Relief Team that was sent to San Frangelis after the attacks.
They claim to be the ones who brought in the Kagaku Ninjatai from the
bay. Gentlemen, this is Julia Evers, chief of security here." / Takashi
»¡,"»â³S,³o¬O¤ñº¸¤Ñ®ð©M Naoto Kitazume ¡A³Q°e¨ì¦b§ðÀ»«áªº®áªe Frangelis ªºÁp¦X±ÏÃø¶¤ªº¦¨û¡C ¥L̫ź٬O¤Þ¶i¨Ó¦Û®üÆWªº
Kagaku Ninjatai ªº¤@¨Ç¡C ²Ô¤h,³o´¿¸g¬O¯ü²ú¨È,¦b³o¸Ìªº¦w¥þ»â³S¡C"
Both men sat up straight, tension in their faces. "Are we in trouble
for that article?" Bill said. / ¨â¦ì¨k¤H§¤ª½,¥¿¹ïµÛªººò±i¡C " §Ú̬°¨º¤@Ӥ峹¦³³Â·Ð"?
She shook her head. "Not at all, though I'll take this opportunity
to warn you about keeping a low profile. You attracted our attention with
that article, and you could attract other parties with other interests.
I don't think you want to do that." / ¦o·nÀY¡C "¨M¤£¡AÁöµM§Ú±N±Ä¨ú³o¤@Ó¾÷·|Ãö©ó«O¦s§Cªº´yøĵ§i§A¡C
§A¥Î¨º¤@Ӥ峹§l¤Þ§Ú̪ºª`·N¡A¦Ó¥B§A¥i¥H¥Î¨ä¥Lªº¿³½ì§l¤Þ¨ä¥LªºÄÒ¡C §Ú¤£»{¬°§A·Qn°µ¨º¡C"
Naoto's face lightened a shade. The intern reappeared and placed the drink
on the table. Naoto picked up his Coke and took a shaky sip. / Naoto's
ªºÁyÂI«G¤F¤@Ó½®²D³B¡C ¹ê²ß¥Í¦A¥X²{¦Ó¥B©ñ¶¼®Æ¦b®à¤l¤W¡C Naoto ¬B°_¥Lªº¥i¼Ö¨Ã¥B±a°Ê·nªº°ã¶¼¡C
"Are you going to ask us about the Kagaku Ninjatai?" Bill said.
/ "§A±Nn¦V§ÚÌ¸ß°Ý Kagaku Ninjatai ¶Ü"? ¤ñº¸»¡¡C
"No," said Takashi. "But we would like to know the events
surrounding the rescue. There was another person in your group, wasn't
there?" Both men nodded. "Do you know where he is now?"
/ "¤£" ¡A Takashi »¡¡C "¦ý¬O§ÚÌ·Qnª¾¹D³ò¦í´©±Ï ªº¨Æ¥ó¡C ¦³§Aªº¹ÎÅé¥t¤@Ó¤H,¤£¦b¨º¸Ì?"¨â¦ì¨k¤HÂIÀY¡C
" §Aª¾¹D¥L²{¦bªº¦a¤è¶Ü"?
"No," Naoto said. / "¤£" ¡A Naoto »¡¡C
"What was his name?" / "¥Lªº¦W¦r¬O¤°»ò"?
"Michael.... I never got his full name." Naoto looked over at
Bill, who shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know where he came
from. He wasn't one of the rescue team, but he said he was helping out
and we needed all the help we could get." / "³Á¥i.... §Ú±q¤£±o¨ì¤F¥Lªº¥þ¦W¡C"Naoto
¦b¤ñº¸ÂsÄý ,¤ñº¸ÁqªÓ¦Ó¥B·nÀY¡C "§Ú¤£ª¾¹D¥L¨Ó¦Ûªº¦a¤è¡C ¥L¤£¬O´©±Ï¤p²Õ¤§¤@¡A¦ý¬O¥L»¡¡A¥L¥¿¦bÀ°§U¥X¡A¦Ó¥B§ÚÌ»Ýn¤F§ÚÌ¥i¥H±o¨ìªº©Ò¦³À°¦£¡C"
Takashi said, "How big a part did he play in the Kagaku Ninjatai's
rescue?" / Takashi »¡," ¦p¦ó¤jªº¤@Ó³¡¥÷¥L¦b Kagaku Ninjatai's ªº´©±Ï¤è±ª±¶Ü"?
The two men exchanged looks. Bill said, "I think he spotted them.
I'd been working with him for maybe two hours. The crew chief had just
convinced him to go on break when we had another earthquake--turned out
to be an explosion down at the old prison. Michael disappeared, and then
he came back and grabbed me by the arm and said, 'Come on, there are people
drowning in the bay.' I grabbed Naoto along the way." / ¤G¦ì¨k¤H¥æ´«¤F®e»ª¡C
¤ñº¸»¡,"§Ú»{¬°¥L¬Ý¨£¤F¥LÌ¡C §Ú¤w¸g»P¥L¦X§@¹F¤]³\¤G¤p®É¡C ·í§Ú̦³¤F¥t¤@¦¸¦a¾_ªº®ÉÔ¡A²Õû»â³Sèè¨Ï¥L«HªAÄ~Äò¶i¦æ¥ð®§--Åܦ¨¦bªººÊº»¤U¨Ó¤@ÓÃz¬µ¡C
³Á¥i®ø¥¢,µM«á¥LÂǵۤâÁu¦^¨Ó¦Ó¥B§ì¨ú¤F§Ú¦Ó¥B»¡,'µo¥Í ,¦³¦b®üÆW¤¤²T¦º ªº¤H¡C'§ÚªuµÛ¤èªk§ì¨ú¤F Naoto ¡C"
"You believed him?" / "§A¬Û«H¤F¥L"?
Bill frowned. "Why wouldn't we? He found a lot of victims that we
might have missed." / ¤ñº¸½K¬ÜÀY¡C "¬°¤°»ò¤£¬O? ¥Lµo²{§ÚÌÀ³¸Ó¥i¥Hµo²{ªº³\¦h¨ü®`¤H³Q¿ù¹L¡C"
Nambu leaned forward, scowling at the computer screen. / Nambu ¦V«e¦aʾa,¦b¹q¸£¿Ã¹õ½K¬ÜÀY¡C
"The article only describes the Kagaku Ninjatai at the time you found
them," Takashi said. "What happened after that?" / "·í§Aµo²{¥L̪º®ÉÔ¡A¤å³¹¥u´yz
Kagaku Ninjatai",Takashi »¡¡C " ¤°»ò¦b¨º¤§«áµo¥Í"?
"That guy--Michael--hauled them aboard," Naoto said. "We
checked them out. We had to do CPR on the little one, the Swallow, I think.
He's gotta be, what? Twelve?" / "¨º¤@ӳåë--³Á¥i--¦b¸¾÷¤W©ì¥LÌ",Naoto
»¡¡C "§ÚÌÀˬd¥X¥LÌ¡C §ÚÌ¥²¶·°µ¦b¤@ÂIÂI¤Wªº CPR ¤@¡A«|³ï,§Ú·Q¡C ¥L¬O¥²¶·¬O,¤°»ò? ¤Q¤G?"
"Go on." / "Ä~Äò" ¡C
"We couldn't get his helmet off at first, but Michael figured out
how to do it. He got the Owl breathing without having to take his helmet
off. The other two were unconscious, but breathing. We treated them for
shock and took them all to the closest triage tent, but otherwise we left
them alone. Our crew chief called the ISO and a helicopter came, but we
didn't stay around for that." / "§ÚÌ°_¥ý¤£¥i¥H±H¥X¥Lªº¿û²¯¡A¦ý¬O³Á¥i²z¸Ñ¸Ó¦p¦ó°µ¥¦¡C
¥L±o¨ì¤F¤£»Ýn¥²¶·²æ±¼¥Lªº¿û²¯´N¥¿¦b©I§lªº¿ßÀYÆN¡C ¥t¥~¤G¬OµL·NÃѪº, ¦ý¬O©I§l¡C §Ú̪vÀø¥L̪ºÅåÀ~¦Ó¥B±a¤F¥LÌ¥þ³¡¨ì³Ì¾aªñªº´z¿ï±bÁO¡A¦ý¬O§_«h§Ú̧OºÞ¥LÌ¡C
"Can you describe Michael for me?" Julia said. / "§A¯à¬°§Ú´yz³Á¥i¶Ü"?
Naoto looked at Bill. "You worked closer to him than I did."
/ Naoto ¬Ý¤ñº¸¡C " §A¤u§@¤ñ¸û¾aªñªº¹ï¥L¤ñ¸û§Ú°µ".
"I dunno, man. There isn't much. He had the standard gear on, a helmet
and sunglasses, so I didn't see much of his face. He was a little taller
than me, really wiry, like he worked out. He didn't talk much." /
"§Ú¤£ª¾¹D,¨k¤H¡C ¨S¦³«Ü¦hªº¡C ¥L¦³¤F¼Ð·Çªº¤u¨ã¦b,¤§¤W¤@¥I¿û²¯©M¤Ó¶§²´Ãè,¦]¦¹§Ú¨S¦³±`±`¨£¨ì¥LªºÁy¡C ¥L¤ñ§Ú§óµy·L°ª,¯uªºª÷Äݽu»s,
¹³¥L¸Õºâ¡C ¥L¨S¦³¦h»¡¸Ü¡C"
"Did he have an accent of any sort?" / "¥L¦³¥ô¦óªºÃþ«¬¤@Ó¤fµ¶Ü"?
"He sounded a little like Naoto. He definitely wasn't local."
/ "¥LÅ¥¤Fµy·L¬Û¦üªº Naoto ¡C ¥L¤@©w¤£¬O¦a¤è¡C"
"Did anything about him strike you as unusual?" / "Ãö©ó¥Lªº¥ô¦ó¨Æ§ðÀ»§A¦p¤£´M±`ªº¶Ü"?
"He seemed a bit shook up, but that's normal in the beginning."
/ " ¥L¦ü¥G¤@ÂI·n°Ê, ¦ý¬O³Ìªì¬O¥¿±`ªº".
"He was really worried about security," Naoto said. "He
put the Swallow's helmet back on as soon as we got him breathing again,
even though he would've been better off without it in the way. When I
asked him why, he said, 'The less you know about them, the better because
people will start coming to you.'" Naoto took a deep breath. "Asking
questions.'" Folding his arms, he looked down at the table. Bill
glanced from Naoto to Takashi and Julia, and frowned. / "¥L¯uªº¬°¦w¥þ¾á¼~",Naoto
»¡¡C " ¥L§â«|³ïªº¿û²¯©ñ¦^ì³B¦b¤@¥¹§Ú̦A¤@¦¸µ¹¥L©I§l¤§¤W, §Y¨Ï¥L would've ¨S¦³¥¦¥H¨º¤è¦¡¹Òªp§ó¦n¡C ·í§Ú°Ý¤F¥Lªº®ÉÔ¬°¤°»ò,¥L»¡,'
¤ñ¸û¤Ö¶q§A̪¾¹D¥LÌ, ¤ñ¸û¦n¦]¬°¤H±N¶}©l¨«ªñ§A¡C'"Naoto §@¤F²`ªº©I§l¡C "°Ý°ÝÃD¡C'"§éÅ|ªº¥L¤âÁu,¥L©¹¤U¬Ý®à¤l¡C
¤ñº¸±q Naoto ¨ì Takashi ©M¯ü²ú¨È¿h°{, ¦Ó¥B½K¬ÜÀY¡C
The video ended. "We brought in a sketch artist for a better description
of Michael," Julia said, and produced two sketches. Most of the features
were obscured by a helmet and sunglasses. The nose was a little too straight,
but the shape of the jaw and chin gave Nambu chills. / ¿ý¼v±aµ²§ô¡C "§Ú̬°³Á¥iªº¸û¦n´yz¤Þ¶i¤@Ó¯À´yÃÀ³N®a",¯ü²ú¨È»¡,
¦Ó¥B¥Í²£¤F¤GÓ¯À´y¡C ¤j³¡¥÷ªº¯S¼x³Q¤@¥I¿û²¯©M¤Ó¶§²´Ãè³±·t¤F¡C »ó¤l¦³ÂI¨àª½¡A¦ý¬OÃEªº§Îª¬©M¤U¤Ú´£¨Ñ¤F Nambu ´H§N¡C
"I have two people watching Mr. Weathers and Mr. Kitazume now, Hakase.
We figured the Globe might be your typical Galactor's kind of reading
material." / "§Ú¦³²{¦b¬Ý¤Ñ®ð¥ý¥Í©M Kitazume ¥ý¥Í ªº¤GÓ¤H¡A Hakase ¡C §Ú̺tºâ¦a²y¥i¯à¬OŪ§÷®Æªº§A¨å«¬ªº
Galactor's Ãþ«¬¡C"
"Impressions?" / "¦L¶H"?
"Their description of Michael and his behavior... it's Joe all over,
but the timing's wrong. It conflicts with G-4's report of the radio call
he received. If Joe was busy rescuing injured people in the city, he wouldn't
have been able to give radio directions to the base beneath the Alamo
Prison. That is, if we assume it was Joe or that only one person was acting
on this." / "¥L̪º³Á¥i´yz©M¥Lªº¦æ¬°¡C¡C¡C ¥¦¨ì³B¬O³ì, ¦ý¬O¿ù»~ªº®É¶¡ÂIªº¡C ¥¦¥H G-4 ª§°õ'¦¬µ¾÷ªº
s ³ø§i¥´¹q¸Üµ¹¥L¦¬¨ì¡C ¦pªG³ì¦b«°¥«¤¤¬O¦£¸Lªº±Ï¥X¨ü¶Ëªº¤H,¥L±N·|¨S¦³¯à°÷¦b¥Õ·¨ºÊº»¤§¤U§â¦¬µ¾÷¤è¦Vµ¹°ò¦¡C ¦pªG§ÚÌ°²©w¡A¨º¬O¡A¥¦¬O³ì¡A©Îþ¤@¥u¦³¤@Ó¤H¥¿¦b¦æ°Ê¦b³o¤§¤W¡C"
"The call should be on the G-4's flight recorder." / "
©I¥sÀ³¸Ó¦b G-4 ¤W' s ¸¦æ¬ö¿ý¾¹".
"We're analyzing it now. So far we've found that it matches the voice
on the tape we received." / "§ÚÌ¥¿¦b²{¦b¤ÀªR¥¦¡C ¨ì²{¦b¬°¤î§Ṳ́w¸gµo²{¥¦»P¦b§Ú̦¬¨ìªº¿ýµ±a¤WªºÁnµ¬Û°t¡C"
"It was artificially generated?" / "¥¦¤H¤u¦a³Q²£¥Í"?
The intercom on Nambu's desk beeped, and his receptionist called in: "Hakase,
there's an emergency call for you from Chief Anderson." / ¦b Nambu's
ªº®Ñ®à¤Wªº¹ïÁ¿¾¹¹Í¹ÍÁn¡A¦Ó¥B¥Lªº±µ«Ýû¦¬¦^: "Hakase,±q¥Dnªº¦w¼w»¹¬°§A¦³¤@Óºò«æªº©I¥s" ¡C
"Thank you." He motioned for Julia to stay put as he picked
up the receiver. When he hung up, he said, "There has been some sort
of geological disturbance in the Dera Desert--the entire desert appears
to be collapsing in on itself. We'll have to put this on hold for the
time being." / "ÁÂÁ§A" ¡C ·í¥L±µ¸ü±µ¦¬¾¹ªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¹B°ÊÅý¯ü²ú¨È°±¯d©ñ¡C ·í¥L±¾Â_ªº®ÉÔ,¥L»¡,"¤w¸g¦³
Dera ¨Fºzªº¤@¨ÇºØ¦a½è¾ÇªºÂZ¶Ã-- ¾ãÓªº¨Fºz¦ü¥G±Y¼ì¦b¥¦¥»¨¤§¤W¡C §Ú̱N¥²¶·¼È®É§â³o©ñ¦b§â´¤¡C"
This mission had started out smoothly enough: Joe had maps of the installation,
data on precisely how to break in, preplanned hiding spots, and an unwittingly
cooperative staff. The guards milled around unaware as he passed right
above their heads or behind their backs. Joe's greatest concern lay with
Rafael's adjustments: was he now less noticeable to Sosai X? So far he
hadn't picked up the grotesque hissing that signaled X's presence. / ³o¤@Ó¥ô°È¤w¸g¥·Æ¦a¨¬°÷¶}©l:
³ì¦³¤F¦w¸Ëªº¦a¹Ï , ¦bºë½T¦a¸Ó¦p¦óÂô¤J¤Wªº¸ê®Æ,¹w¥ýpµeÂæaÂI , ©M¤@Ó¤£ª¾±¡¦X§@ªºÂ¾û¡C ¦u½ÃÄ̰ʤ£ª¾¹Dªº·í¥L¥¿½T¦a³q¹L¥LÌ©Ò¤£À´ªº©Î¦b¥L̪ºI³¡«á±¡C
³ì³Ì¦nªºÃö¤ß¥H Rafael's ªº½Õ¾ã©ñ¸m: ¥L²{¦b¤ñ¸û¤£¤Þ¤Hª`¥Ø¨ì Sosai X? ¨ì²{¦b¬°¤î¥L¨S¦³¬B°_µo¥X¼R¼RÁn¨º ªº©Ç²§¹Ï®×¦V X's
A mere fifty feet beneath the sands of the Dera Desert, Galactor had hollowed
out and reinforced an area a mile in diameter. As he moved along the catwalk,
dwarfed by the immense radar dish below, Joe could smell the wet paint
on its surface. He found they were drilling into the mantle, and it amazed
him how both Galactor and the ISO, after seeing the devastation a slip-up
could cause, insisted on tapping such a dangerous resource. Rafael's informants
had checked the schematics in the beginning to assure themselves that
Galactor was only drilling for power and wasn't about to construct another
Black Hole device. Repetition didn't appear to be X's style, anyway. /
¦b Dera ¨Fºzªº¨F¤l¤§¤Uªº¶È¶È¤¤Q§`,Galactor ¤w¸g«õªÅ¥X¦Ó¥B±j¤Æª½®|ªº°Ï°ì¤@ù¡C ·í¥L¦V«e²¾°Ê¯U¤p¨i¹D,¦b¤U±³Q·¥¤jªº¹p¹F½L¤l¸G¤l,³ì¥i¥H»D¦b¥¦ªºªí±¤WªºÀãªoº£¡C
¥Lµo²{¡A¥LÌ¥¿¦b¶i¤J¦a²[¤§¤ººt½m¡A¦Ó¥B¥¦¨Ï¥L¦YÅå¤F¦p¦ó Galactor ©M°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´,¦b¬Ý¨£¯î¼o·Æ¤§«á-¦V¤W¥i¥H¤Þ°_,°í«ù»´¥´¤@Ó¦p¦¹¦MÀIªº¸ê·½¡C
Rafael's ªº³qª¾ªÌ³Ìªì¤w¸gÀˬd¹Ïªí«OÃÒ¥L̦ۤv Galactor ¥¿¦b¥u¦³¬°¤O¶qºt½m¨Ã¥B¤£¥´ºâºc³y¥t¥~¶Â¦âªº¬}¸Ë¸m¡C «½Æ¨S¦³¦ü¥G¬O
X's ªº·®æ,µL½×¦p¦ó¡C
After a scan that yielded little about the installation's purpose, Joe
planted his beacon. He and Rafael had agreed to leave this base to the
ISO to clean up; yet he couldn't resist aggravating the enemy a little.
/ ¦b§¹¥þ¤£²£¥ÍÃö©ó¦w¸Ëªº¥Øªº¨Æ±½´y¤§«á¡A³ìºØ´Ó¤F¥Lªº«H¸¹¡C ¥L©M Rafael ¤w¸g¦P·NÅý³o´c¦H¨ì°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´²M±½; µM¦Ó¥Lµy·L¤£¥i¥H©è§Ü¨Ï§ó´c¤Æªº¼Ä¤H¡C
The Galactors were tunneling to the mantle with the use of three massive
electric drills; one active and two standing idle. In the equipment room,
Joe studied the schematics, then moved silently among the machinery, disconnecting
parts and yanking out wires. A single guard watched over the working drill,
farthest from the entrance to the machine room. Joe left that one alone.
Finished, Joe backed away to the far side of the drill, and departed the
way he came. / Galactors ¬O¨ì©M¤TÓÃe¤jªº¹q°ÊÆp¤Õ¾÷ªº¨Ï¥Î¦a²[ªº³z¯Ç; ¤@¿n·¥ªº©M¤GÓ«ùÄò¤£§@¨Æ¡C ¦b»ö¾¹©Ð¶¡¤¤¡A³ì¾Ç²ß¤F¹Ïªí,
µM«á¦b¾÷¾¹¤§¤¤ÀqÀq¦a²¾°Ê,¤ÀÂ÷³¡¥÷¦Ó¥B±j©Ô¥X¹q½u¡C ¤@ӳ横º¦u½Ã¬Ý¦u¤u§@ªºÆp¤Õ¾÷,³Ì»·±q³q©¹¾÷¾¹©Ð¶¡ªº¤J¤f¡C ³ì§OºÞ¨º¤@Ó¡C §¹¦¨,³ì°hÁY¨ìÆp¤Õ¾÷ªº»·Ãä,
Joe exited the base and vanished behind the next ridge, where he pulled
camouflage netting off a waiting jeep. The shriek of alarms made him jump,
and he rushed back to the ridge to watch. / ³ì°h¥X°ò¦¨Ã¥B¦b¤U¤@Ó¯á«á±®ø¥¢, ¥L©Ôþ¸Ì¨«¶}°°¸Ë¥Îºô®·¤@½øԸɦN´¶¨®¡C
A portal opened, and a small saucerlike craft shot toward the sky. Beneath
him, the ground began at first to prickle, then to vibrate. Wide-eyed,
he dropped to his knees and clutched at the sand as the ground beneath
him began to undulate like waves on an open sea. The ridge crumbled, and
he backed up quickly to keep from sliding down the other side. On the
base, a siren wailed, and black smoke billowed from vents in the ground.
As Joe watched in shock, the ground above the base dropped, forming a
crater a mile in diameter. The smoke stopped. Then, like the popping of
an enormous bubble, the far end of the crater exploded. Sand and stone
rained down, and glowing orange lava oozed from the wound in the ground.
The sirens stopped, and a moment later, the rumbling calmed to a deathly
silence. / ¤J¤f¥´¶}¡A¦Ó¥B¤pªº saucerlike ¸¾÷¹ï©ó¤ÑªÅ®gÀ»¡C ¦b¥L¤§¤U¡A¦a±°_¥ý¶}©l¨ë, µM«á®¶°Ê¡C ¸C¤j²´·úªº,·í¦a±¦b¥L¤§¤U¶}©l¹³¦b¶}©ñªº®ü¬v¤Wªºªi®ö¤@¼Ëªi°Êªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¦b¨F¤l°§C¨ì¥Lªº½¥¦Ó¥B§ì¨c¡C
¯á±Y¼ì¡A¦Ó¥B¥L«Ü§Ö¦a¤ä«ù§â·ÆÁקK¤U¨Ó¥t¤@Ãä¡C ¦b°ò¦¤W¡A¤@Ó¤k®ü§¯´d¹Ä¡A¦Ó¥B¶Â·Ï±q¦a±ªº±Æ®ð¤f¬¤´é¡C ·í³ì¦bÅåÀ~¤¤¬Ý,¦b³Q°§C,§Î¦¨ª½®|ªº¤õ¤s¤f¤@ùªº°ò¦¤W±ªº¦a±¡C
·Ï°±¤î¡C µM«á, ¹³¤@Ó¥¨¤jªºªwªj¨ú¥X,³QÃz¬µªº¤õ¤s¤fªº»·µ²§ô¡C ¨F¤l©M¥ÛÀY¤U«B¤U¨Ó¡A¦Ó¥B¥Õ¼öªº¾ï¦âº²©¥±q¦a±ªº³Ð¶Ëº¯¥X¡C ¤k®ü§¯°±¤î, ©M¤@¤ù¨è¤§«á¡A¶©¶©Án¹ï¤@°}¦º¤@¯ëªº¨HÀq¥ÀR¡C
Coughing, Joe came out of his defensive crouch, moved closer to the crater
and looked down. Blistering heat slapped his face, and he jerked his head
away, backed up a few more steps, ventured another look, then stared.
/ «y¹Â,³ì±q¥Lªº¨¾¿mÃÛ¥ñ¥X¨Ó, ²¾°Ê¤ñ¸û¾aªñªº¨ì¤õ¤s¤f¦Ó¥B¬Ý¤U¨Ó¡C ¤ôªw¼ö©çÀ»¤F¥LªºÁy¡A¦Ó¥B¥LµjÅË¥LªºÀY¤§»·,¤ä«ù¦A¹L´X¨BÆJ,«_ÀI¤@¸Õ¤F¥t¯«±¡,µM«áª`µø¡C
The base was gone. / °ò¦¤£¨£¤F¡C
Those who maintained the longest careers within Galactor learned early
not to call attention to themselves. With that in mind, the pilot and
copilot of the saucer conducted their flight communications in soft murmurs
while the men posted at the other controls maintained a tense silence.
The only other sound above the hum of machinery and the muted rumble of
engines was the clatter of GelSadora's heels against the steel deck. /
¦ªº¨º¨Ç¦b³Q¾Ç²ßªº Galactor ¸Ì±ºûÅ@³Ìªøªº¨Æ·~¤H¤£nª`·N¥L̦ۤv¡C ·í¦b¥t¤@Ó³Q±Hªº¨k¤H±±¨îºûÅ@¤@°}ºò±iªº¨HÀq®ÉÔ¡AÂǥѤߪº¨º¡A¸¦æû©M¯ùºÐªº°Æ¾r¾pû¤Þ¾É¤F³nªº§C»y¥L̪º·¾³q¯Z¾÷¡C
¨º°ß¤@ªº¨ä¥L°·¥þªº¦b¾÷¾¹ªº¶ä¶äÁn©M¤ÞÀºªº³Q°×¤lªº¶©¶©Án¤W±¬O¹ï§Ü¿ûªº¥ÒªO GelSadora's ªº¸}«á¸òªº¥d·fÁn¡C
Reaching the far end of the cockpit, she whirled in a flurry of robes,
then paced toward the front. Sosai had already witnessed the beginnings
of the disaster, and no doubt was concocting the right phrases to strip
her to pieces. She hated this, hated not being able to please him. They
had been a full month ahead of schedule in the construction of that base,
but it had only taken one crew's carelessness with one drill to destroy
it all and drain millions from their budget. Appropriating more funds
always cost her extra troops and risked drawing the attention of the Kagaku
Ninjatai--that group was becoming pesky enough. GelSadora could almost
see why they had driven her predecessor to distraction. / ¹F¦¨¾r¾pû®y¿µªº»·µ²§ô,¦o¦b¼eÃPªø³Tªº¤@Ó·W±i¤¤±ÛÂà,
µM«á¹ï©ó«e±¿â¨B¡C Sosai ¤w¸g¥ØÀ»¨aº×ªº¶}©l¤F¡A¦Ó¥B¨S¦³ÃhºÃ¬O²V¦X¦Ó»s¥¿½Tªº¤ù»y°£¥h¦o¨ì¶ô¡C ¦o¼¨«ë³o,¼¨«ë¤£¯à°÷¨Ï¥L°ª¿³¡C ¥L̦b®É¶¡ªí¤§«e¤w¸g¦b¨º¤@Ó°ò¦ªº«Ø¿v¤¤¬O¤@Ó¾ã¤ë¡A¦ý¬O¥¦¥u¦³¤w¸g¥H¤@ÓÆp¤Õ¾÷¤p¤ß¯}Ãa¥¦¨Ó¦Û¥L̪º¹wºâ¥þ³¡©M±Æ¤ô·¾¦Ê¸U¡C
Á`¬O¥R¥Î§ó¦hªº°òª÷ªá¶O¤F¦oÃB¥~¤§ª«x¶¤¨Ã¥B«_µÛ¤Þ°_ Kagaku Ninjatai ªºª`·N¦MÀI--¨º¤@Ó¹ÎÅ饿¦bÅܦ¨°÷³Â·Ð¡C GelSadora
Her predecessor. This was something Berg Katse would have bungled. Sosai
would be sure to rub her face in it unless she could find a way to distract
him from their losses. She could do it. She was smarter than Katse. /
¦oªº«e½ú¡C ³o¬O¬Y¨Æ¦B¤s Katse ·|©å¦H¦a¤u§@¡C °£«D¦o¥i¥Hµo²{¤@Ó¤èªk±q¥L̪º·l¥¢Âಾ¥L¡A§_«h Sosai ±N·|½T©w¦b¥¦¸Ì±À¿¦oªºÁy¡C
¦o¥i¥H°µ¥¦¡C ¦o¬O¤ñ Katse Áo©úªº¡C
Activity in the forward viewscreen caught her eye. In the distance, she
saw the silhouette of something toppling to the ground. Leaning forward,
she thumped the nearest soldier stationed at the console and pointed.
"Zoom in on that," she snapped. "Again. Closer." /
¦V«eªº viewscreen ªº¬¡°Ê¤Þ°_¦oªºª`·N¡C ¦b»»»·¤§³B¡A¦o¬Ý¨£¹ï¦a±±À½ ªº¬Y¨Æ¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼v¡C ¦V«e¦a¶É±×, ¦o«¥´¤F¦b±±¨îÂi³Q¦w¸mªº³Ìªñx¤H©M¦yªº¡C
" ÁY©ñ¦b¨º¤§¤W",¦o«rÂ_¡C "¦A¤@¦¸¡C ¤ñ¸û¾aªñªº¡C"
This time she saw chunks of a fifteen story building tumbling to the street
below. The outlines of the buildings blurred, and she cursed the movement
of the ship. But as another chunk of glass and concrete broke free and
tumbled down, she realized that it wasn't the ship that was swaying. It
was the buildings themselves. / ³o¦¸¦o¬Ý¨£¤@´É¶^¸¨¨ì¦b¤U±ªºµó¹D ªº¤Q¤¬G¨Æ«Ø¿vª«ªº¤j¶ô¡C ³Q¼Ò½kªº«Ø¿vª«ªº¤jºõ,¦Ó¥B¦o¶A©G¤F²îªº¹B°Ê¡C
¦ý¬O·í¬Á¼þ©M²V¾®¤gªº¥t¤@Ó¤j¶ô¦Û¥ÑÂ_±¼¦Ó¥B§Ë½ªº®ÉÔ,¦o¤F¸Ñ¤F¥¦¤£¬O¥¿¦b·n°Êªº²î¡C ¥¦¬O«Ø¿vª«¥L̦ۤv¡C
"Where are we, and what's happening over there?" / "§Ú̦bþ¸Ì,
"We're approaching New Jork, currently thirty miles southwest of
the city, GelSadora-sama," the soldier said. "The drill accident
set off a continuing chain reaction. The earthquakes are estimated at--"
He glanced down at a readout. "Nine point two at the epicenter, and
about five point zero to seven point zero in the city. They don't show
signs of stopping." / "§ÚÌ¥¿¦b±µªñ·sªº Jork, ²{¦b«°¥«©¹¦è«n¤T¤Qù³B,GelSadora-sama",x¤H»¡¡C
"Æp¤Õ¾÷·N¥~¨Æ¥ó¥Xµo¤@Ó³sÄòªº³sÂê¤ÏÀ³¡C ¦a¾_³Q¦ôp¦b--"¥L¦b¤@Ó¸ê®Æ¸ÑªR¿h°{¤U¨Ó¡C "¦b¾_¥¡ªº¤EÂI¤G,¦Ó¥B¤j¬ù¤ÂI¦b«°¥«¤¤¹ï¤CÂIÂk¹s¹s¡C
"Hmm." GelSadora rubbed her chin. Now she saw the helicopters
and rescue equipment, and she shoved the soldier at the console aside
so she could focus in. Civilians were fleeing the city, jamming all streets
leading out of New Jork. Leaving their money, their resources behind.
Banks, stores and factories would be left unattended. / "Hmm".
GelSadora À¿¤F¦oªº¤U¤Ú¡C ²{¦b¦o¬Ý¨£ª½ª@¾÷¦Ó¥B±Ï¥X»ö¾¹¡A¦Ó¥B¦o¦b¤@Ã䪺±±¨îÂi±ÀÀ½x¤H¡A¦p¦¹¦o¥i¥H¶°¤¤¦b¡C ¥¥Á¥¿¦b°k¨««°¥«,À½»â¥ýÂ÷·sªº
Jorkªº©Ò¦³µó¹D¡C §Ñ°O¥L̪º¿ú¡A¥L̪º¸ê·½¡C »È¦æ¡A°Ó©±©M¤u¼t±N·|³Q¯d¤UµLÀHûªº¡C
Slowly, she smiled. / ºCºC¦a¡A¦o·L¯º¡C
It's hard to pick out your most prized belongings to pack, Ian discovered,
when your gut is tied in knots, your home is rattling around you, and
you don't know when the next quake might bring the ceiling down and snuff
you out. The kids were scared and crying, and his wife was rushing about,
wringing her hands and babbling, only adding to the tension. He hadn't
meant to scream at her--he hadn't realized he had even done it until she
collapsed and began to cry. / ¬D¿ï§Aªº³Q¬Ãµø©Ò¦³ª«¥]¸Ëªº¤j³¡¤À¬O§xÃø,Ian µo²{,·í§Aªº«i®ð¦bµ²¤¤³Qôªº®ÉÔ,
§Aªº®a¥¿¦b§A©P³òÅå·W¥¢±¹¡A¦Ó¥B§A¤£ª¾¹D·í¤U¤@Ó¦a¾_¥i¯à§â¤ÑªáªO±a¤U¨Ó¦Ó¥B§Ëº¶¥X§A¡C ¤p«Ä³QÅåÀ~¦Ó¥Búª_¡A¦Ó¥B¥Lªº¤Ó¤Ó¥¿¦b¶Ê«PÃö©ó,Àã²Oªº¦o¤â©MÄǦޡA°ß¤@ªº¼W¥[¨ìºò±i¡C
He stopped and knelt down beside her. "Oh God, Lisa, I'm sorry,"
he whispered. "I lost it. We both have to stay calm--panicking will
only make things worse." She nodded, then curled her arms tightly
around her knees. Ian hugged her. Was he reassuring Lisa or himself? He
looked around the room, then stopped at the dining room table. He'd read
somewhere that one should take shelter beneath a sturdy piece of furniture
in an earthquake, though he had doubts it would offer any protection against
the ten stories of high rise apartment directly above them and the ten
stories below. "Honey, get the kids under the table and try to keep
them calm, okay? I'm going to grab a few of their things and then we're
leaving." Miserably, Lisa nodded and moved toward the table, calling
to the two girls. Cynthia, age six, and Melissa, age ten, crawled obediently
under the table and huddled against their mother. / ¥L°±¤î¡A¦Ó¥B knelt ¦b¦o®ÇÃäåP¸¨¡C
" ®@¤W«Ò¡AÄR²ï,¹ï¤£°_",¥L¦Õ»y¡C "§Ú¥¢¥h¤F¥¦¡C §ÚÌdz£¥²¶·°±¯d¥ÀR-- ®£·Wªº¥u±N¨Ï¨Æª«§óÁV¡C"¦oÂIÀY,
µM«á¦b¦oªº½¥©P³òºòºò¦a§Ë±²¦oªº¤âÁu¡C Ian ¾Ö©ê¤F¦o¡C ¥L¬O¦w¤ßªºÄR²ï©Î¥L¦Û¤v? ¥L¥|³B¬Ý¬Ý©Ð¶¡,µM«á¦b¶ºÆU®à¤l°±¤î¡C ¥L±N·|¬Y³BŪ¤@À³¸Ó¦b¤@¦¸¦a¾_ªº¤@Ó±j°·ªº®a¨ã¤§¤U¦û¾Ú§ÈÅ@©Ò,ÁöµM¥L¦³¤F¥¦±N·|¦b¤U±ªº¥LÌ©M¤QÓ¬G¨Æ¤W±ª½±µ¦a´£¨Ñ¹ï§Ü°ª¼W¥[¤½´Jªº¤QÓ¬G¨Æªº¥ô¦ó«OÅ@ªºÃhºÃ¡C
"¸Á»e,±o¨ì¦b®à¤l©M¹Á¸Õ¤U±ªº¤p«Ä¨Ï¥LÌ«O«ù¥ÀRªº,¦n? §Ú±Nn§ì¨ú¤Ö¼Æªº¥L̨ƪ«¡AµM«á§ÚÌ¥¿¦bÂ÷¶}¡C"«D±`¤£©¯¦a¡AÄR²ï¹ï©ó®à¤lÂIÀY¦Ó¥B²¾°Ê,¹ï¤GÓ¤k«Ä©I¥s¡C
Ian envied those who didn't live in New Jork, who only worked there. At
least they could grab their briefcases and go home. But he'd wanted more
time with his family and less time on the road. Wouldn't it be ironic...
No, don't think about it. / Ian ¸r¼}¤F¥u¦b¨º¸Ì¤u§@ªº¨º¨Ç¨S¦³¦í¦b·sªº Jork ªº¤H¡C ¦Ü¤Ö¥LÌ¥i¥H§ì¨ú¥L̪º¤½¨Æ¥]¦Ó¥B¦^®a¡C
¦ý¬O¥L¦³¦b¹D¸ô¤W¥Î¥Lªº®a®x©M¤ñ¸û¤Öªº®É¶¡·Qn§ó¦hªº®É¶¡¡C ¥¦¤£±N·|¬O§N¼Jªº¶Ü¡C¡C¡C ¤£,¤£·Q¥¦¡C
Once they were packed, though, where could they go? The roads were bad
enough when it wasn't rush hour--imagine them now during a panicked evacuation.
Did he even have enough gas in the car to get them out of the city? Or
were they better off leaving on foot? Ian peered out the balcony window,
daring to get close enough to the glass to see outside. The streets were
jammed with cars and trucks, and bodies swarmed past the stranded vehicles,
heading toward the city limits. That ruled out the car and much of the
packing. Food, clothing and important papers, and maybe one each of the
girls' favorite toys. For a brief moment, Ian was proud that he knew what
those were as he headed into the kids' rooms to find their backpacks.
That satisfaction ended as the building began to shudder and sway again,
slamming him into the side of the hallway and knocking down a row of framed
photos. / ¤@¥¹¥L̳Q¥]¸Ë, ÁöµM¡A¥LÌ¥i¥H¥hþùØ©O? ·í¥¦¤£¬O¦y®p®É¶¡ªº®ÉÔ¡A¹D¸ô°÷Ãaªº--¦b¤@Ó³QºM°h®£·Wªº´Á¶¡²{¦b·Q¹³¥LÌ¡C
¥L¬Æ¦Ü¦³¨T¨®ªº¥R¨¬¥Ë´µ§â¥LÌ»°¥X«°¥«¶Ü? ©Î¥LÌ¥¿¦b§ó¨«¶}¨«¸ôÂ÷¶}¶Ü? Ian ¾®µø¥X¶§¥xµ¡¤á, ¤jÁxªº§â±µªñªº¥R¨¬µ¹¬Á¼þ¥~±¬Ý¨£¡C µó¹D»P¨T¨®©M¥d¨®¤@°_À½¡A¦Ó¥B¨Åé¶V¹L©t¥ßµL´©ªº¨®½ø¸s¶°,«e©¹«°¥«¨î¡C
¨º±Æ°£¨T¨®©M³\¦h¥]¸Ë¡C ¹ª«¡A¦çªA©M«nªº¯È, ©M¤]³\¨C¤@Ó¤k«Äªº³ßÅw¨Æª«ª±¨ã¡C ²µuªº¤ù¨è¡A Ian ¬Oź¶Æªº¡A·í¥L¶i¤J¤p«Äªº©Ð¶¡¤§¤º«e¶iµo²{¥L̪ºI¥]®ÉÔ¡A¥Lª¾¹D¤F¨º¨Ç¬O¤°»ò¡C
After what seemed like forever, but in reality took only minutes, Ian
led his family down ten flights of stairs and into the streets. Or was
that going out of the frying pan and into the fire? The crowd parted for
nothing and no one. People shoved frantically, flailing with fists and
bags to gain only a few feet of progress. Two police helicopters hovered
over the crowds, shouting ineffectual orders through loudspeakers. Ian
stopped on the steps leading from his apartment, gathering the others
around him. Then he knelt to the girls' eye level. / ¦b¥Ã»·¦a¹³, ¦ý¬O¨Æ¹ê¤W¥uªá¼Æ¤ÀÄÁ,
³Q¤Þ¾É¥Lªº®a®x Ian åP¸¨¼Ó±èªº¤Q¦¸¸¦æ¤§«á©M¶i¤Jµó¹D¤§¤º¡C ©Î¬O¨ºÓÂ÷¶}·ÎÁç©M¶i¤J¤õ¤§¤º? ¸s²³§K¶O¤À¶}©M¨S¦³¤H¡C ¤H̨g¼É¦a±ÀÀ½, ¥H®±ÀY©M³U¤l¥Î³s{¥´¥u±o¨ì¤@¨Ç¸}ªº¶i¨B¡C
¤G¬[ĵ¹îª½ª@¾÷¦b¸s²³¤§¤W½L±Û,¸g¹LÂXµ¾¹©I³ÛµL®Äªº¦¸§Ç¡C Ian °±¤î¦b¨BÆJ¤W¨Ó¦Û¥Lªº¤½´J»â¥ý, ¶°·|¦b¥L©P³òªº¨ä¾lªÌ¡C µM«á¥L¹ï¤k«Äªº²´·ú¤ô·Çªº
"Listen," he said. "This is very, very important. I want
all of you to hold on to each other's hands and don't let go. We cannot
get separated for any reason, okay?" The girls, who normally spent
most of their free time fighting with each other, didn't argue, but it
gave Ian no satisfaction to see their pale, tear-stained faces as they
nodded. / "Å¥",¥L»¡¡C " ³o¬O«D±`,«D±`«nªº¡C §Ú·Qnn§ìºò©¼¦¹ªº§A¥þ³¡¶Ç»¼©M¤£³QÅý¥h¡C §Ú̬°¥ô¦óªº²z¥Ñ¤£¯à°÷±o¨ì¤À¶},¦n?"·í¥LÌÂIÀYªº®ÉÔ¡A¥¿±`¦a©M©¼¦¹ªá¶O¤F¥L̪º¦Û¥Ñ®É¶¡¹ï§Üªº¤j³¡¤Àªº¤k«Ä¨S¦³ª§½×¡A¦ý¬O¥¦µ¹¤©¤F
Ian ¨S¦³º¡¨¬¬Ý¨£¥L̪º¬]Äæ¡A²\ºwªg¬VªºÁy¡C
Their bags slung over their shoulders, they stepped down into the chaos
and were swept along the streets. / ¥L̪º³U¤l¦b¥L̪ºªÓ¤§¤W§ëÂY,¥L̶i¤J¤j²V¶Ã¤§¤ºÃ㾨åB³QªuµÛµó¹D²M±½¡C
A rumbling sound caused the crowd to look up. Several people screamed
and ducked. But this time, the rumbling came from an enormous craft moving
slowly through the sky. A flying saucer, pointed projectiles revolving
around the rim, glided directly above the crowd. As people stared, a voice
roared from the craft: / ¤@Ó¶©¶©ÁnÅ¥¾ÉP¸s²³¬Ý¦b¤W±¡C ¤@¨Ç¤H¦y¥s¦Ó¥B¨S¤J¤ô¤¤¡C ¦ý¬O³o¦¸¡A¶©¶©Án¨Ó¦ÛºCºC¦a²¾°Ê¹L¤ÑªÅ
ªº¥¨¤j¸¾÷¡C ¤@Ó¸ºÐ,«ü¤F°jÂ઺¦bÃä½tªº©P³òµo®gÅé,·Æ°Êª½±µ¦a°ª©ó¸s²³¡C ·í¤Hª`µøªº®ÉÔ,¤@ºØÁnµ±q¸¾÷§q:
"People of New Jork! The time has come for you to acknowledge the
might of Galactor! You will surrender, or you'll witness our power and
see your city destroyed!" / "·sªº Jork ªº¤HÌ! ®É¶¡¤w¸g¨ÓÅý§A©Ó»{ Galactor
ªº¤O¶q! §A±N§ë°,©Î§A±N¥ØÀ»§Ú̪º¤O¶q¦Ó¥B¬Ý¨£§Aªº³Q¯}Ãaªº«°¥«!"
Clearly outmatched, the police helicopters fled. Voices gathered in the
streets, starting at a low murmur and rising to shouts: Galactor is doing
this? But they disbanded! They were defeated two years ago! How could
this be happening? Why isn't our national guard dealing with this? Where
is the ISO? Where in the hell are the Kagaku Ninjatai? / ²M·¡¦aÀu©ó,ĵ¹îª½ª@¾÷°k¥X¡C
Ánµ¦bµó¹D¤¤»E¶°,¦b§Cªº§C»y¶}©l¦Ó¥B¤É°_¨ì©I³Û: Galactor ¥¿¦b°µ³o? ¦ý¬O¥L̸Ѵ²! ¥L̦b¤G¦~¥H«e³QÀ»±Ñ! ³o¦p¦ó¥i¥Hµo¥Í? ¬°¤°»ò¥Ñ©ó³o¤£¬O§Ú̪º°ê®a¦u½Ã¦æ¬°?
°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´¦bþ¸Ì? ¦bþ¸Ì¦b¦aº»¤è±¬O Kagaku Ninjatai?
Indeed, where were they? They'd been out of the news for years--had the
ISO retired them? Did this mean the world now had to fight these risen
Galactors on their own? / ªº½T¡A¥L̦bþ¸Ì? ¥L̤w¸g¶W¥X·s»Dªø¹F¼Æ¦~¤§¤[--°h¥ð°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´¥LÌ? ³o·N¿×¡A¥@¬É²{¦b¥²¶·¾a¥L̦ۤv¹ï§Ü³o¨Ç³Q¤É°_ªº
Someone fired a gun. Ian heard it popping like a child's toy, and surely
the bullets just bounced off the ship's hull. But he wished he had a weapon
of his own, just to demonstrate how he felt. Someone else joined in, shooting
and screaming obscenities at the invaders. The saucer was below the skyline,
and for a brief moment, Ian wished that a convenient earthquake would
send a skyscraper toppling over the craft and its inhabitants. / ¬Y¤HÂI¿U¤F¤@°¦ºj¡C
Ian Å¥¨ì¤F¥¦¹³«Ä¤lªºª±¨ã¨ú¥X, ©M·íµM³Q¶È¶È¨«¶}¤Ï¼u²îªº´ß¤l¼u¡C ¦ý¬O¥LÄ@¡A¥L¦³¤F¥L¦Û¤vªº¤@ÓªZ¾¹, ¥u¬O¥Ü½d¥L¦p¦ó·Pı¡C ¨ä¥L¤H¥[¤J,®gÀ»©M¦y¥s¦b«I²¤ªÌªº²]©¡C
¯ùºÐ¬O¦b¤Ñ²P¤U±¡A¦Ó¥B¹ï©ó²µuªº¤ù¨è¡A Ian Ä@¤F¤@¦¸¤è«Kªº¦a¾_±N·|°e¤@Ó¦b¸¾÷©M¥¦ªº©~¥Á¤§¤W±À½ ªº¼¯¤Ñ¼Ó¡C
But no, he had a family to look after. While the mob raged at the saucer
craft, he threaded his way through the crowd, pulling his wife and children
like a train behind him. / ¦ý¬O¤£¡A¥L¦³¤F¤@Ó®a®x¦b¬Ý¤§«á¡C ¼É¥Á¦b¯ùºÐ¸¾÷µo«ã¡A¤£¹L¥L¸g¹L¸s²³¬ï½u©ó¤F¥Lªº¤èªk,
"So what happened?" / " ¦p¦¹¤°»òµo¥Í"?
"I don't know." Joe leaned against the bus shelter and turned
his eyes skyward. A shower of dust and glass fragments trickled down the
side of the building across the street. "X wasn't there. I unplugged
one of the drills and left, and then the base collapsed in on itself."
/ "§Ú¤£ª¾¹D" ¡C ³ìʾa¤½¦@¨T¨®§ÈÅ@©Ò¨Ã¥B¦V¤ÑªÅÂà¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¡C ¦Ç¹Ð©M¬Á¼þ¸H¤ùªº¤@¦¸°}«Bºw¬y¤U¨Ó¾î¹Lµó¹Dªº«Ø¿vª«ªºÃä¡C
"X ¤£¦b¨º¸Ì¡C §Ú©Þ¶}¤FÆp¤Õ¾÷©M¥ªÃ䤧¤@, µM«á°ò¦˶ò¦b¥¦¥»¨¤§¤W¡C"
"Are you sure that's all you did?" / " §A½T©w¨º¬O§A°µªº¥þ³¡"?
This time, the implication only irritated him. "I killed a drill.
Nothing more. Maybe they drilled in the wrong spot." / ³o¦¸¡A§t·N¥u¿E«ã¤F¥L¡C
"§Ú±þ¤F¤@ÓÆp¤Õ¾÷¡C §ó¦hªº¨S¨Æ¡C ¤]³\¥L̦b¿ù»~ªº¦aÂI¤¤Æp¤Õ¡C"
"Where are you?" / "§A¦bþ¸Ì"?
"New Jork." Another ghost city, its inhabitants gone. Abandoned
cars still choked the streets, some with doors hanging open and batteries
drained. Joe heard distant footfalls and turned toward them, scanning
for movement. A moment later, five green-suited guards, rifles ready,
appeared at the intersection half a block from Joe's position. Still holding
the cell phone to his ear, Joe moved behind the shelter to stay out of
their sight. / "·sªº Jork". ¥t¤@®y°«°¥«,¥¦ªº¤£¨£¤Fªº©~¥Á¡C ¼Z¸¨ªº¨T¨®¤´µM²¿®§¤Fµó¹D, ¤@¨Ç¥Ñ©óªùÄa±¾¶}©ñªº¦Ó¥B¹q¦À±Æ¥X·¾¥~¡C
³ì¹ï©ó¥LÌÅ¥¨ì¤F»·ªº¸}Án¦Ó¥BÂà,¬°¹B°Ê±½´y¡C ¤@¤ù¨è¤§«á, ¤ºñ¦âªº-¾A¦X¤F¦u½Ã,¨ÓºÖºj¹w³Æ,¦b¨Ó¦Û³ìªº¦ì¸m¤Q¦r¸ô¤f¤@¥bªº°Ï¬q¥X²{¡C ¤´µM±µÅ¥¦æ°Ê¹q¸Ü,³ì¦b§ÈÅ@©Ò«á±²¾°Ê¥L̪ºµø¤O¥~¥X¡C
"I need you to stay put for now," Rafael told him. "The
ISO will be coming in to gather information within the two cities. I'd
like you to tap it and contact me when you're done. There are a few things
I can do." / "§Ú»Ýn§A¬°²{¦b°±¯d©ñ",Rafael §i¶D¤F¥L¡C "°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´±N¶i¨Ó¦b¤G®y«°¥«¸Ì±»E¶°¸ê®Æ¡C
·í§A³Q°µªº®ÉÔ¡A§Ú·Qn§A»´¥´¥¦¦Ó¥B³sµ¸§Ú¡C ¦³§Ú¯à°µªº¤@¨Ç¨Æª«¡C"
Ken stood beside the airlock's observation window, watching as the techs
loaded a supercomputer system aboard the New Godphoenix. As soon as they
finished, the team would embark on a fact-finding mission in New Jork,
the site of the worst of the earthquake damage. At Ken's elbow, Jinpei
nudged Jun's arm. / ¦b airlock's ªºÆ[¹îµ¡¤á®ÇÃä³Q¯¸¥ßªºªÖ®¦ , ¬Ý¦p¬ì§Þ·f¼·sªº Godphoenix ¸Ë¸ü¤F¤@Ó¶W¯Å¹q¸£¨t²Î¡C
¤@¥¹¥Ļ¹¦¨¡A¤p²Õ±N·|¶}©lµÛ¤â·sªº Jork ªº¤@Ó´M¨D¨Æ¹ê¥ô°È,¦a¾_·l®`ªº³ÌÃa¦ì¸m¡C ¦bªÖ®¦ªº¤â¨y¡A Jinpei ¥Î¨y»´±À¤F¤»¤ëªº¤âÁu¡C
"We've seen worse stuff than these earthquakes, and Hakase has never
wanted to come along before. How come he wants to come now?" / "§Ṳ́w¸g¶W¹L³o¨Ç¦a¾_§ó§óÃa¦a¬Ý¨ì¨Æ±¡¡A¦Ó¥B
Hakase ±q¥¼·Qn¥H«e¶i®i¡C ¬°¤°»ò¥L·Qn²{¦b¨Ó?"
"You make it sound like he never cared before," Jun whispered
back. "Anyway, he'll be in the New Godphoenix. There's more room
for him to work, and it should be a lot safer this time." / "
§A¨Ï¥¦°·¥þ°_¨Ó¹³¥L¤@¼Ë¥H«e±q¤£Ãö¤ß",¤»¤ë¦V«á¦a¦Õ»y¡C "µL½×¦p¦ó¡A¥L±N¦b·sªº Godphoenix ¤¤¡C ¥L¦³§ó¦hªº©Ð¶¡¤u§@¡A¦Ó¥B¥¦À³¸Ó¬O«Ü¦h³o¦¸§ó¦w¥þ¡C"
Still, Ken mused, what was it about this city that merited Nambu's personal
attention? That Galactor had an interest went without saying. Though they
hadn't initially claimed responsibility, newswires had delivered GelSadora's
statement an hour ago. Green-suited troops had run off the last of the
refugees and now held researchers and potential rescuers off at gunpoint.
Ameris's military forces, impressive in their own right, could have handled
the Galactors, and conventional research teams could have gathered the
data. But according to the newswire, they had never been dispatched. /
¼@·Ó, ªÖ®¦¨I«ä, ¥¦¬O¤°»òÃö©ó³o¤@®y«°¥«ªº¨ÆÀ³±oªº Nambu's ªºÓ¤Hª`·N? ¨º Galactor ¦³¿³½ì¤£»Ýn»¡´N¥h¡C ÁöµM¥L̨S¦³³Ìªì«ÅºÙ³d¥ô¡A¦ý¬O·s»D±M½u¦b¤@Ó¤p®É¥H«e¤w¸g»¼°e
GelSadora's ªº³¯z¡C ®æªL- ¾A¦Xx¶¤¤w¸g¨«¶}¶]®»¦í¬ã¨s¤HûªºÃø¥Á©M²{¦bªº³Ì«áªÌ©M¨«¶}¦b gunpoint ¥i¯àªº±Ï§UªÌ¡C Ameris's
ªºx¶¤, ¥O¤H¦L¶H²`¨èªº¦b¥L̦ۤvªºÅv§Q¤¤, À³¸Ó¥i¥H³B²z Galactors, ©M¶Ç²Îªº¬ã¨s¤p²ÕÀ³¸Ó¥i¥H»E¶°¸ê®Æ¡C ¦ý¬O¨Ì·Ó·s»D±M½u¡A¥Ḻq¥¼³Q¬£»º¡C
Ryu noticed his expression and leaned close. "What's up?" /
Ryu ±µªñ¦aª`·N¤F¥Lªºªí¹F¦Ó¥Bʾa¡C " ¤°»ò¦V¤W"?
"Nothing, for now," Ken said softly. "Just thinking."
/ "¨S¨Æ,¹ï©ó²{¦b",ªÖ®¦¬X©M¦a»¡¡C "¶È¶È·Q" ¡C
The techs took four hours to install the supercomputer, claiming difficulties
in adapting the power supply. The behemoth had already sucked the ship's
batteries dry in as little as fifteen minutes. A secondary generator had
to be installed and the batteries recharged, and then there was the added
weight to consider. Ryu paced the observation deck, listening to the tech
patter over the intercom. "Just watch," he muttered. "With
our luck, we'll face a surprise mech attack with the added weight and
with Hakase aboard." / ¬ì§Þªá¥|¤p®É¦w¸Ë¶W¯Å¹q¸£,¦b¾AÀ³¤O¶q¸Éµ¹¤è±«ÅºÙ§xÃø¡C ¥¨Ã~¦b¥un¤Q¤¤ÀÄÁ¤º¤w¸g§l²îªº¹q¦À°®¤F¡C
¤@Ó¤¤¯Åªºµo¹q¾÷¥²¶·³Q¦w¸Ë¡A¦Ó¥B¹q¦À¦A¥R¹q, µM«á¦³ªþ¥[ªº«¶q¦Ò¼{¡C Ryu ¿â¨B¤FÆ[¹î¥ÒªO,¹ï¬ì§Þ¦b¹ïÁ¿¾¹¤Wªº«æ³t©ç¥´ÁnÅ¥¡C "¶È¶È¬Ý",¥L³ä³ä¦Û»y¡C
"ÂǥѧÚ̪º¹B®ð¡A§Ú̱N¦b¸¾÷¤W¥Îªþ¥[ªº«¶q©M Hakase ±¹ï¤@Ó·N¥~ mech §ðÀ»" ¡C
"Don't worry," Ken said breezily. "If it comes to that,
we can always jettison the computer." / "¤£n·Ð´o",ªÖ®¦§j·L·¦a»¡¡C
"¦pªG¥¦¨ì¹F¨º,§ÚÌÁ`¬O±N§ë±ó¸Ë©óÅøÀY¹q¸£" ¡C
Ryu glanced sharply at him, then scratched his head. "Ken, I know
you've been mad at him for a while, but... are you gonna be okay with
this?" / Ryu ¾U§Q¦aª`µø¥L, µM«áÀ¿¥LªºÀY¡C "ªÖ®¦,§Úª¾¹D§A¹ï¥L¤@°}¤l¤w¸g¬OºÆ¨gªº,¦ý¬O¡C¡C¡C §A¥¿¦b¥h¹ï³o·P¨ì¦n¶Ü?"
"Why shouldn't I be?" When Ryu's puzzled expression didn't change,
Ken lowered his eyes. "No, I'll be fine," he said in a softer
voice. "Sometimes I forget that we're not really a family. We're
all professionals here." / " ¬°¤°»òÀ³¸Ó¤£§Ú¬O"? ·í³Q§x´bªí¹Fªº Ryu's ¨S¦³§ïÅܪº®ÉÔ,ªÖ®¦°§C¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¡C
"¤£¡A§Ú±N¬O»@´Ú",¥L¦b¤@ºØ¸û³nªºÁnµ¤¤»¡¡C "¦³®É§Ú§Ñ°O§Ṳ́£¯uªº¤@Ó®a®x¡C ©Ò¦³ªº§Ú̦b³o¸Ì¬O±M·~¤H¤h¡C"
Not again. / ¤£¬O¦A¤@¦¸¡C
Joe looked up between the buildings to see the familiar silhouette pass
above him. Rafael's doing this on purpose, he thought. I expected ISO,
but not this far up the ladder. / ³ì¬Ý¦b«Ø¿vª«¤§¶¡¤W±¬Ý¨£¦b¥L¤W±ªº¼ô±x¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼v³~®|¡C Rafael's
¬G·N°µ³o,¥L·Q¡C §Ú´Á±æ¤F°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´¡A¦ý¬O¤£³o»»»·¦a´£°ª±è¡C
He followed the New Godphoenix and watched as it split into its smaller
components: four new craft descended from various landing bays, then came
together in formation. Four? Who's the fourth? / ·í¥¦¶i¤J¥¦ªº¸û¤p¦¨¥÷¤§¤º¤ÀÂ÷ªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¸òÀH¤F·sªº
Godphoenix ¦Ó¥B¬Ý: ±q¦UºØ¤£¦Pªºµn³°®Û«a°ªº¥|·s¸¾÷,µM«á¦b§Î¦¨¤è±¤@°_¨Ó¡C ¥|? ²Ä¥|Ó¬O½Ö?
Joe followed from the ground, traveling on the roofs of the abandoned
vehicles when necessary. When the craft appeared to be settling, he vaulted
up the side of a suitable building for a good vantage point, than began
setting up his scanning station on the roof. Joe had never seen Ryu's
craft before, but he recognized the Horned Tank as being his. That must
thrill Ryu to no end, but who's piloting the ship? / ³ì±q¦a±¸òÀH, ¦b¼Z¸¨ªº¨®½ø«Î³»¤W®È¦æ·í¥²»Ýªº®ÉÔ¡C
·í¸¾÷¦ü¥G¸Ñ¨Mªº®ÉÔ, ¦³¶ê³»ªº¥L¬°¤@Ó¦nÆ[ÂI´£°ª¾A·íªº«Ø¿vª«ªºÃä, ¤ñ¸û¶}©l«Ø¥ß¥L±½´y¦b«Î³»¤Wªº¨®¯¸¡C ³ì¥H«e±q¥¼¬Ý¨ì Ryu's ªº¸¾÷¡A¦ý¬O¥L¿ë»{¥X¤F¦³¨¤ªº¼Ñ·í°µ¦b¥Lªº¡C
¨º¤@©wn¾_Ÿ¹ï¨S¦³µ²§ôªº Ryu, ¦ý¬O½Ö¥¿¦b»â¯è²î?
The four craft landed, and the team climbed out of four cockpits, pausing
to unload a large drilling device from the back of the tank. Ken held
something that looked like a GPS system as he pointed the way the team
would be heading, and Ryu pushed the cart carrying the drill. Within a
few minutes, they had disappeared around a street corner, but Joe elected
to stay where he was. / ¥|¸¾÷µn³°¡A¦Ó¥B¤p²Õ«æ¦£¦a²æ¤U¥|Ó¾r¾pû®y¿µ, ¼È°±¨ø³f¨Ó¦Û¼ÑªºI±¤jºt½m¸Ë¸m¡C ·í¥L«ü¤F¤p²Õ±N·|´Â¦Vªº¤è¦¡¡A¦Ó¥B
Ryu ±À°Ê¤F·f¸üÆp¤Õ¾÷ ªº¤â±À¨®ªº®ÉÔ¡AªÖ®¦®³µÛ¤F¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³¤@Ó¥þ²y©w¦ì´ú¶q½Ã¬P¨t²Î¤@¼Ëªº¬Y¨Æ¡C ¦b´X¤ÀÄÁ¤§¤º¡A¥L̤w¸g¦b¤@Óµó¹D¨¤¸¨ªº©P³ò®ø¥¢,
Tapping the information--it sounded so easy if one didn't know what the
task entailed. The information from the team's probe would be broadcast
via radio waves, but finding the frequency... therein would lie the challenge.
And even if he found it, Joe wouldn't know how much information he had
missed once the device started broadcasting, or how much use it would
be to Rafael. Whatever he could get, he decided. Joe scanned for a local
broadcast at a frequency similar to what the team had used on their bracelets
in years past. The signal appeared surprisingly quickly, and he began
recording. As the machine worked, he went about unpacking his weapons,
pausing occasionally to glance at the vehicles below. / »´¥´¸ê®Æ--¦pªG¤@¨S¦³ª¾¹D¤u§@©Ò»Ýnªº¡A¥¦Å¥°_¨Ó¦p¦¹®e©ö¡C
¨Ó¦Û¤p²Õªº±´¬d¸ê®Æ±N·|¸g¥Ñ¹qªi¬O¼s¼½, ¦ý¬Oµo²{ÀW²v¡C¡C¡C ¦b¨ä¤¤±N·|½öµÛ¬D¾Ô¡C ¦Ó¥B§Y¨Ï¥Lµo²{¥¦, ³ì±N¤£ª¾¹D¥L¤w¸g¿ù¹L¦h¤Ö¸ê®Æ¡A¤@¥¹¸Ë¸m¶}©l¤F¼s¼½,
©Î¥¦±N·|¬O¦h¤Ö¨Ï¥Î¨ì Rafael¡C µL½×¥L¥i¥H±o¨ì¤°»ò,¥L¨M©w¡C ³ìÃþ¦ü¤p²Õ¦b¼Æ¦~¹L¥h¤º¤w¸g¦b¥L̪º¤âÅN¤W¨Ï¥Îªº¦b¤@ÀW²v¬°¦a¤è¼s¼½±½´y¡C
«H¸¹¥O¤HÅå³Y¦a«Ü§Ö¦a¥X²{¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¶}©l°O¿ý¡C ·í¾÷¾¹¤u§@ªº®ÉÔ,¥L³B²z¨ø¤U¥LªºªZ¾¹, ¦³®ÉԼȰ±¦b¤U±ª`µø¨®½ø¡C
Arranged in a neat semicircle, the Kagaku Ninjatai's vehicles sat with
cockpits open. As Joe watched, several Galactors moved furtively toward
the vehicles, and their leader, dressed in red, crawled up the side of
Ken's plane. Joe had the pistol loaded and ready, but his automatic rifle,
the weapon with the range he needed, was still in pieces in its case.
Joe swore and started assembling the rifle, but he knew it was too late.
He had to wait for the Galactors to break from the protective armor of
the vehicles before he could get in a good shot. And the only thing that
would draw them out was the appearance of the rest of the team. / ¦b¤@Ó¾ã¼äªº¥b¶ê§Î¤¤¦w±Æ,Kagaku
Ninjatai's ªº¨®½ø¥H¾r¾pû®y¿µ¤½¶}§¤¡C ·í³ì¬Ýªº®ÉÔ,¬õ¦âªº³Q¹ï©ó¨®½ø , ©M¬ïµÛªº¥LÌ»â³S¨p¤U¦a²¾°Êªº¤@¨Ç Galactors,¦bªÖ®¦ªº¸¾÷Ãä¤W±ª¦¦æ¡C
³ì¸Ë¸ü¤âÂò©M²{ª÷, ¦ý¬O¥Lªº¦Û°Ê¨Bºj, ©M½d³òªºªZ¾¹¥L»Ýn,¤´µM¦b¥¦ªº±¡ªp¬O¦b¶ô¤¤¡C ³ì©G½|¦Ó¥B¶}©l¶°¦X¨ÓºÖºj¡A¦ý¬O¥Lª¾¹D¤F¥¦¤Ó±ß¡C ¦b¥L¥i¥H¶i¤J¦nª`®g¤§«e
, ¥L¥²¶·µ¥Ô Galactors ±q¨®½øªº«OÅ@²¯¥Ò¥´¯}¡C ¦Ó¥B±N·|¨Ï¥L̩쩵ªº°ß¤@¨Æª«¬O¤p²Õªº¨ä¥¦³¡¤Àªº¥~ªí¡C
Joe didn't have to wait long. The team conversed as they approached their
vehicles. He wanted to shout as Ken stepped up to his plane and slid back
the canopy, but the captain acted fast: lunging from the cockpit with
his gun shoved into Ken's face. Jun, Jinpei and Ryu stood in a group with
their hands raised as the green-suits closed in on them. / ³ì¨S¦³¶·¤[µ¥Ô¡C ·í¥Ḻµªñ¤F¥L̪º¨®½ø®ÉÔ¡A¤p²Õ¥æ½Í¡C
·íªÖ®¦¾aªñ¥Lªº¸¾÷®ÉÔ¡A¥L·Qn©I³Û¡A¦Ó¥B slid ¦^¤ÑÁO¡A¦ý¬O²îªø¦æ°ÊÂN§Ù: ±q©M¥Lªººj¾r¾pû®y¿µªÍ¶i¤JªÖ®¦ªºÁy¤§¤º±ÀÀ½¡C ¤»¤ë,¦b©M¥L̪º¤â¤@Ó¹ÎÅ餤ªº¯¸¥ß
Jinpei ©M Ryu ·í°µºñ¦â¤É°_- Ãö³¬ªº¶D³^¦b¥L̨¤W¡C
This is ridiculous. Ken must really be slipping. / ³o¬O¯îÂÕªº¡C ªÖ®¦¤@©wn¯uªº·ÆË¡C
Joe drew a bead on the goon closest to Jinpei and pulled the trigger.
/ ³ì¹ïµÛ±µªñ Jinpei ªº§b¤lºË·Ç¥Ø¼Ð¦Ó¥B©Ô¤FªO¾÷¡C
The Galactor jerked and dropped to the ground, and the delayed report
of the rifle caused the others to turn. In the corner of the sights, Joe
saw the captain tumble backwards out of the G-1's cockpit. The team took
shelter behind their vehicles, leaving Joe open access to most of the
troops, and he pulled and held the trigger. The automatic roared, scattering
the quick solders and cutting down the rest like tall grass. Rolling to
his feet, the captain pulled a pistol, fired in Joe's direction and shouted,
and more men sprinted toward the building. Bullets chewed the wall below
Joe's perch, spattering chunks of concrete and glass. Joe hunched down
and returned the fire with deadly precision. Seeing the direction of the
battle, the team attacked, dropping every soldier within reach of a thrown
weapon. Ken hit the red captain with his cutting saucer, and the leader
fell, writhing, to the ground. / Galactor ¹ï¦a±µjÅ˦ӥB°§C¡A¦Ó¥B¨ÓºÖºjªº³Q©µ¿ðªº³ø§i¾ÉP¨ä¾lªÌÂà¡C
¦bµø¤Oªº¨¤¸¨¤¤¡A³ì¦V«á±q G-1 ¬Ý¨£²îªø¶^Ë's ¾r¾pû®y¿µ¡C ¤p²Õ±a¤F§ÈÅ@©Ò«á±ªº³¡¤À¥L̪º¨®½ø,¯d¤U³ì¹ï¤j³¡¥÷ªºx¶¤¶}©ñ³q¸ô¡A¦Ó¥B¥L©Ô¦Ó¥B®³µÛ¤FªO¾÷¡C
¦Û°Ê¾÷±ñ§q,´²§G§Öªº²k±µ¾¯¦Ó¥B´î§C¤U¨Ó¨ä¾lªÌ¦PÃþ°ªªº¯ó¡C ºu°Ê¨ì¥Lªº¸},²îªø©Ô¤F¤@§â¤âÂò, ¦b³ìªº¤è¦V¤¤ÂI¿U¦Ó¥B©I³Û,¦Ó¥B§ó¦hªº¨k¤H¹ï©ó«Ø¿vª«¾Ä¤O¦Ó¶]¡C
¤l¼u¦b³ìªº´Ï¤ì¤U±©CÄZÀð¾À,²kÂqª«²V¾®¤g©M¬Á¼þªº¤j¶ô¡C ³ìÅs¸y¾mI¤U¨Ó¦Ó¥B¥ÎP©Rªººë±KÂkÁÙ¤õ¡C ¬Ý¨£¾Ôª§ªº¤è¦V,¤p²Õ§ðÀ»,¦b¤@Ó³Q¥áªºªZ¾¹½d³ò¸Ì±°§C¨CÓx¤H¡C
Joe stopped firing. In the resulting silence, he heard the one thing he
dreaded most: / ³ì°±¤î¶}¤õ¡C ¦b²£¥Íªº¨HÀq¤è±¡A¥LÅ¥¨ì¤F¥L³Ì®£Äߪº¤@¥ó¨Æª«:
"Joe!" / "³ì"!
Jun. / ¤»¤ë¡C
He peered over the ledge to see her running toward him, wings flaring,
one hand raised. The rest of the team stood mesmerized. Joe felt a sharp
prickling along the back of his arms and neck. / ¥L¦b©¥¬[¤§¤W¾®µø¹ï©ó¥L¡Aµo¥úªº¯Í»H¨£¦o¶],¤@°¦¤â¤É°_¡C
¤p²Õªº¨ä¥¦³¡¤À¯¸µÛ¬I¶Ê¯v³N¡C ³ì·Pı¤F¤@Ó¦V«e¨ë¥Lªº¤âÁu©M²ä¤lªºI± ªº°ª½Õ¡C
Oh damn it! / ®@¶A©G¥¦!
Joe slung the rifle and backpack by their straps over one shoulder, rushed
to the far wall and leaped down three stories to the roof of the neighboring
building, putting the first building between him and Jun's sight. Even
so, he couldn't outrun the sound of her voice. It raked at him, even worse
than when she had pursued him in the Easton Island temple. His hearing
was too sharp. He should block it out. Why didn't he block it out? His
strides shortened and slowed, as if his own body was fighting him. He
could hear her footsteps and Ken calling after her, and then-- / ³Q¥L̪º¶W¹L¤@ªºÃ·ªÓ§ëÂY¨ÓºÖºj©MI¥]ªº³ì,¶Ê«P¨ì»·ªºÀð¾À¦Ó¥B¸õÅD¤U¨Ó¨ìªþªñªº«Ø¿vª«ªº«Î³»¤TÓ¬G¨Æ,©ñ¦b¥L©M¤»¤ëªºµø¤O¤§¶¡ªº²Ä¤@´É«Ø¿vª«¡C
¬Æ¦Ü¦p¦¹¡A¥L¤£¥i¥H¶]±o§ó§Ö¦oªºÁnµÁnµ¡C ¥¦¦b¥L¦V²î§À, ¥©Zªº§óÃa¨Æ¶W¹L·í¦o¤w¸g¦b Easton ®q¦x¼q¤¤°l¨D¥Lªº®ÉÔ¡C ¥LªºÅ¥ÃÒ·|¤Ó¾U§Q¡C
¥LÀ³¸Óªý¶ë¥X¥¦¡C ¥L¦ó¤£ªý¶ë¥X¥¦? ¥Lªº¤j¨B§Ëµu¦Ó¥B´îºC,¦n¹³¥L¦Û¤vªº¨Å饿¦b¹ï§Ü¥L¡C ¥L¥i¥HÅ¥¨ì¦oªº¸}¨B©M¦b¦o¤§«á©I¥s ªºªÖ®¦,µM«á--
It wasn't so much a call as a scream. Her voice broke at its highest note
and echoed off concrete and glass, assaulting him again and again. / ¥¦¬O¤£¦p¦¹ªº¦h¦p¤@Án¦y¥sÁnªº¤@Ó©I¥s¡C
"JOE!" / "³ì"!
Jun, stop it! Please. The air tore at his throat and the inside of his
chest as he broke past his sudden lethargy and ran. Joe raced between
antennas and air conditioning units, finally dropping from a rooftop to
the darkness of an alley. He slammed into the side of the building with
one shoulder, and fell to his knees, gasping. Staring at the ground without
seeing. / ¤»¤ë,°±¤î¥¦! ½Ð¡C ·í¥LÂ_±¼¤F¹L¥h¥Lªº¬ðµM©üºÎ¨Ã¥B¶]ªº®ÉÔ¡AªÅ®ð¦b¥Lªº«|³ï©M¥Lªº¯Ý¤º³¡¼¹¯}¡C ³ì¦b¤Ñ½u©MªÅ½Õ³æ¦ì¤§¶¡¤ñÁÉ,³Ì«á±q¤@ӫ㻨ì¤p¸ôªº¶Â·t°§C¡C
¥L²rµM¦a¼²¶i¦³¤@ÓªÓªº«Ø¿vª«ªºÃä, ¦Ó¥B¸¨¨ì¥Lªº½¥,³Ý®ð¡C ¤£¬Ý¨£¨nµÛ¦a±¬Ý¡C
Go back, said his conscience. Just turn around and walk back to them.
They'll be there. / ¦^¥h,»¡¥Lªº¨}¤ß¡C ¶È¶È¦V«á¦a¹ï¥L̦^¹LÀY¦Ó¥B¨«¸ô¡C ¥ḺN¦b¨º¸Ì¡C
"I can't do that!" His lips moved as he breathed raggedly. /
"§Ú¤£¯à°µ¨º"! ·í¥L¦çmÄ°Á¹¦a©I§lªº®ÉÔ¡A¥Lªº®B²¾°Ê¡C
Why? Rafael wants you to go back. / ¬°¤°»ò? Rafael ·Qn§A¦^¥h¡C
"I don't care what Rafael wants. I'll endanger them." / "§Ú¤£Ãö¤ß
Rafael ©Ò·Qnªº¡C §Ú±N¦M¤Î¥LÌ¡C"
You can't put them in any more danger than they're in already. What if
you could have helped them? Remember when you found them in the bay? /
§A¤£¯à§â¥LÌ©ñ¤J¥ô¦óªº¸û¥L̬°¦hªº¦MÀI¬O¦b¤w¸g¡C ¤°»ò¦pªG§AÀ³¸Ó¥i¥HÀ°§U¥LÌ? ·í§A¦b®üÆW¤¤µo²{¥L̪º®ÉÔ¡A°O±o?
"They'll never accept me like this! The fight on the Tiger base--what
if I can't control what happens? What if I just make things worse for
them?" / "¥ḺNµLªk¹³³o¤@¼Ë±µ¨ü§Ú! ¦b¦Ñªê¤Wªº¾Ô°«§@°ò¦-- ¤°»ò¦pªG§Ú¤£¯à±±¨îµo¥Í¤°»ò¨Æ? ¤°»ò¦pªG§Ú¶È¶È¨Ï¥L̪º¨Æª«§óÁV?"
You want to go back to them. It's all you want. Either join them or stay
away from them. Don't hover between. / §A·Qn¦^¥h¥LÌ¡C ¥¦¥þ³£¬O§A·Qn¡C ©Î°Ñ¥[¥L̩ΰ±¯d»·Â÷¥LÌ¡C
"They think I'm dead." / " ¥LÌ»{¬°§Ú¦º" ¡C
Then why did Jun call you? She doesn't believe in ghosts. Be a man. Stand
up, turn around, and walk back to them. / µM«á¤»¤ë¬°¤°»ò¥´¹q¸Üµ¹§A? ¦o¤£¬Û«H°¡C ¨k¤H¬O¡C ¯¸°_¨Ó¡M¦^¹LÀY¡M¦Ó¥B¦V«á¦a¹ï¥L̨«¸ô¡C
"Shut up!" Joe shouted, striking at the wall. The cinderblock
shattered, leaving a hole the size of his fist. "Just shut up!"
/ "³¬¼L"! ³ì©I³Û,¥´À»Àð¾À¡C ·Ñ´í¿j¥´¸H,¯d¤U¤@Ó¬}¥Lªº®±ÀY¤j¤p¡C "è賬¼L"!
If they searched for him, they would find him crouched in a dead end,
against a cold concrete wall. He waited, eyes tightly shut, hoping that
he would hear their approaching footsteps. But they didn't come, and the
next time Joe was aware, he heard the roar of their small craft departing.
/ ¦pªG¥LÌ´M§ä¥L, ¥ḺN·|µo²{¥L¦b¤@ÓºÉÀY¤¤ÃÛ¤U,¤Ï¹ï¤@±´H§Nªº¨ãÅéÀð¾À¡C ¥Lµ¥Ô,²´·úºòºò¦aÃö¤W,§Æ±æ¥L±N·|Å¥¨ì¥Ḻµªñ¸}¨B¡C ¦ý¬O¥L̨S¦³¨Ó¡A¦Ó¥B¤U¦^³ì¬Oª¾¹Dªº,¥LÅ¥¨ì¤F¥L̪º¤p¸¾÷Â÷¶}ªº§q¡C
Then the rattle of several guns. / µM«á¨º¤@¨ÇºjÅå·W¥¢±¹¡C
Joe looked up to find green-suited troops blocking both sides of the alley,
rifles up and ready. A second captain, this one in blue, stood smirking.
/ ³ì¬Ý¦b¤W±µo²{ºñ¦âªº - ³Q¾A¦X¸s¶°ªýÂ_¨âªÌªº¤p¸ôÃä, ¥Î¨Bºj®gÀ»¦b¦Ó¥B¤W±¹w³Æ¡C ¤@¦ì²Ä¤G¦ì²îªø , ÂŦ⪺³o¤@Ó,¯¸µÛ¼H¼H°µ¯º¡C
"You should have kept running," the captain said. "Step
into the light." / "§AÀ³¸ÓnÄ~Äò¶]ªº",²îªø»¡¡C "¶i¤J¥ú¤§¤º¦æ¨«"
Joe realized they'd heard him, but couldn't see him. Silently, he eased
to his feet. / ³ì¤F¸Ñ¤F¥L̦³Å¥¨ì¤F¥L, ¦ý¬O¤£¥i¥H¬Ý¨£¥L¡C ÀqÀq¦a¡A¥L½w©M¨ì¥Lªº¸}¡C
"GelSadora-sama will be glad to see you," the man continued.
"For a while she was worried that the Condor might really be alive.
You're good, but not that good." / "GelSadora- sama ±N°ª¿³¨£§A",¨k¤HÄ~Äò¡C
"¤@°}¤l¦o¾á¼~¨rÆN¤O¶q¯uªº¬¡µÛ¡C §A«Ü¦n, ¦ý¬O¤£¬O¨º»ò¦n¡C"
"I'm not done yet," Joe said softly. The guns wavered in the
direction of his voice. / "§Ú¤´µM¤£³Q°µ",³ì¬X©M¦a»¡¡C ºj¦b¥LªºÁnµ¤è¦V¤¤°Ê·n¡C
"Too bad," the captain said. "You'd have made a prime hostage.
Kill him." / "¤ÓÃaªº",²îªø»¡¡C "§A¦³¤w¸g°µ¤@ÓºëµØ¤H½è¡C ±þ¥L¡C"
The buildings reverberated with the sound of gunfire. Joe leaped straight
up, above the hail of bullets, and unleashed a handful of shuriken. When
he landed, the alley became a chaos of flying and falling bodies. / «Ø¿vª«¥HºjÀ»ªºÁnµ¦^ÅT¡C
µ§ª½¦a³Q¸õÅDªº³ì´£°ª,¦b¤l¼uªº¦B¹r¤W±, ¦Ó¥B¸Ñ©ñ¤F¤@§â shuriken¡C ·í¥Lµn³°ªº®ÉÔ,¤p¸ôÅܦ¨¸¦Ó¥B¸¨¤U¨Å骺¤j²V¶Ã¡C
It was their fault, all their fault. These green-suited monsters and their
agents had taken everything from him. In the Tiger base, they had nearly
taken his spirit as well. Once again, they had him cornered and alone,
but this time... this time, nothing would shatter until he wanted it to.
This time he kept his touch light and fast, thinking of the graceful movements
that were so much Ken's trademark. He caught a charging Galactor and used
the man's own momentum to throw him; the guard struck the far wall and
slid down. His closest partner started to back away, but a single kick
to the midsection sent that man skidding to lie unconscious beside the
first. Joe could almost hear the instructions as Ken would have spoken
them: Avoid brute force. Try instead to be everywhere at once. Don't worry
about leaving yourself open--you can take it. / ¥¦¬O¥L̪º¹L¥¢¡A¥LÌ©Ò¦³ªº¹L¥¢¡C ºñ¦â¾A¦Xªº©Çª«©M¥L̪º¥N²z¤Hªº³o¨Ç¤w¸g±a¨Ó¦Û¥Lªº¨C¥ó¨Æª«¡C
¦b¦Ñªê°ò¦¤¤¡A¥LÌ´X¥G¤w¸g¤]±Ä¨ú¥Lªººë¯«¡C ¦A¤@¦¸¡A¥LÌ¢¦Ü¤@¶¨¥L©M©t¿Wªº, ¦ý¬O³o¦¸¡C¡C¡C ³o¦¸¡A¨S¨Æ±N·|¥´¸H¡Aª½¨ì¥L·Qn¥¦¨ì¡C ³o¦¸¥L»´¸Ë¦a«O«ù¤F¥LªºÄ²Ä±¦Ó¥BÂN§Ù,³o»ò¦hªÖ®¦ªº°Ó¼ÐÀu¬üªº¹B°Ê«ä¦Ò¡C
¥L®·®»¤Fn»ù Galactor ¦Ó¥B¨Ï¥Î¤F¨k¤Hªº¦Û¤v°Ê¤O¥á¥L; ¦u½Ã¥´Ë»·ªºÀð¾À©M slid ¡C ¥L³Ì¿Ëªñªº¦X¹Ù¤H¶}©l°hÁY¡A¦ý¬O¤¤¥¡³¡¤Àªº³æ¤@½ð°e¤F«b¨®¦b²Ä¤@®ÇÃä½öµÛµL·NÃÑ
ªº¨º¤@Ó¨k¤H¡C ·íªÖ®¦·|Á¿¥L̪º®ÉÔ¡A³ì¥i¥H´X¥GÅ¥¨ì«ü¥O: ÁקK¼É¤O¡C §ï¬°¸Õ¥ß¨è¦b¦U³B¡C ¤£n·Ð´oÃö©óÂ÷¶}§A¦Û¤v¥´¶}--§A¯à®³¥¦¡C
He could do this--it was easy. Just like the old days, he fought best
when he didn't single anyone out. He didn't need strength, just his wits,
his old efficiency. A third Galactor led the way into the dark alley with
his rifle, but when an unseen hand grabbed the gun and yanked, he didn't
have the sense to let go. Joe's fist impacted with the base of the goon's
skull, and there was no blood as the man died. Two of the soldiers panicked
and sprayed the darkness with gunfire, killing more of their own. / ¥L¥i¥H°µ³o--¥¦¬O®e©öªº¡C
¥¿¦pªº¼Æ¤Ñ,·í¥L¨S¦³¿ï¥X¥X¥ô¦ó¤Hªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¥´¥M¤F³Ì¦n¡C ¥L¨S¦³»Ýn¤O¶q¡A¥¿ª½ªº¥L¾÷´¼¡A¥LªºÂ®IJv¡C ²Ä¤TÓ Galactor ¥H¥Lªº¨ÓºÖºj¤Þ¾É¤è¦¡¶i¶Â·tªº¤p¸ô¤§¤º¡A¦ý¬O·í¤@°¦¥¼¨£¹Lªº¤â§ì¨ú¤Fºj¦Ó¥B±j©Ôªº®ÉÔ,¥L¨S¦³ÅýnÅýªº·Pı¥h¡C
·í¨k¤H¦ºªº®ÉÔ¡A³ìªº®±ÀY¥H§b¤lªºÀY»\°©ªº°ò¦¼vÅT, ¦Ó¥B¨S¦³¦å¡C x¤H¤¤ªº¤GÓ¥HºjÀ»¨Ï¼QÅx®£·W¨Ã¥B¶Â·t,±þ®`¥L̦ۤvªº§ó¦h¡C
At last the alley went silent. Only the blue captain remained, staring
wildly around him at the sea of bodies on the ground. Joe stepped out
of the darkness and met the man's eyes before he lashed out with his right
hand. The leader barely had time to gasp before his neck snapped. / ³Ì«á¤p¸ôÅܨHÀq¡C
¥u¦³ÂŦ⪺²îªø«O«ù,¦b¦a±¤Wªº¨Åé®ü¬v¦b¥L©P³ò³¥©Ê¦aª`µø¡C ¦b¥L¥H¥Lªº¥k¤âÃ@¥´¥X¤§«e , ³ì½ñ¥X¶Â·t¦Ó¥B¹J¨£¤F¨k¤Hªº²´·ú¡C ¦b¥Lªº²ä¤l«rÂ_¤§«e
, »â³S´X¥G¦³¤F®É¶¡³Ý®ð¡C
Joe was careful to retrieve all of his shuriken before he left. / ¦b¥LÂ÷¶}¤§«e
, ³ì¤p¤ß¨ú¦^¥Lªº¥þ³¡ shuriken ¡C
Above, in the circling New Godphoenix. the supercomputer sat dormant
as Dr. Nambu studied a fresh videotape, winding it back and occasionally
freezing the frame. Ship's cameras had caught the gunfight below as well
as Jun's reaction. When the movement caught his attention, he put the
cameras on manual control and focused them along Jun's line of sight to
the movement on top of a nearby building. He punched a button to increase
the magnification again and again, and frowned at the image there. He
followed as a dark figure moved away from the battle scene and vanished,
dropping straight from the roof into an alley. Nambu leaned forward. The
team had the agility and endurance to withstand such a long drop, but
then, they also had the Birdstyles to slow their descent. / ¤W¤è, ¦b¨º¥]³ò·sªº
Godphoenix¡C ¶W¯Å¹q¸£§¤µÛÁöµM Nambu ³Õ¤h¾Ç²ß¤F¤@Ó·sÂAªº¿ý¼v±aºÎ¯vª¬ºAªº, §â¥¦±²Â¶¦^¨Ó©M¦³®ÉÔ¦BáÅé®æ¡C ²îªº¬Û¾÷¤w¸g®·®»ºj¾Ô¦b©M¤U±¤»¤ëªº¤ÏÀ³¡C
·í¹B°Ê¤Þ°_¤F¥Lªºª`·N®ÉÔ,¥LªuµÛ¹ï¦b¤@´Éªþªñªº«Ø¿vª«ªº³»ºÝ¤Wªº¹B°Ê¤»¤ëªºµø½u§â¬Û¾÷©ñ¦b¤H¤uªº±±¨î¦Ó¥B¶°¤¤¤F¥LÌ¡C ¥L¥H®±«À»¤F¤@Ó¶s¦©¤@¦¸¤S¤@¦¸¼W¥[ÂX¤j,
¦Ó¥B¦b¨º¸Ì¦b¼v¹³½K¬ÜÀY¡C ·í¤@Ӷ·tªº¼Æ¦r±q¾Ôª§²{³õ²¾¶}¦Ó¥B®ø¥¢ªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¸òÀH,±q«Î³»¨ì¤@±ø¤p¸ô©ñ±óª½½u¡C Nambu ¦V«e¦aʾa¡C ¤p²Õ¦³¤F±Ó±¶©M§Ô@©è§Ü¤@Ó¦p¦¹ªøªº¤U°¡A¦ý¬OµM«á¡A¥L̤]¦³¤F
Birdstyles ´îºC¥L̪º°¸¨¡C
The subject had kept his back to the camera and his face blocked by the
gun he held. But the stance, the way he moved.... Nambu felt cold. After
all this time and all these clues, he found himself thinking this could
be no one but Joe. The Condor had been the most reticent of all the team,
deferential to Nambu, but closed-mouthed about anything other than business.
As he had several times during the past few years, Nambu recalled his
last contact with Joe. His final words: "Let's go take some X-rays."
A loud thump, the roar of an engine starting, and Joe gone for two years.
Did Joe blame him for the outcome at Cross Karakoram? If Nambu had allowed
Joe to follow the team on their final mission, would they have brought
him back alive? / ¥DÃD¤w¸g¦V«á¦a«O«ù¥Lªº¨ì¬Û¾÷©M¥Lªº³Q¥L®³µÛªººjªý¶ëªºÁy¡C ¦ý¬OºA«×, ¤èªk¥L²¾°Ê.... Nambu ı±o´H§N¡C
³o¦¸²¦³º©M©Ò¦³ªº³o¨Ç½u¯Á, ¥Lµo²{¥L¦Û¤v·Q³o¥i¯à°£¤F³ì¤§¥~¬O¨S¦³¤H¡C ¨rÆN¤w¸g¬O©Ò¦³ªº¤p²Õ³ÌµL¨¥ªº, ®¥·qªº¨ì Nambu, ¦ý¬OÃö³¬-°£¤F¥Í·N¤§¥~Ãö©ó¥ô¦ó¨Æ¸ËµÄ§@¶Õ»¡¸Ü¡C
·í¥L¦b¹L¥h´X¦~´Á¶¡¦n´X¦¸¦³ªº®ÉÔ,¦b³Ì«á³Q¨ú®ø¥Lªº Nambu ©M³ì³sµ¸¡C ¥Lªº³Ì«á¦r: " Åý§ÚÌ¥h®³¤@¨Ç X¥ú".
¤jÁnªº«¥´¡A¤ÞÀº¥Xµoªº§q©M¤£¨£¤F¤G¦~ªº³ì¡C ³ì¦]¬°¦b¥æ¤eªº Karakoram ªºµ²ªG¦Ó³d³Æ¥L¶Ü? °²¦p Nambu ¤¹³\³ì¸òÀH¦b¥L̪º³Ì«á¥ô°È¤Wªº¤p²Õ,
The control panel pinged, indicating the first of the Kagaku Ninjatai's
four vehicles was docking. Nambu snapped off the video and faced the door,
waiting for the Team to arrive. / ±±¨î»ö¿öªOÜÛ¦a¸¹L,«ü¥X Kagaku Ninjatai's ªº¥|½ø¨®½øªº²Ä¤@Ó¥¿¦b¾p¤J²î¶õ¡C
Nambu §éÂ_¿ý¼v±a¦Ó¥B±¹ï¤Fªù, µ¥Ô¤p²Õ¨ì¹F¡C
They came into the cockpit together. Jun watched the floor as she walked.
Ken glared hotly at her, while the other two stared. "Aniki--"
Jinpei said softly. / ¥L̤@°_¶i¤J¾r¾pû®y¿µ¡C ·í¦o¨«¸ôªº®ÉÔ¡A¤»¤ë¬Ý¤F¦aªO¡C ªÖ®¦´»¼ö¦a¦b¦oµo¯t¥ú, ·í³Qª`µøªº¥t¥~¤Gªº®ÉÔ¡C
"Aniki--" Jinpei ¬X©M¦a»¡¡C
"Just leave it," Ken snapped. Noticing Nambu's appraising stare,
he said, "How are the readouts coming? Is the probe working?"
/ "¶È¶È¯d¤U¥¦",ªÖ®¦«rÂ_¡C ª`·N Nambu's µû»ùª`µø,¥L»¡,"¸ê®Æ¸ÑªR¨Ó¦n¶Ü? ±´¬d¬O¤u§@¶Ü?"
For a moment, he recalled Ken's angry face in the hospital room. "You
tell us nothing! How can I trust you now?" Nambu took a deep breath.
It would be so easy to say, "I have some data on what Jun thought
she saw." Did he dare hope? Did he dare let them hope? / ¤@·|¨à¡A¥L¦bÂå°|©Ð¶¡¤¤¨ú®øªÖ®¦ªº¥Í®ðÁy¡C
"§A§i¶D§Ų́S¨Æ! ²{¦b§Ú¦p¦ó¯à«H¿à§A?"Nambu §@¤F²`ªº©I§l¡C »¡±N·|¬O¦p¦¹®e©ö,"§Ú¦b¤»¤ë©Ò·Qªº¦o¬Ý¨£¤W¦³¤@¨Ç¸ê®Æ".
¥L´±§Æ±æ¶Ü? ¥L´±Åý¥ĻƱæ?
How could it not be Joe? / ¥¦¦p¦ó¤£¥i¯à¬O³ì?
"Yes. Let's return to base," Nambu said. / "¬Oªº¡C Åý§Ú̦^¨ì¥H,§@°ò¦"Nambu
"We lost how many?" / " §ÚÌ¥¢¥h¦h¤Ö"?
"Forty men, GelSadora-sama." The sub-captain fought an urge
to cringe. The taicho towered over him, her jaw set. "The Kagaku
Ninjatai came into the city, and we thought we had the advantage when
we separated them from their vehicles. We did have an advantage until
an unknown sniper opened fire." / "¥|¤Q¦ì¨k¤H,GelSadora-sama".
¤l²îªø¥´¥M¤F©IÆ~¬ÈÁY¡C taicho ¦b¥L¤§¤W°ªÁq, ©T©wªº¦oÃE¡C "Kagaku Ninjatai ¶i¤J«°¥«¡A¦Ó¥B§ÚÌ·Q¡A·í§Ṵ́Ϲj¥LÌ©M¥L̪º¨®½ø®ÉÔ¡A§Ú̦³¤F§Q¯q¡C
"Why didn't you pursue the sniper?" / "§A¦ó¤£°l¨Dª®À»¤â"?
"We did. He killed the remaining fifteen men." / "§ÚÌ°µ¡C
"One man killed fifteen armed soldiers?" she snarled, leaning
forward. "With what, pray tell, a grenade?" / "¤@Ó¨k¤H±þ¤F¤Q¤ÓªZ¸Ëªºx¤H"?
¦o§q¥s,¶É±×Âà±H¡C " ¥Ñ©ó¤°»ò, ¬èë§i¶D,¤@Áû¤âºh¼u"?
"We're n-not sure at this point, GelSadora-sama. We found them after
the battle. Some were shot; others had bones crushed. A few look like
they were poisoned by some sort of dart--" / "§Ú̬O n- ¤£¬O½T«H¦¹®É,GelSadora-sama¡C
§Ú̦b¾Ôª§¤§«áµo²{¥LÌ¡C ¤@¨Ç³Q®gÀ»; ¨ä¥¦À£¯}°©ÀY¡C ¤@¨Ç¯«±¡¹³¥L̳Q¸Åߪº¤@¨ÇÃþ«¬¬r®`¤F--"
"What kind of darts? Did they look like feathers?" "I don't
know. There w-weren't any on the--" / " ¤°»òÃþ«¬ªº¸Åß? ¥L̬ݰ_¨Ó¹³¦Ð¤ò¤@¼Ë¶Ü?""§Ú¤£ª¾¹D¡C
¨º¸Ì w- ¤£¬O¥ô¦óªº¦b¨º¤§¤W--"
"Get out of my sight. Out!" The sub-captain fled. / "Â÷¶}§Úªºµø¤O¡C
She shouldn't be so upset about such a minor setback. The rest of the
loading was going well. They had already emptied out all the banks in
the city's financial district, finding plenty to fund the construction
of at least three new bases. That was worth the ten men she had lost to
falling debris. But the nerve of the ISO... why didn't they have the sense
to stay out of her way? / ¦o¤£À³¸Ó¬O¦p¦¹·Ð¶ÃÃö©ó¤@Ó¦p¦¹¸û¤pªº®À§é¨Æ¡C t¸üªº¨ä¥¦³¡¤À¥¿¦b¥h±o¦n¡C ¥L̦b«°¥«ªº°]¬F°Ï°ì¤¤¤w¸g²MªÅ¥X©Ò¦³ªº»È¦æ¤F,«Ü¦hÃÙ§U¦Ü¤Ö¤TÓ·sªº°ò¦«Ø¿vªºµo²{¡C
¨º¬O»ùȦo¤w¸g¥¢¥h¨ì¸¨¤Uªº¸H¤ù¤Q¦ì¨k¤H¡C ¦ý¬O°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´ªº¯«¸g¡C¡C¡C ¥L̦󤣦³·Pı¦oªº¤èªk¥~¥X ?
Whirling, GelSadora stalked to a console and smacked a com button. "Prepare
the iron snake," she snapped, then shut off the com as soon as a
voice replied. Enough of this secret super warrior tripe, she decided.
It's time to bring out the real firepower. / ¨Ï, ±ÛÂàGelSadora ®¨®¨¾aªñ¨ì±±¨îÂi¦Ó¥B¦³¨ý¹D¤@Ó
com ¶s¦©¡C "·Ç³ÆÅK³D",¦o«rÂ_, µM«á¦b com ¥~Ãö¤W¤@¥¹¤@ºØÁnµµªÂСC ¨¬°÷¯µ±Kªº¶W¯Å¾Ô¤h tripe ¡A¦o¨M©w¡C
Jun's cry electrified every nerve in his body as she pointed to the silhouette
on the top of a ten-story building. "Joe!" she said. "That
was Joe!" / ·í¦o«ü¦V¦b¤Q¼h¼Ó°ªªº«Ø¿vª«ªº³»ºÝ¤Wªº¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼vªº®ÉÔ¡A¤»¤ëªºúÁn³q¹q¤F¥Lªº¨Åé¨C¯«¸g¡C "³ì"!
¦o»¡¡C "¨º¬O³ì"!
"That's impossible!" Ken told her. "You're wrong!"
/ " ¨º¬O¤£¥i¯àªº"! ªÖ®¦§i¶D¤F¦o¡C " §A¬O¿ù»~ªº"!
Jun turned to him savagely. "No, it's him--I saw him! Joe!"
She raced toward the building. She raised a hand as if to pull the distant
figure down to her, and screamed again. "Joe!" / ¤»¤ë¤ÑµM¦a¨D§U©ó¥L¡C
" ¤£¡A¥¦¬O¥L--§Ú¬Ý¨£¥L! ³ì!"¦o¹ï©ó«Ø¿vª«¤ñÁÉ¡C ¦oÁ|°_¤F¤@°¦¤â¦n¹³¹ï¦o§â»·ªº¼Æ¦r©Ô¤U , ¦Ó¥B¦A¤@¦¸¦y¥s¡C "³ì"!
The figure vanished from the rooftop. But this time, instead of dropping
to her knees, Jun continued running, and with one huge leap, gained the
top of that building. Ken called, "Jun, wait!" / ¼Æ¦r±q«Î³»®ø¥¢¡C ¦ý¬O³o¦¸,¨ú¦Ó¥N¤§ªº¬O°§C¨ì¦oªº½¥¡AÄ~ÄòªºÁɶ]¤»¤ë,
©M¥Ñ©ó¤@¦¸·¥¤jªº¸õÅD,±o¨ì¤F¨º¤@´É«Ø¿vª«ªº³»ºÝ¡C ªÖ®¦¥s°µ,"¤»¤ë,µ¥Ô"!
"It really was him, Aniki," Jinpei said. "I saw him too!"
Ryu nodded, bewildered. / " ¥¦¯uªº¬O¥L,Aniki",Jinpei »¡¡C "§Ú¤]¬Ý¨£¥L"!
Ryu ÂIÀY,¤£ª¾©Ò±¹¡C
Ken was already moving toward the building where Jun had disappeared.
"How many times do I have to tell you?" he snapped over his
shoulder. "Joe is dead! He's gone!" He gathered himself and
leaped, but he couldn't reach past the third floor. Climbing onto a ledge,
he edged along the side of the building just in time to see a glimpse
of white cape flash down the side of the building and through an alley.
He launched after it. / ªÖ®¦¤w¸g¥¿¦b¹ï©ó¤»¤ë¤w¸g®ø¥¢ªº«Ø¿vª«²¾°Ê¡C " ¦p¦ó³\¦h¦¸§Ú¥²¶·§i¶D¶Ü§A"?
¥L¦b¥LªºªÓ¤§¤W«rÂ_¡C "³ì¦º! ¥L¤£¨£¤F!"¥L»E¶°¤F¥L¦Û¤v¦Ó¥B¸õÅD¡A¦ý¬O¥L¥i¥H¤£¶V¹L¤T¼Ó¨ì¹F¡C ¦b¤@Ó©¥¬[¤§¤WªºÃkµn,
¥L¤Î®ÉªuµÛ«Ø¿vª«ªºÃä¶È¶È¾U§Q½Õ¬d¥Õ¦âªºÌa¤@¿h°{²{¤U¨Ó«Ø¿vª«ªºÃä©M¸g¹L¤@±ø¤p¸ô¡C ¥L¦b¥¦¤§«áµo®g¡C
"Jun! Get back here!" / "¤»¤ë! ±o¨ì«á±ªº³o¸Ì!"
He hit the ground at a run, threading through a maze of dark, narrow streets
and alleys, squeezing past parked cars and dumpsters. No matter how he
shouted or how fast he ran, he only caught brief glimpses of Jun ahead
of him; a flicker of white as she chased Joe's ghost. "Jun, get back
here--that's an order!" He gasped for air. "Do you hear me?"
/ ¥L¦b©b¶]¸I¼²¦a±, ½uªº¸g¹L¶Â·tªº°g®c, ®ü®lµó¹D©M¤p¸ô,À½À£¹L¥h°±¨®¤F¨T¨®©M dumpsters ¡C µL½×¥L¦p¦ó©I³Û¡A§_«h¥L¶]¦h§Ö,¥L¥u¦b¥L¤§«e¤Þ°_¤F¤»¤ëªºÂ²µu¤@¿h;
¥Õ¦âªº¤@Ó°{Ã{·í°µ¦o°l®·¤F³ìªº°¡C "¤»¤ë,±o¨ì«á±ªº³o¸Ì-- þ¤@¬O¤@Ó¦¸§Ç"! ¥L¬°ªÅ®ð³Ý®ð¡C "§AÅ¥¨ì§Ú¶Ü"?
Abruptly, the buildings receded and Ken came upon a clearing: a tiny park,
now neglected. Small, dead trees framed the park with twisted branches,
and trash blew across the cracked pavement. Jun huddled in the center
with her back turned to Ken, her white wings concealing something on the
ground; something that she clutched tightly to herself. Her shoulders
shook, though she made no sound. / ¬ðµM¦a¡A«Ø¿vª««á°h¡A¦Ó¥BªÖ®¦¦b²M±½¤§¤W¨Ó: ¤@Ó·¥¤pªº¤½¶é,²{¦b²¨©¿¡C
¤pªº, ¦ºªº¾ð¥Î¤Ï±`ªº¾ðªKºc¦¨¤½¶é¡A¦Ó¥B©U§£§j¶V¹L¯}¸Hªº¤H¦æ¹D¡C ¦b¤¤¤ß¤¤³Q¦o±ÀÀ½ªº¤»¤ë¦^¨D§U©óªÖ®¦,¦oªº¦b¦a±¤WÁôÂìY¨Æ ªº¥Õ¦â¯Í»H; ¦oºòºò¦a¹ï¦o¦Û¤v§ì¨cªº¬Y¨Æ¡C
(A ragged, skinny woman huddled over a grave in a ruined city, clutching
a plastic doll... The ugly sound of Katse's laughter....) / (¤@Ó¦çmÄ°Á¹ªº,
Á¡ªº¤k¤H¦b¤@®y·´·Àªº«°¥«¤¤¦b¤@Ó¹Ó¥Þ¤§¤W±ÀÀ½,§ì¨c¤@Ӷ콦ªº«½«½¡C¡C¡C Katse's ªº¯ºÁபºÁnµ....)
"Jun!" Ken's heels rang loud against the concrete as he walked
toward her. / "¤»¤ë"! ·í¥L¹ï©ó¦o¨«¸ôªº®ÉÔ¡AªÖ®¦ªº¸}«á¸ò°ªÁn¦a¤Ï¹ï²V¾®¤g»ïÅT¡C
"Don't come any closer," she whispered. / " ¤£n¨Ó¥ô¦óªº¤ñ¸û¾aªñªº",¦o¦Õ»y¡C
Ken halted, but only for a moment as shock slowly replaced itself with
anger. / ªÖ®¦°±¤î¡A¦ý¬O¥u¦³¤@·|¨à·íÅåÀ~ºCºC¦a¥Î©Á«ã´À´«¥¦¥»¨¡C
"What's going on? Why the hell didn't you stop?" He came up
behind her and looked over her shoulder. "That was an or--"
/ " ¤°»ò¥¿¦bÄ~Äò? ¦aº»¬°¤°»ò¨S¦³§A°±¤î?"¥L¦b¦o«á±µo¥Í¨Ã¥BÂsÄý¦oªºªÓ¡C " ¨º¬O¤@©Î--"
Jun raised her head and turned to look at him. Tears left glistening tracks
down her cheeks. Beyond her, a battered face stared accusingly up at him.
/ ¤»¤ë©ï°_¤F¦oªºÀY¦Ó¥B·Ç³Æ¬Ý¥L¡C ²\ºwÂ÷¶}§ây¹D°{Ä£¤U¨Ó¦oªºÀU¡C ¶W¹L¦o¡A¤@Ó³QºV¥´ªºÁy¦b¥L³dÃø¦a¦V¤Wª`µø¡C
"Joe...." / "³ì...."
This was worse than Cross Karakoram. Joe's face was grey and slimed with
congealing blood, and one eye was nothing but a dark socket. Jun cradled
his head and shoulders in her lap, and when her wings shifted, Ken gasped
at what he saw beneath. The rest of Joe's body had been smashed like an
insect's, a barely recognizable mass of splintered bones, clotted clay,
torn flesh and fabric. Red glistened on a bared section of ribcage. /
³o¬O¤ñ¥æ¤eÁVªº Karakoram ¡C ³ìªºÁy¬O¦Ç¦âªº¨Ã¥B¥Ñ©ó¨Ïáµ²¦å¶î¤Wªd¡A¦Ó¥B¤@Ó²´·ú¥u¬O¤@Ӷ·tªº´¡®y¡C ¤»¤ë©ñ¦b·nÄx¤º¤F¦oªº½¥»\¥LÀY©MªÓ¡A¦Ó¥B·í¦oªº¯Í»H§ïÅܪº®ÉÔ,ªÖ®¦¦b¥L¦b¬Ý¨£¤§¤Uªº³Ý®ð¡C
³ìªº¨Åé¨ä¾lªÌ¤w¸g³Q¯»¸H¦PÃþ©øÂΪº,¼A¶}°©ÀYªº´X¥G¥i»{ÃѪº¤j²³,¾®µ²¤Fªd¤g¡A³Q¼¹¶}ªº¦×©M´ª«¡C ¬õ¦â¦b ribcage ªº¤@Ó³Q¨Ï¨ª»rªº³¡¤À¤W°{«G¡C
Joe's remaining eye bore coldly into Ken's. / ³ìªº³Ñ¾l²´·ú§N²H¦a¶i¤JªÖ®¦¤§¤º·ÐÂZ¡C
Ken breathed, "How is this possible?" / ªÖ®¦©I§l,"³o¦p¦ó¥i¯àªº"?
"What do you care?" Jun said. "You did this to him! You've
been so eager to dismiss him, to leave him for dead. It's so much easier
for you to discard things than to deal with them." / "§AÃö¤ß¤°»ò"?
¤»¤ë»¡¡C "§A¹ï¥L°µ¤F³o! §A¤w¸g¬O¦p¦¹¼ö¤ß¸Ñ´²¥L, ¹ï©ó¦º¯d¤U¥L¡C §A¥á±ó¨Æª«¬O¦p¦¹«D±`®e©ö¶W¹L³B²z¥LÌ¡C"
"That's not true!" / "¨º¤£¬O¯u¹êªº"!
"Isn't it?" Her eyes flashed. "I saw it firsthand once
I no longer became convenient to your master plan. It's easier to grieve
for what you've thrown away than to fight to keep it. You left him to
die, and you left me to rot." "I did not leave him to die!"
But even as he said this, he knew she was right. Ken moved in front of
Jun and knelt beside Joe, trying not to look at the ruin beneath his shoulders.
"You--you knew we had to stop the Black Hole Plan! I searched for
you! If anything, I couldn't let go! I haven't let go for years, even
when I knew I should have! I tried to do what's right!" / "
¥¦¤£¬O"? ¦oªº²´·ú°{²{¡C "¤@¥¹§Ú¤£¦AÅܦ¨¤è«K¨ì§Aªººî¦Xp¹º¡A§Ú¬Ý¨£¥¦ª½±µªº¡C ¬°§A¤w¸g¥á±óªº´d¶Ë¤ñ¹ï§Ü«O¦s¥¦®e©ö¡C
§A¯d¤U¤F¥L¦º¡A¦Ó¥B§A¯d¤U¤F§Ú»GÄê¡C""§Ú¨S¦³¯d¤U¦ºªº¥L!" ¦ý¬O¥¿·í¥L»¡³o,¥L»{ÃѤF¦o¬O¥¿½Tªº¡C ªÖ®¦¦b³ì®ÇÃ䪺¤»¤ë©M
knelt ¤§«e²¾°Ê,¹Á¸Õ¤£n¦b¥LªºªÓ¤§¤U¬Ý·´·À¡C "§A--§A»{ÃѤF§ÚÌ¥²¶·°±¤î¶Â¦âªº¬}p¹º! §Ú´M§ä§A! ¦pªG¥ô¦ó¨Æ, §Ú¤£¥i¥HÅý¥h!
§Ú¨S¦³Åý¥hªø¹F¼Æ¦~¤§¤[,§Y¨Ï·í§Ú»{ÃѤF§ÚÀ³¸Ó¦³! §Ú¸ÕµÛ°µ¤°»ò¬O¥¿½Tªº!"
Jun turned her face away from Ken, clutching Joe tightly to her. "Just
leave us alone," she whispered, her voice quivering. "Go be
the hero you're supposed to be." / ¤»¤ë±qªÖ®¦©Úµ´¦oªºÁy,ºòºò¦a¹ï¦o§ì¨c³ì¡C "¶È¶È§OºÞ§ÚÌ",¦o¦Õ»y,¦oªºÁnµÅ¸§Ý¡C
" ¥h¬O§AÀ³¸Ó¬Oªº^¶¯".
"I can't do that, Jun! We're a team!" / "§Ú¤£¯à°µ¨º,¤»¤ë! §Ú̬O¤p²Õ!"
Joe's good eye closed, and he turned his head away. / ³ìªº¦n²´·úÃö³¬¡A¦Ó¥B¥L©Úµ´¥LªºÀY¡C
Ken's voice rose, cracked. "What do you want me to do?" / ªÖ®¦ªºÁnµ¤W¤É,§Ë¸H¡C
The two of them turned to ashes and crumbled to the concrete. A gust of
wind blew the ashes across the ground and whisked them out of the clearing.
In the distance, he heard Jinpei's voice crying, "Oneechan! Where
are you?" / ¥L̤¤ªº¤GÓÂà¦V¦ÇÂu¦Ó¥B±Y¼ì¨ì²V¾®¤g¡C ¬ðµM¤@°}·§j¾î¹L¦a±ªº¦ÇÂu¦Ó¥B±½¥L̥ѩó²M±½¡C ¦b»»»·¤§³B¡A¥LÅ¥¨ì
Jinpei's ªºÁnµ¥s³Ûªº,"Oneechan! §A¦bþ¸Ì?"
Ken's eyes snapped open and he sat up on the couch, looking around the
room. He recognized the oversized lounge outside Nambu's office, surrounded
by enormous windows and dark ocean. Ryu sprawled on the adjoining couch,
snoring steadily. Jinpei lay on his stomach on the carpet, reading a comic
book, and a news program droned softly from the television in the corner.
Ken's heartbeat thundered in his ears, loud enough that he wondered why
the others didn't hear. He forced himself to swallow, then said, "Jinpei,
where's Jun?" / ¶}©ñªºªÖ®¦³Q«rÂ_ªº²´·ú©M¥L¦bªø´È¤W¼õ©],¥|³B¬Ý¬Ý©Ð¶¡¡C ¥L¿ë»{¥X¨º¦b Nambu's ªº¿ì¤½«Çªº¥~±¯S¤j¸¹¶¢³},
³Q¥¨¤jªºµ¡¤á©M¶Â·tªº¤j®ü¥]³ò¡C Ryu ¦b¾F±µªºªø´È¤WÂX®i,éw¦a¥´ÂM¡C Jinpei ¦b¦a´à¤Wªº¥LG¨¤W©ñ¸m,¬X©M¦a±q¨¤¸¨ªº¹qµø¬Ý¤@Óº©µe
, ©M·s»D©Ê¸`¥Ø droned ¡C ªÖ®¦ªº¤ß¸õ¦b¥Lªº¦Õ¦·¤¤¥´¹p,°÷¤jÁnªº¥LÃhºÃ¤F¨ä¾lªÌ¬°¤°»ò¨S¦³Å¥¨ì¡C ¥L±j¢¤F¥L¦Û¤v§],µM«á»¡,"Jinpei,¤»¤ë¦bþ¸Ì"?
"She went to her room." The boy looked up from his comic. "Hakase
came out and said we had a few hours so we might as well be comfortable."
/ "¦o¥h¦oªº©Ð¶¡" ¡C ¨k«Ä¬Ý¦b±q¥Lªº³sÀô¹Ïµe¤W±¡C " Hakase ¥X¨Ó¦Ó¥B»¡¡A§Ú̦³¤F¼ÆÓ¤p®É¡A¦p¦¹§Ú̳̦n«ÜµÎªA"
"Why didn't you wake me up?" / "§A¦ó¤£¥s¿ô§Ú"?
"He said not to. He said you looked tired." / " ¥L»¡¤£¨ì¡C ¥L»¡¤F§A¬Ý°_¨Ó«Ü¯h²Ö¡C"
Ken sighed raggedly and stood from the couch. "Yeah." He walked
out of the lounge, toward the elevators and back to his own quarters.
His entire body hurt; his shoulder, not yet healed from their Easton Island
mission, twinged. He felt sweat-caked and greasy beneath his uniform.
/ ªÖ®¦¦çmÄ°Á¹¦a¼Û®§¦Ó¥B±qªø´È¯¸¥ß¡C "¬Oªº". ¥LÂ÷¶}¶¢³}, ¹ï©ó¹q±è©M¦V«á¦a¨ì¥L¦Û¤vªº¥|¤À¤§¤@¡C ¶Ë®`ªº¥L¾ãÓªº¨Åé;
¥LªºªÓ,©|¥¼±q¥L̪º Easton ®q¥ô°È¡A twinged ªv¡¡C ¥L¦b¥Lªº¨îªA¤§¤Uı±o¦½³J¿|ªº©Mªo¿°¡C
As he passed Jun's rooms, he stopped. Almost of its own volition, one
hand raised to knock on her door, but before he touched the door, he stopped.
What would he say to her? What could he say? I'm sorry? Then what? He
could tell her he felt bad about his decisions, but it wouldn't accomplish
anything--it couldn't reverse any of what had happened. / ·í¥L³q¹L¤F¤»¤ëªº©Ð¶¡®ÉÔ,¥L°±¤î¡C
´X¥G¥¦¦Û¤vªº·N§Ó¡A¤@°¦¤â¤É°_¼²¦oªºªù¡A¦ý¬O¥L¸IIJ¤Fªù¤§«e¡A¥L°±¤î¡C ¥L±N·|¹ï¦o»¡¸Ü¤°»ò? ¥L¥i¥H»¡¤°»ò? ¹ï¤£°_? µM«á¤°»ò? ¥L¥i¥H§i¶D¦o¡A¥L¹ï¥Lªº¨M©w·P¨ìÃaªº¡A¦ý¬O¥¦±N¤£§¹¦¨¥ô¦ó¨Æ--¥¦¤w¸gµo¥ÍªºªF¦è¤£¥i¥HÄAË¥ô¦ó¡C
He moved to knock again and stopped, then walked slowly to his own rooms.
Inside he switched out of Birdstyle and peeled off his clothes, leaving
them in a heap outside the bathroom door. He took a shower and stood in
the stream of hot water for a long time; not moving, just feeling the
ache in his eyes and the awful, heaving tightness in his chest. "I
didn't desert them, dammit! I didn't!" / ¥L¦A¤@¦¸±Ä¨ú¦æ°Ê¨ÓºVÀ»¦Ó¥B°±¤î, ºCºC¦aµM«á¨«¸ô¥h¥L¦Û¤vªº©Ð¶¡¡C
¦b¥L¤§¤ºÂàÅÜÂ÷ Birdstyle ¦Ó¥B鸨¥Lªº¦çªA,¦b¯D«Çªù¤§¥~¯d¤U¥L̦b°ï¤¤¡C ¥L¦b¼öªº¤ô¤ô¬y¤¤¬~¾þ¦Ó¥B¯¸¥ß¦³«Üªøªº¤@¬q®É¶¡; ¤£²¾°Ê¡A¶È¶È·Pı¥Lªº²´·ú©M¥i©ÈªÌªºµh¡A¥Î¤OÁ|°_¥Lªº¯Ý°í©T¡C
"§Ú¨S¦³©ñ±ó¥LÌ,¸Ó¦º! §Ú¨S¦³!"
But they were right--two missions, and he'd only shown his ineffectiveness
as a commander. What could he do? Should he resign? He knew he couldn't
stop fighting Galactor. He owed that to his father, to Joe. Should he
step down, give the command position to Jun? / ¦ý¬O¥L̬O¥¿½Tªº--¤GÓ¥ô°È,¦Ó¥B¥L¥u¦³¤w¸gÅã¥Ü¥LªºµL®Ä¦p¤@Ó«ü´§©x¡C
¥L¥i¥H°µ¤°»ò? ¥LÀ³¸ÓÃ㾶Ü? ¥L»{ÃѤF¥L¤£¥i¥H°±¤î¹ï§Ü Galactor ¡C ¥LÁ«¤í¨ºµ¹¥Lªº¤÷¿Ë,¹ï³ì¡C ¦pªG¥LÃã¾ ,´£¨Ñ«ü¥O¦ì¸m¨ì¤»¤ë?
How much more could they take? / ¦p¦ó§ó¦h¥LÌ¥i¥H®³¶Ü?
Ken shut the shower off. As he stepped out of the cubicle, he pulled his
bracelet off and stared at it, then hurled it through the bathroom door.
It lay on the carpet as he stepped over it on the way to his bed. / ªÖ®¦¨«¶}Ãö¤W°}«B¡C
·í¥L½ñ¥X¤pª×«Çªº®ÉÔ,¥L¨«¶}©Ô¤F¥Lªº¤âÅN¦Ó¥B¨nµÛ¥¦¬Ý,µM«á¸g¹L¯D«Çªù¥Î¤O§ëÂY¤F¥¦¡C ·í¥L¦b«e©¹¥Lªº§É³~¤¤¦b¥¦¤§¤W½ñªº®ÉÔ¡A¥¦¦b¦a´à¤W©ñ¸m¡C
While ground crews unloaded the supercomputer from the New Godphoenix,
the forwarded data was processed by the ISO's team of experts. They had
already traced the source of disruption, and all had agreed that the only
way to stop the quakes was to seal the rupture the Galactors had created
in the mantle. Now the problem lay in how. / ¤g¦aªº²Õû¨ø³f¤F¨Ó¦Û·sªº Godphoenix ªº¶W¯Å¹q¸£¡A¤£¹L³QÂà±Hªº¸ê®Æ³Q°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´ªº±M®a¤p²Õ³B²z¤F¡C
¥L̤w¸g°lÂܱY¼ìªº¨Ó·½¤F¡A¦Ó¥B¥þ³¡¤w¸g¦P·Nn°±¤î¦a¾_ªº°ß¤@¤èªk¬O«Ê³¬ Galactors ¤w¸g¦b¦a²[¤¤³Ð³yªº¯}µõ¡C ²{¦b°ÝÃD¦b©ó¦p¦ó¡C
Dr. Nambu leaned against a window in his office, staring blankly into
the ocean. The most obvious way to target and fix this rupture was via
a computer- or remote-controlled drill. Building one of these, however,
would cost them forty eight hours at the very least, and by that time,
New Jork would be a pile of rubble, and Scrapton well on its way. A manned
device was also out of the question--it meant certain death for the pilot.
He ran a tired hand through his hair, then looked up, startled, at his
reflection in the glass. If we get past this crisis, he thought, it's
time to schedule a haircut. / Nambu ³Õ¤h¦b¥Lªº¿ì¤½«Ç¤¤Ê¾a¤@®°µ¡¤á,¯íµM¦a¶i¤J¤j®ü¤§¤ºª`µø¡C nºË·Ç¨Ã¥B©T©w³o¤@Ó¯}µõªº³Ì©úÅ㪺¤èªk¸g¥Ñ¤@³¡¹q¸£-
©Î»»»·- ¨ü¬ù§ôªºÆp¤Õ¾÷¡C «Ø¿vª«³o¨Ç¤§¤@,µM¦Ó,±N·|ªá¶O¥L̦b«D±`³Ì¤ÖªÌªº¥|¤Q¤K¤p®É,¦Ó¥B¦b¨º®ÉÔ¡A·sªº Jork ±N·|¬O¦b³~¤¤«Ü¦n¦a²Ê¥Ûªº°ï
, ©M Scrapton ¡C ¤@Ó¦³¤H¾ÞÁaªº¸Ë¸m¤]¬O¤£¥i¯à--¥¦·N¿×¸¦æûªº¯S©w¦º¤`¡C ¥L¶]¤@°¦¯h²Öªº¤â¬ï¶V¥LªºÀY¾v, µM«á¬Ý¦b,¤W±¾_Åå,¦b¬Á¼þªº¥L¤Ï¬M¡C
The phone rang at his desk, and he walked over to pick it up. Caller ID
read Chief Engineer Kamo's extension. "Hakase," he said, "I've
amended the timeline for the drill, and it's not good." / ¹q¸Ü¦b¥Lªº®Ñ®à»ïÅT¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¨«¨ì¬B°_¥¦¡C
¨Ó¹qÅã¥ÜŪ¥Dnªº¤uµ{®v Kamo's ªº©µªø¡C "Hakase",¥L»¡ ",§Ú¤w¸g¬°Æp¤Õ¾÷×¥¿®É¶¡´Á¡A¦Ó¥B¥¦¤£¦n".
"How much time?" / " ¦h¤Ö©w®É"?
"Fifty six hours. I have my best people on it, but with the reconstruction,
there just aren't enough resources. We don't have the parts." / "¤¤Q¤»¤p®É¡C
§Ú¦³¦b¥¦¤Wªº§Ú³Ì¦nªº¤H, ¦ý¬O¥Ñ©ó««Ø,¶È¶È¦³¤£¥R¨¬ªº¸ê·½¡C §Ų́S¦³³¡¥÷¡C"
"Do what you can," Nambu snapped, then regretted it. The phone
beeped, signaling an incoming call, this time from the Security Chief's
extension. "I'll call you back, Kamo. I need to take this call. I
have confidence in your team." Pressing a button, he switched lines.
"This is Nambu." / "°µ¸Ë©óÅøÀYªº",Nambu «rÂ_,µM«á¬°¥¦·P¨ì¿ò¾Ñ¤F¡C ¹q¸Ü¹Í¹ÍÁn,¶H¼x¤@Ó¦¬¤J©I¥s,³o¦¸±q¦w¥þ»â³Sªº©µªø¡C
"§Ú±N§â§A¥´¹q¸Üµ¹¦^¨Ó,Kamo¡C §Ú»Ýn±Ä¨ú³o¤@Ó©I¥s¡C §Ú¦³¹ï§Aªº¤p²Õ«H¤ß¡C"À£¢¤@Ó«ö¶s,¥LÂàÅܤF½u¡C "³o¬O
Nambu" ¡C
"Hakase." Julia's voice sounded tense. "Can you come to
my office right away?" / "Hakase". ¯ü²ú¨ÈªºÁnµÅ¥°_¨Óºò±i¡C "§A¯à¥ß¨è¨ì¹F§Úªº¿ì¤½«Ç¶Ü"?
"Regarding?" / "Ãö©ó"?
"I'd rather you hear this for yourself. I would forward the call,
but I don't want to risk losing the connection." / " §Ú±N·|¹ç¥i§A¬°¦Û¤vÅ¥¨ì³o¡C
Nambu's hand tightened on the receiver. "I'll be right over."
He hung up and strode quickly, half-jogging, to the exit. / Nambu's ªº¤â¦b±µ¦¬¾¹¨¤W°Çºò¡C
"§Ú±N¥¿½T¦aµ²§ô" ¡C ¥L«Ü§Ö¦a±¾Â_¦Ó¥BÁÚ¤j¨B¨«,¤@¥b-ºC¶],¹ï¥X¤f¡C
Julia was standing behind her desk, her face white. Without a word, she
handed the receiver to Dr. Nambu. / ¯ü²ú¨È¬O¦b¦oªº®Ñ®à«á±¯¸¥ß, ¥Õ¦âªº¦oÁy¡C ¨S¦³¤@Ó¦r¡A¦o§â±µ¦¬¾¹¥æµ¹
Nambu ³Õ¤h¡C
The moment between when he answered and when his caller spoke seemed to
stretch into forever. Who would respond? Should he expect the voice from
the tapes, the voice they had been chasing for the better part of a year?
/ ¤ù¨è¦b¥L¦ó®É¦^µª¤§¶¡¦Ó¥B·í¥Lªº¨Ó¹qªÌ»¡ªº®ÉÔ¦ü¥G¦ù®i¶i¤J¥Ã»·¦a¤§¤º¡C ½Ö±N·|¦^À³? ¦pªG¥L´Á«Ý¨Ó¦Û¿ýµ±aªºÁnµ, Ánµ¥L̤w¸g¬°¤@¦~ªº¸û¦n³¡¥÷°l?
"Nambu Hakase," said a gravelly voice. "It's been a long
time. I also know you're a very busy man, so I'll keep this brief."
/ "Nambu Hakase",»¡¤F¤@ºØ¦h¸H¥ÛªºÁnµ¡C "¥¦³Q¬Oªøªº®É¶¡¡C §Ú¤]ª¾¹D§A¬O«D±`¦£¸Lªº¨k¤H¡A¦]¦¹¡A§Ú±N¨Ï³o«O«ù²µuªº¡C"
Nambu motioned for Julia to sit, then leaned against her desk as he listened.
After a few minutes, he said, "I won't ask how you got that data,
but the risk is too high. Even if the craft withstands the heat and pressure
near the mantle, the pilot--" / Nambu ¹B°ÊÅý¯ü²ú¨È§¤µÛ, µM«áʾa¦oªº®Ñ®à·í¥LÅ¥¡C ¦b¼Æ¤ÀÄÁ¤§«á¡A¥L»¡,"
§Ú±N¤£°Ý§A¦p¦ó±o¨ì¸ê®Æ,¦ý¬O·ÀI¤Ó°ª¡C §Y¨Ï¸¾÷©è§Ü¦b¦a²[ªþªñªº¼ö©MÀ£¤O,¸¦æû--"
"The only way you'll get your candidate is to offer that risk. You
know that as well as I." / "§A±Nª§¨ú§AªºÔ¿ï¤Hªº°ß¤@¤èªkn´£¨Ñ¨º·ÀI¡C §Aª¾¹D¨º©M§Ú¡C"
"How did you manage to find him?" Nambu said. / "§A¦p¦ó³]ªkµo²{¥L"?
Nambu »¡¡C
"It's a long story, and frankly, you don't have the time." /
"¥¦¬O¤@Óªøªº¬G¨Æ¡A¦Ó¥B©Z¥Õ¦a¡A§A¨S¦³®É¶¡" ¡C
Nambu grinned bitterly. "What do you ask in return?" / Nambu
«è«ë¦aÅS¾¦¦Ó¯º¡C "§A°Ý¤°»ò§@¬°¦^³ø "?
The voice on the other end chuckled roughly. "A bit of sanity, I
imagine. And maybe some insight on how you managed to handle your own
little brood all these years. Bear in mind that I can't offer any guarantees,
but I can offer you an opportunity." / ¦b¥t¤@ºÝ¤WªºÁnµ·§²¤¦a¦Y¦Yªº¯º¡C "¤@ÂI¯«´¼°·¥þ,§Ú·Q¹³¡C
¦Ó¥B¤]³\¤@¨Ç¬}¹î¤O¦b§A¦p¦ó³]ªk³B²z§A¾Ö¦³¤pºÛ¤§¤W©Ò¦³ªº³o¨Ç¼Æ¦~¡C °O¦í§Ú¤£¯à´£¨Ñ¥ô¦óªº«OÃÒ¡A¦ý¬O§Ú¯à´£¨Ñ§A¤@Ó¾÷·|¡C"
"Then thank you." / "µM«áÁÂÁ§A" ¡C
The connection cut. Nambu put his finger on the hook, then dialed Kamo's
extension. "How much time would it take to get the fault map into
the G-2 machine?" / ³s±µ¤Á¡C §â¥Lªº¤â«ü©ñ¦b¹_ªº Nambu,µM«á¼·¤F Kamo's ªº©µªø¡C "¶i¤J
G-2 ¾÷¾¹¤§¤º®³¦a¹Ïµ¹¹L¥¢®³¦h¤Ö®É¶¡"?
"An hour at most for two programmers. But Hakase, the autopilot can't--"
/ "1 ¤p®É³Ì¦h¹ï©ó¤GÓ¹q¸£µ{¦¡³]p®v¡C ¦ý¬O Hakase, ¦Û¤Þ¥Ü¤£¯à--"
"I'm aware of that. Have the fault map loaded into the vehicle, then
call me when it's ready." He hung up, then flashed Julia a genuine
smile as he left. Once out of her office, he began to run. / "§Úª¾¹D¨º¡C
¶i¤J¨®½ø¤§¤º¸Ë¸ü¹L¥¢¦a¹Ï, µM«á¥´¹q¸Üµ¹§Ú·í¥¦·Ç³Æ¦nªº®ÉÔ¡C"¥L±¾Â_ ,·í¥LÂ÷¶}¡AµM«á°{²{¤F¯ü²ú¨È¤@Ó¯u¥¿ªº·L¯º¡C ¤@¥¹Â÷¶}¦oªº¿ì¤½«Ç¡A¥L¶}©l¶]¡C
Rafael's call reached Joe the way he liked least: the staticky electronic
whisper inside his head. As he grimaced, fingers reaching for his temples,
the coordinates were repeated twice, then, Go there and wait. Wait for
what? But there the transmission ended. Joe dug a map out of his pack
and traced with two fingers until they converged on an empty section of
desert. Joe stared at it for a long moment, then shrugged. / Rafael's
ªº©I¥sÁpµ¸¤F³ì¤è¦¡¥L³ßÅw±o³Ì¨S¦³: staticky ¹q¤lªº¦b¥LÀY¸Ì¦Õ»y¡C ·í¥L§ê°Áy,¤Î©ó¥Lªº¦x¼q ªº¤â«ü,§¤¼Ð³Q«½Æ¨â¦¸¡AµM«á¡A¥h¨º¸Ì¦Ó¥Bµ¥Ô¡C
µ¥Ô¤°»ò? ¦ý¬O¦b¨º¸Ì¶Ç¿éµ²§ô¡C ³ì±q¥Lªº¥]»q«õ¤F¤@±i¦a¹Ï¦Ó¥B¥H¤G®Ú¤â«ü°lÂܪ½¨ì¦b¨Fºzªº¤@ӪŪº³¡¤À¤W³Q»E¶°ªº¥LÌ¡C ¬°ªøªº¤ù¨è¨nµÛ¥¦¬Ýªº³ì,µM«áÁqªÓ¡C
In actuality, the section wasn't empty. Joe found his post to be a power
station twenty five miles east of Scrapton. Behind high chain link fences,
the towers of insulators stood inactive, the power cut by the earthquakes.
Joe stepped through a hole in the fence and walked past the towers to
a cinderblock shed that stood with its door open. Inside he found an office
that had been looted, drawers torn out of the desk and papers scattered
across the concrete floor. He picked the receiver from the phone on the
desk and found the line dead as well. / ¦b¹ê¦b¤¤¡A³¡¤À¤£¬OªÅªº¡C ³ìµo²{¥LªºÂ¾¦ì¬Oµo¹q©Ò¤G¤Q¤ù Scrapton
ªºªF¤è¡C ¦b°ªªºÃì«á±³sµ²¥ÎÆX¯¹³ò¦í, µ´½tÅ骺¶ð¯¸µÛ¤£¬¡°Êªº, ¤O¶q³Q¦a¾_´î§C¡C ¸g¹L³òÀ𪺤@Ó¬}³Q½ñ¨Ã¥B¨«¸ô¹L¥hªº¹ï¤@Ó³Q¨Ï¨º¬y¥Xªº·Ñ´í¿jªº¶ð³ì¥H¥¦ªºªù¤½¶}¯¸¥ß¡C
¤º³¡¥Lµo²{¤@Ó¤w¸g³Q·m§Tªº¿ì¤½«Ç, ³Q¼¹¶}Â÷®Ñ®à©M¯Èªº©â±P´²§G¶V¹L¨ãÅ骺¦aªO¡C ¥L¤]¬D¿ï¤F¨Ó¦Û¦b®Ñ®à¤Wªº¹q¸Ü±µ¦¬¾¹¦Ó¥Bµo²{½u¦º¡C
Okay, Doctor, where's your solution? / ¦n,Âå¥Í,§Aªº¸Ñ¨M¤è®×¦bþ¸Ì?
Almost in answer came a distant rumble, like the growl of thunder. Instead
of subsiding, the thunder grew, then twisted into the familiar shriek
of engines which grew closer and closer until the entire concrete structure
began to shudder. Joe threw up his hands. "Rafael, you bastard,"
he shouted. "Why don't you just hand me to them gift-wrapped?"
/ ´X¥G¦bµª®×¤¤³Q´£¥X»·ªº¶©¶©Án, ¹³¹p¹qªº§pÁn¡C ¥N´À¥®§¡A¹p¹q¦¨ªø, µM«á¶i¤JÅܶV¨Ó¶V¾aªñªº¤ÞÀº¼ô±xªº¦y¾UÅTÁn¤§¤ºÀ¾ª½¨ì¾ãÓªº¨ãÅéµ²ºc¶}©l¾Ô·X¡C
³ìÁ|°_¥Lªº¤â¡C "Rafael, §A¨p¥Í¤l",¥L©I³Û¡C " §A¬°¤°»ò¤£¶È¶È§â§Ú¥æµ¹¥Ļª«¥]¸Ë"?
The stubby-winged shadow of the New Godphoenix passed over the power station
as it descended. Joe went outside and watched as it continued east for
a couple of miles before the belly vents flared and it settled to earth.
/ ·í¥¦°ªº®ÉÔ¡A·sªº Godphoenix ªºÂ_®è¤@¯ë- ¦³Álªº¼v¹³¹M¤Îµo¹q©Ò³q¹L¡C ·í¦b¸¡±Æ®ð¤f·n¦²¤§«e , ¥¦¹ï©ó¤@¨Çù¦VªF¤èÄ~Äòªº®ÉÔ¡A³ì¥X¥h¦Ó¥B¬Ý¡A¦Ó¥B¥¦¹ï¦a²y¦w¹y¡C
Even with his enhanced vision, the team was too far away for Joe to pick
up details. He'd left a set of binoculars in the jeep. He went to retrieve
them, then pulled himself onto the roof. When that didn't work--he only
saw the tip of the rudder--Joe climbed one of the towers for a better
vantage point. Wrapping one leg around a metal strut, he raised the binoculars
and focused on the ship. / ¬Æ¦Ü¥H¥Lªº¥i´£°ªªºµø³¥¡A¤p²Õ¦b¤Ó»·³BÅý³ì¬B°_²Ó¸`¡C ¥L¦³¯d¤U¤F¦N´¶¨®ªº¤@²ÕÂù²´±æ»·Ãè¡C
¥L¥h¨ú¦^¥LÌ,µM«á¦b«Î³»¤§¤W©Ô¥L¦Û¤v¡C ·í¨º¨S¦³¤u§@ªº®ÉÔ--¥L¥u¬Ý¨£²ëªº³»ºÝ-- ³Q¬°¤@Ó¸û¦nªºÆ[ÂIÃkµn¶ð¤§¤@ªº³ì¡C ¦bª÷ÄÝ»sªº°ªµøÁï¨Bªº©P³ò¥]³òk
down on ¤@°¦»L,¥L¤É°_¤FÂù²´±æ»·Ãè¦Ó¥B§â«¤ß¶°¤¤¦b²î¡C
The team stood at the landing gear of the New Godphoenix, capes flaring
in the breeze, just waiting. For what? Joe scanned the horizon three hundred
and sixty degrees, but saw no sign of anything approaching. / ¤p²Õ¦b·sªº Godphoenix
¡Aµo¥úªº¦b·L·¤¤ªºÌa°_¸¨¬[¯¸¥ß,¶È¶Èµ¥Ô¡C ¬°¤°»ò? ³ì±½´y¤F¦a¥½u¤T¦Ê¤»¤Q«× , ¦ý¬O¿÷¤l¨S¦³¥ô¦ó¨Æªº¸ñ¶H±µªñ¡C
He missed the cause of the cloud of dust that bloomed at the base of the
team's ship, but he focused on the team in time to catch their reaction.
They scattered backward and braced themselves as something large and black
erupted from beneath their feet, kicking up plumes of sand and smoke.
In the silence of the desert, Joe clearly heard the roar of engines and
the rattle of sand and rock hitting the hull of the mothership. When the
smoke cleared, he nearly lost his hold on the tower. / ¥L¿ù¹L¤F¦b¤p²Õªº²î°ò¦¶}ªáªº¦Ç¹Ð¶³¦]¯À¡A¦ý¬O¥L¤Î®É§â«¤ß¶°¤¤¦b¤p²Õ¤Þ°_¥L̪º¤ÏÀ³¡C
·í¤jªºªF¦è©M¶Â¦âÃzµoªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L̦V«á¦a´²§G¨Ã¥B¤ä¼µ¤F¥L̦ۤv±q¦b¥L̪º¸}¤§¤U,½ð°_¨F¤l©M·Ïªº¦Ð¤ò¡C ¦b¨Fºzªº¨HÀq¤è±¡A³ì²M·¡¦aÅ¥¨ì¤F¤ÞÀºªº§q©M¨º¨F¤lÅå·W¥¢±¹¦Ó¥B·n°Ê¸I¼²
mothership ªº´ß¡C ·í³Q²M°£ªº·Ï,¥L´X¥G¥¢¥h¤F¦b¶ð¤Wªº¥L§â´¤¡C
What he saw was sleek and black, a bullet with wheels, save for a bird-shaped
appendage on its roof. As he watched, a series of blades retracted into
the vehicle's nose, and two cover panels closed to form a sharp point.
Joe could almost forgive the silly paint job that made the nose of the
craft look like an angry bird face. At least it didn't look like an upset
rooster. / ¥L¬Ý¨£ªº¬O¥ú·Æªº©M¶Â¦âªº,©M½ü¤lªº¤@Ó¤l¼u,¬°¦b¥¦ªº«Î³»¤Wªº¤@Ó³¾§Îªºªþ¥[ª«¸Ñ±Ï¡C ·í¥L¬Ýªº®ÉÔ,¤@¨t¦Cªº¤M¾W¶i¤J¨®½øªº»ó¤l¤§¤ºÁY¦^¡A¦Ó¥B¤G±»Å@»ö¿öªOÃö³¬§Î¦¨¾U§QªºÂI¡C
³ì¥i¥H´X¥Gì½Ì¨Ï¸¾÷ªº»ó¤l¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³¤@ӥͮ𪺳¾Áy¤@¼Ëªº·MÄøªoº£¤u§@¡C ¦Ü¤Ö¥¦¬Ý°_¨Ó¤£¹³¤@°¦·Ð¶Ãªº¤½Âû¡C
The driver revved the engines, and the unmuffled howl carried clearly
to Joe before settling down to a loping idle he didn't need augmented
hearing to pick up. His breath caught. This was it--this was what they
would use to stop the mantle's disturbance. / ¾r¾pû¨Ï¥[³t°jÂà¤F¤ÞÀº¡A¦Ó¥B³Q¤£³ò»qªº¦b¦w©w¤U¨Ó¨ì¤@ӰŤ§«e³Q¹ï³ì²M·¡¦aÄâ±aªº§pÁn¤£§@¨Æ¥L¨S¦³»Ýn¼W¤jªºÅ¥ÃÒ·|³vº¥«ì´_¡C
¥Lªº©I§l®·®»¡C ³o¬O¥¦--³o¬O¥LÌ©Ò±N·|¨Ï¥Î°±¤î¦a²[ªºÂZ¶Ã¡C
Ken approached the craft, and suddenly the canopy slid back, and a head
poked out of the cockpit. Nambu--he'd delivered it himself. As Joe watched,
the doctor climbed out and sat on the running board, picked up a handful
of sand and let it trickle between his fingers. A hand signal: there wasn't
much time. / ªÖ®¦±µªñ¤F¸¾÷¡A¦Ó¥B¬ðµM¤ÑÁO slid ¦^¡A¦Ó¥B¤@ÓÀY¼·¶}Â÷¾r¾pû®y¿µ¡C Nambu--¥L¦³»¼°e¤F¥¦¥L¦Û¤v¡C ·í³ì¬Ýªº®ÉÔ,Âå¥Í¦b¥Lªº¤â«ü¤§¶¡ª¦¥X¦Ó¥B§¤¦b½ñªO¤W,
¬B°_¤@§â¨F¤l¦Ó¥BÅý¥¦ºw¬y¡C ¤â«H¸¹: ¨S¦³«Ü¦hªº®É¶¡¡C
Ken approached the car. Nambu blocked him. Ken pushed past him, and now
Joe could see the two shouting at each other. Of course Ken wanted to
drive the mech. Ken was a skilled enough driver--he carried a racing license,
and he'd been taught by the best. But still Nambu blocked him. Joe frowned.
Why? / ªÖ®¦±µªñ¤F¨T¨®¡C Nambu ªý¶ë¤F¥L¡C ªÖ®¦±ÀÀ½¥L¡A¦Ó¥B²{¦b³ì¥i¥H¬Ý¨£¨º¤G¹ï©¼¦¹¤j¥s¡C ·íµMªÖ®¦·Qn¾r¾p mech ¡C ªÖ®¦¬O¤@°÷¼ô½mªº¾r¾pû--¥LÄâ±a¤FÄvÁÉ°õ·Ó¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¤w¸g³Q³Ì¦n±Ð¡C
¦ý¬OÀR¤îªº Nambu ªý¶ë¤F¥L¡C ³ì½K¬ÜÀY¡C ¬°¤°»ò?
Then the realization struck him. Ken would never survive the aftermath.
Even as heavy as that vehicle was, if something went wrong, if Ken was
caught in a sudden eruption or lava flow, that car would be flattened.
Ken would be baked alive inside it. / µM«á¹ê²{¥´¤F¥L¡C ªÖ®¦±N·|µLªk¥¦w´ç¹Lµ²ªG¡C ¥¿·í«ªº·í¨º¤@½ø¨®½ø¬Oªº®ÉÔ,¦pªG¬Y¨Æ¥X¤ò¯f,¦pªGªÖ®¦¦b¬ðµMªºÃzµo©Îº²©¥¬yµ{¤¤³Q®·®»,¨º¤@½ø¨T¨®±N·|³QÅÜ¥¡C
That the car was Condor bait went without saying. It couldn't have been
more obvious if the ISO had posted a billboard. Nambu knew it too. Why
else would he have brought it here? Had Rafael arranged this before he
sent Joe here for the rendezvous? But Rafael couldn't possibly have wanted
this. Why would he risk his chief weapon against Sosai X on this errand?
If Joe took over and was killed.... / ¨º¨T¨®¬O»ç¤£»Ýn»¡´N¶]ªº¨rÆN¡C °²¦p°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´±H¤@Ó¥¬§iªO¡A¥¦·|¨S¦³¬O§ó©úÅ㪺¡C
Nambu ¤]ª¾¹D¤F¥¦¡C ¬°¤°»ò§Oªº¥L±N·|¤w¸g¦b³o¸Ì±a¥¦? ¦b¥L¬°¬ù·|°e¤F³ì³o¸Ì¤§«e , Rafael ¦w±Æ³o¤F¶Ü? ¦ý¬O Rafael ¤£¥i¥H¤w¸g¥i¯à¦a·Qn³o¡C
¥L¬°¤°»ò±N·|«_µÛ¹ï§Ü¦b³o¤@Ó®t¨Æ¤Wªº Sosai X ªº¥L¥DnªºªZ¾¹¦MÀI? ¦pªG³ì±µºÞ¨Ã¥B³Q±þ....
Joe put down the binoculars, staring into space. / ³ì©ñ¤UÂù²´±æ»·Ãè,¶i¤JªÅ¶¡¤§¤ºª`µø¡C
...Ken wouldn't be. / ¡C¡C¡CªÖ®¦¤£±N·|¬O¡C
A wicked smile spread across Joe's face. If he didn't move on this, there'd
be no way he could look at his face in the mirror ever again. If he did,
whatever the consequences, it'd serve the old doctor right. / ¤@ÓÃaªº·L¯º¥]¬A³ìªºÁy¡C
¦pªG¥L¨S¦³Ä~Äò³o, there'd ¤£¬O¤èªk¥L¦A¤@¦¸´¿¸g¥i¥H¬ÝÃè¤lªº¥LÁy¡C ¦pªG¥L°µ,¥ô¦óªºµ²ªG,¥¦±N·|¬°¦ÑÂå¥ÍÅv§QªA°È¡C
Joe pushed away from the tower and dropped to the sand. Hurling the binoculars
away, he strode eastward, toward the waiting team. / ³ì»·Â÷¶ð±À°Ê¦Ó¥B¹ï¨F¤l°§C¡C ¥Î¤O§ëÂYÂù²´±æ»·Ã褧»·¡A¥L¦VªFÁÚ¤j¨B¨«,¹ï©óԸɤp²Õ¡C
"Hakase, let me go!" / "Hakase,Åý§Ú¥h"!
"I said no, and I mean it!" the professor roared. The rest of
the team took a step back. Nambu had a painful grip on Ken's shoulder,
mere centimeters from a key pressure point. Nevertheless, Ken tried to
push his way past, into the cockpit. He had never struck his mentor before,
but the way they stood now left the professor vulnerable. After all they
had been through, how bad was one sucker punch? Nambu's grip tightened
fractionally. Ken took a deep breath, and his free hand drew back. / "§Ú¤£»¡,
¦Ó¥B§Ú»¡¥¿¸gªº"! ±Ð±Â§q¡C ¤p²Õªº¨ä¥¦³¡¤À±a¤F¨BÆJI±¡C Nambu ¦³¤F¦bªÖ®¦ªºªÓ¤WµhWªººò´¤,¨Ó¦ÛÃöÁ䪺À£¤OÂIªº¶È¶È¤½¤À¡C
µM¦Ó,ªÖ®¦¸ÕµÛ±À°Ê¥Lªº¤èªk¹L¥h,¶i¤J¾r¾pû®y¿µ¤§¤º¡C ¥L¥H«e±q¥¼¥´¥Lªº¨}®v¡A¦ý¬O¥L̲{¦b¯¸¥ßªº¤è¦¡Åý±Ð±Â©ö¨ü¶Ë®`¡C ²¦³º¥L̤w¸g¬ï¶V,¤@Ó§lºÞ¥´¬}¾¹¦hÃa?
Nambu's ªººò´¤·L¤Ö¦a°Çºò¡C ªÖ®¦§@¤F²`ªº©I§l¡A¦Ó¥B¥Lªº¦Û¥Ñ¤âË°h¡C
A piercing whistle cut through the air, reverberating off the hull of
the New Godphoenix. A single, shrill note that caused all of the Kagaku
Ninjatai to turn. / ¤@¤ä¨ë°©ªº¤fï¤Á¹LªÅ®ð,¨«¶}¦^ÅT·sªº Godphoenix ªº´ß¡C ¤@Ó¿W¨ªÌ,¥Î¦y¾UªºÁnµ»¡¾ÉP©Ò¦³ªº
Kagaku Ninjatai ªºªþµùÂà¡C
"Where'd that come from?" Ryu said, looking around. / "
¨Ó¦Ûªº Where'd"? Ryu »¡,¥|³B¬Ý¬Ý¡C
"That way." Jinpei pointed into the sun. Pulling free of Nambu's
hand, Ken brought up one hand to shade his eyes and squinted. Low in the
sky, the late afternoon sun made it nearly impossible to see in that direction.
His free hand rested on his holstered cutting saucer. His eyes watered,
and he blinked and strained again, and this time he caught movement. A
tiny speck, tall and thin, moved amidst the heat shimmering off the sand.
/ "¨º¼Ë". Jinpei ¶i¤J¤Ó¶§¤§¤º«ü¡C ©Ô§K©ó Nambu's ªº¤â,ªÖ®¦´£¥X¤@°¦¤âº¥ÅÜ¥Lªº²´·ú¦Ó¥B¨ÏÅܱ׵ø²´¡C
§C¤U¦a¦b¤ÑªÅ¤¤¡A¨º¤È«á©³¤Ó¶§¨Ï¦b¨º¤@Ó¤è¦V¤¤¬Ý¨£¬O´X¥G¤£¥i¯à¡C ¥Lªº¦Û¥Ñ¤â°±¯d¦b¥Lªº¥Ö®M¾U§Qªº¯ùºÐ¤W¡C ¥Lªº²´·ú¼å¤ô¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¯w²´©Mºò±iªº¦A¤@¦¸¡A¦Ó¥B³o¦¸¥L¤Þ°_¤F¹B°Ê¡C
¤@Ó·¥¤pªº´³ÂI,°ªªº©M½G,¦b¨F¤l¥~µo°{Ã{¤§¥ú ªº¼ö·í¤¤²¾°Ê¡C
"There's just one person," Ryu said. / "¨º¸Ì¥u¤@Ó¤H",Ryu
The movement solidified into a human form; a dark, wide-shouldered silhouette.
This wasn't how it was normally done. Whenever a teammate came to another's
rescue, the whistled signal came from nowhere, and in the resulting confusion,
the rescuer made his appearance. But who would be coming to their rescue
anyway? The whole team was here. / ¹B°Ê¶i¤J¤@ºØ¤HÃþªº§Î¦¡¤§¤º¾®©T; ¶Â·t,¼eªº-ªÓt¤F¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼v¡C
³o¬O¤£¥¦¦p¦ó¥¿±`¦a³Q°µ¡C µL½×¦ó®É¤@Ó¶¤¤Íµd¿ô¨ä¥L¤Hªº±Ï¥X, ¨º§j¤fï«H¸¹µL³B¨Ó¦Û,¦Ó¥B¦b²£¥Íªº²V¶Ã¤è±¡A±Ï§UªÌ§@¤F¥Lªº¥~ªí¡C ¦ý¬O½Ö±N·|µL½×¦p¦ó±o¨ì¥L̪º´©±Ï?
Suddenly, Jun gasped. She took a few steps past the New Godphoenix, then
stopped, shading her eyes. Took a few more steps. Jinpei followed a few
hesitant yards behind. Ken stared after them, feeling the pressure building
in his chest. The hand on the cutting saucer quivered. / ¬ðµM¡A¤»¤ë³Ý®ð¡C ¦oªá¤@¨Ç¨BÆJ¹L¥h·sªº
Godphoenix,µM«á°±¤î, ¯d¤U³±¼v¦oªº²´·ú¡C ±Ä¨ú¤F¦A¹L´X¨BÆJ¡C Jinpei ¸òÀH¤F¤@¨Ç¿ðºÃªº½X«á±¡C ªÖ®¦ª`µø¦b¥L̤§«á,·Pı¥Lªº¯ÝÀ£¤O«Ø¿vª«¡C
No, Jun, he thought. Not now. Please don't. Please don't say it.... /
¤£,¤»¤ë,¥L·Q¡C ¤£¬O²{¦b¡C ½Ð¤£¡C ½Ð¤£n»¡¥¦....
"It's Joe," she said. / "¥¦¬O³ì",¦o»¡¡C
Three feet from him, Jun stopped and straightened, staring uncertainly
into his face. Joe remained utterly still as she studied him, trying to
see past the dark shields of his glasses. Her shoulders moved as her breaths
came quickly, lightly. One wrong move, and Joe knew she'd be gone like
a bird in flight, and then the attacks would begin. / ¨Ó¦Û¥Lªº¤T§`,¤»¤ë°±¤î¦Ó¥B§Ëª½,¤£½T©w¦a¶i¤J¥LªºÁy¤§¤ºª`µø¡C
·í¦o¾Ç²ß¤F¥Lªº®ÉÔ¡A³ì§¹¥þ¦a¤´µM«O«ù, ¹Á¸Õ¶V¹L¥Lªº²´Ãè¶Â·tªº¨¾¿mª«¬Ý¨£¡C ·í¦oªº©I§l³Q´£¥X±o«Ü§Öªº®ÉÔ¡A¦oªºªÓ²¾°Ê,»´»´ªº¡C ¤@¿ù»~²¾°Ê,¦Ó¥B³ì»{ÃÑ¡A¦o±N·|¹³¸¦æªº¤@°¦³¾¤£¨£¤F,µM«á§ðÀ»±N·|¶}©l¡C
More footsteps, and Jinpei skidded to a halt beside her and stared. Jun
stepped behind the boy and put her hands over his shoulders before Ryu
arrived, nearly colliding with them. Behind them, Nambu remained where
he was. Ken took an uncertain step forward. / «b¨®¨ì¦b¦o®ÇÃ䪺°±¤î¦Ó¥Bª`µøªº§ó¦h¸}¨B , ©M
Jinpei¡C ¦b Ryu ¨ì¹F¤§«e , ¤»¤ë¦b¨k«Ä«á±½ñ¨Ã¥B§â¦oªº¤â©ñ¦b¥LªºªÓ¤W,´X¥G©M¥L̸I¼²¡C ¦b¥L̫ᱡA Nambu «O«ù¥L¦bþ¸Ì¡C
Time froze, with three of Joe's former teammates so close he could touch
them. Someone had to break the spell, but Joe found he couldn't move.
/ ®É¶¡áµ²,Âǥѳ쪺«e¶¤¤Í¤¤ªº¤TÓ¦p¦¹±µªñ¦a¥L¥i¥H¸I¥LÌ¡C ¬Y¤H¥²¶·¥´¯}²Å©G¡A¦ý¬O³ìµo²{¥L¤£¥i¥H²¾°Ê¡C
He'd made his choice. Now they knew. But what could he say? "Hello"
wasn't going to cut it. / ¥L¦³§@¤F¥Lªº¿ï¾Ü¡C ²{¦b¥L̪¾¹D¡C ¦ý¬O¥L¥i¥H»¡¤°»ò? "«¢Åo" ¤£±N´î¤Ö¥¦¡C
His hand came up and he pulled off the sunglasses. His gaze fell first
on Jun, at the painful hope in her face; then he forced himself to look
past her to the waiting vehicle. / ¥Lªº¤âµo¥Í¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¶¶§Q§¹¦¨¤Ó¶§²´Ãè¡C ¥Lªºª`µø¦b¤»¤ëº¥ý¶^¸¨, ¦bµhWªº§Æ±æ¥¿¹ïµÛ
; µM«á¥L±j¢¤F¥L¦Û¤v¬Ý°_¨Ó¹L¥h¦o¨ìµ¥Ô¨®½ø¡C
Slowly, he forced a smile. / ºCºC¦a¡A¥LÀ£¢¤F¤@Ó·L¯º¡C
"Heard you're looking for someone to drive that." / " Å¥¨ì§A¥¿¦b§ä´M¬Y¤H¾r¾p¨º".
His voice broke the spell. Jinpei shrieked happily and slammed into him,
wrapping long, wiry arms around him in a tight hug. Ryu pounded him on
the back and ruffled his hair, and Joe winced as the big man bellowed,
"Dammit, man, you had us so worried!" / ¥LªºÁnµÂ_±¼¤F²Å©G¡C Jinpei §Ö¼Ö¦a¦y¥s¦Ó¥B²rµM¦a¼²¶i¥L,¤[¥]³òk
down on, ª÷Äݽu»sªº¤âÁu¦b¥L©P³ò¦b¤@Óºòªº¾Ö©ê¤¤¡C ·í¤jªº¨k¤H«ã§qªº®ÉÔ¡A Ryu ¦bI±¤W±j¯P¥´À»¥L¨Ã¥B§Ë¿¨¤F¥LªºÀY¾v¡A¦Ó¥B³ì¬ÈÁY,"¸Ó¦º,¨k¤H,§A¦³§Ú̦p¦¹µJ¼{"!
Jun stepped closer, staring up into his face. Her mouth moved, but he
barely heard what she said. Beneath her visor, luminous green eyes overflowed
with tears. Joe stepped past Jinpei and Ryu, and reaching out, he took
both her hands. "Jun," he said quietly. / ¤»¤ë½ñ¤ñ¸û¾aªñªº, ª`µø¦b¶i¤J¥LªºÁy¤§¤º¤W±¡C
¦oªº¼L²¾°Ê¡A¦ý¬O¥L´X¥GÅ¥¨ì¤F¦o©Ò»¡ªº¡C ¦b¦oªº±ÀU¤§¤U¡Aµo¥úªººñ¦â²´·ú¥H²\ºw¥ÆÀÝ¡C ³ì½ñ¤F¹L¥hªº Jinpei ©M Ryu, ¦Ó¥B¨ì¹F¥X,¥L±a¤F¦oªº¤â¨âªÌ¡C
Jun collided with him, pressing her head against his shoulder, clutching
him so tightly it hurt. Her entire body shook as one sob forced its way
out, then another. Joe held her by the shoulders, steadying her. He lowered
his head and closed his eyes as she cried. His chest ached at its very
core, and he wasn't sure whether he wanted to push her away or return
the embrace. "I'm sorry, Jun," he whispered. "I'm so sorry."
/ ¤»¤ë©M¥L¸I¼²,À£¢¹ï§Ü¥LªºªÓ¦oÀY, §ì¨c¥L¦p¦¹ªººòºò¥¦¶Ë®`¡C ·í¤@Ó°ãª_À£¢¤F¥¦ªº¥X¸ô®ÉÔ¡A¦oªº¾ãÓ¨Åé·n°Ê, µM«á¥t¥~ªº¡C ³ìÂǵ۪Ӯ»¦í¤F¦o,¨Ï¦oéw¡C
·í¦oúªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L°§C¤F¥LªºÀY¦Ó¥BÃö³¬¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¡C ¥Lªº¯Ý¦b¥¦ªº³Ì®Ö¤ßµh¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¤£½T©w¬O§_¥L·Qn±À°Ê¦oÂ÷¶}©ÎÂkÁÙ¾Ö©ê¡C "¹ï¤£°_,¤»¤ë",¥L¦Õ»y¡C
" §Ú¬O¦p¦¹Ãø¹L" ¡C
"You son of a bitch!" / " §A¤@Ó¥Àª¯ªº¨à¤l"!
Joe looked up just as Ken's fist slammed into his jaw. The blow tore him
from Jun, knocked him off his feet and sent him skidding backward in the
sand. When his vision cleared, he saw Ken standing over him with his teeth
bared, his fists tightly clenched and shaking. / ³ì¬Ý¦b¥¿¦pªÖ®¦ªº®±ÀY²rµM¦a¼²¶i¥LªºÃE¤W±¡C
¥´À»±q¤»¤ë°_¼¹¯}¤F¥L,±q¥Lªº¸}ºVÀ»¤F¥L¦Ó¥B°e¤F¥L¦b¨F¤l¤è±¦V«á¦a«b¨®¡C ·í¥Lªº³Q²M°£ªºµø³¥, ¥L¬Ý¨£¦b¥L¤§¤W¥H¥Lªº³Q¨Ï¨ª»rªº¤ú¾¦¯¸¥ß ªºªÖ®¦,
Ken snarled, "How dare you!" / ªÖ®¦§q¥s," ¦p¦ó´±§A"!
"Ken!" Jun cried. The rest of the team stood shocked, staring
from one to the other, but no one stepped forward. Ken's breath came hard,
and one hand gripped the cutting saucer holstered at his side. At this
range, he wouldn't miss. Joe could imagine what he was thinking. Waiting
for Joe to declare himself an impostor in a swirl of laughter and dark
fabric. Just like Red Impulse. Just like Getz. The Gatchaman now viewed
him as an enemy. / "ªÖ®¦"! ¤»¤ëú¡C ¤p²Õªº¨ä¥¦³¡¤À¯¸µÛ¾_°Ê,±q¤@ª`µø¨ì¥t¤@Ó,¦ý¬O¨S¦³¤H¦V«e¦a½ñ¡C
ªÖ®¦ªº©I§l§V¤O¦a³Q´£¥X¡A¦Ó¥B¤@°¦¤â§ìºò¤F¦b¥Lªº¨Ãä³Q¥Ö®Mªº¤ÁÂ_¯ùºÐ¡C ¦b³o½d³ò¡A¥L±N¤£¿ù¹L¡C ³ì¥i¥H·Q¹³¥L¥¿¦b·Qªº¡C µ¥Ô³ì«Å¥¬¥L¦Û¤v¯º©M¶Â·tªº¤@Óºx´õªº¤@Ó«_¦W³»´Àªº¤H´ª«¡C
¶È¶È³ßÅw¬õ¦âªº½Ä°Ê¡C ¶È¶È³ßÅw Getz ¡C Gatchaman ²{¦bµø¥L¬°¤@ӼĤH¡C
Joe propped himself up on one elbow and rubbed his throbbing jaw. Without
Rafael's handiwork to protect him, the blow would have shattered bone.
Ruefully, he chuckled. "You still punch the same," he said.
"I guess I deserved that." / ³ì¦b¤@Ó¤â¨y¤W¤ä«ù¥L¦Û¤v¨Ã¥BÀ¿¤F¥Lªº¤@¸õ¤@¸õªºÃE¡C ¨S¦³ Rafael's
ªº¤â¤u«OÅ@¥L,¥´À»·|¥´¸H°©ÀY¡C ´d¶Ë¦a¡A¥L¦Y¦Yªº¯º¡C "§A¤´µM¥H®±«À»¤@¼Ëªº",¥L»¡¡C "§Ú²q´ú§Ú¸Ó±o¨ì¤F¨º"
Ken's stance relaxed ever so slightly. Joe could see the wheels turning
within his mind, weighing the distant past against the recent past. Did
Ken remember him from the rescues? Would he be willing to believe? The
others did. Obviously Nambu did, but where it really mattered was Ken.
The seconds stretched into forever, yet Ken remained still. Joe also remained
frozen, waiting for judgment. / ªÖ®¦ªººA«×´¿¸g¦p¦¹ªº¨Ç·L©ñÃP¡C ³ì¥i¥H¦b¥Lªº¤ß¸Ì±¬Ý¨£½ü¤l±ÛÂà, ¯¯«¹ï§Ü³Ìªñªº¹L¥h»·¹L¥h¡C
ªÖ®¦±q´©±Ï°O±o¥L¶Ü? ¥L±N·|¼Ö·N¬Û«H¶Ü? ¨ä¾lªÌ°µ¡C ©úÅã¦a Nambu °µ¡A¦ý¬O¥¦¯uªº¦³«¤jÃö«Yþ¸Ì¬OªÖ®¦¡C ¬í¦ù®i¶i¤J¥Ã»·¦a¡AµM¦ÓªÖ®¦«O«ùÀR¤î¤§¤º¡C
At this point, an impostor would have blown his cover through something
as simple as a question: "What's wrong, Gatchaman? Why would you
hit an old friend?" But to Ken, this certainly sounded like Joe--too
much like Joe. Even Galactor's best operatives wouldn't have gotten close
enough to catch Joe's mannerisms among the team. The man's eyes met Ken's
and there was no mistaking what Ken saw there. Older, sadder maybe, but
still the same glare Ken had felt burning into him for three years of
missions and more years of growing up. / ¦¹®É¡A¤@Ó«_¦W³»´Àªº¤H·|¸g¹L¬Y¨Æ¹³¤@Ó°ÝÃD¤@¼ËªºÂ²³æ§j¥Lªº±»Å@:
"«ç»ò¦^¨Æ,Gatchaman? §A¬°¤°»ò±N·|¸I¼²¤@¦ì¦ÑªB¤Í?"¦ý¬O¹ïªÖ®¦¡A³o½T©w¦aÅ¥°_¨Ó¹³³ì¤@¼Ë-- ¤Ó¦h³ßÅw³ì¡C ¬Æ¦Ü
Galactor's ³Ì¦nªºÂ¾û¤£·|±o¨ì±µªñªº¥R¨¬®·®»¦b¤p²Õ¤§¤¤ªº³ì©ÇÂ}¡C ¨k¤Hªº²´·ú¹J¨£¤FªÖ®¦¦Ó¥B¨S¦³¥Ç¿ùªÖ®¦©Ò¦b¨º¸Ì¬Ý¨£ªº¡C ¸ê²`ªÌ,
Joe reached out a hand, and Ken didn't move. Joe usually refused help.
Maybe this was more of the apology. Ken reached out to pull him to his
feet-- / ³ì¨ì¹F¥X¤@°¦¤â¡A¦Ó¥BªÖ®¦¨S¦³²¾°Ê¡C ³ì³q±`©Úµ´¤FÀ°¦£¡C ¤]³\³o¬O¹Dºpªº§ó¦h¡C ªÖ®¦±µÄ²©Ô¥L¨ì¥Lªº¸}--
And found himself tumbling through the air. Ken landed on the sand in
a crouch, his hands ready, his gut broadcasting its displeasure at the
heel that had been planted there. He found Joe already on his feet, regarding
him with a familiar grin. Hah, said the look in his eyes. You let your
guard down, idiot. / ¦Ó¥Bµo²{¥L¦Û¤v¶^¸¨¹LªÅ®ð¡C ªÖ®¦¦bÃÛ¥ñªº¨F¤l¤Wµn³°,¥Lªº¤â¹w³Æ, ¥Lªº«i®ð¼s¼½¦b¤w¸g¦b¨º¸Ì³QºØ´Óªº¸}«á¸òªº¥¦¤£§Ö¼Ö¡C
¥L¦b¥Lªº¸}¤W¤w¸gµo²{³ì,Ãö©ó¥L¥H¼ô±xªºÅS¾¦¯º¡C Hah,»¡¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¯«±¡¡C §AÅý§Aªº¦u½Ã¥¢±æ,¥Õè¡C
Ken stood. "Bastard," he growled. "You haven't changed
either." / ªÖ®¦¯¸µÛ¡C "¨p¥Í¤l",¥L«ã§p¡C "§A¤]ÁÙ¥¼§ïÅÜ" ¡C
Joe's grin intensified, and Ken found himself returning it. The two rushed
each other and collided, slapping each other on the back, exchanging curses
and laughing. This is impossible, Ken thought. But no, all his senses
were telling him it was Joe. There, solid and real. Wiry shoulders tight
beneath his hands, the faint scents of gasoline and soap over sweat. Ken's
laughter bore just a touch of hysteria, but he noted that Joe reflected
the laugh almost desperately. / ³ìªºÅS¾¦¯º¼W±j¡A¦Ó¥BªÖ®¦µo²{¥L¦Û¤vÂkÁÙ¥¦¡C ¤GÓ¥^¦£ªº©¼¦¹¦Ó¥B¸I¼²,¦bI±¤Wªº¥X©_¦a§Ö©¼¦¹,¥æ´«¶A©G©M¯º¡C
³o¬O¤£¥i¯àªº,ªÖ®¦·Q¡C ¦ý¬O¤£¡A¥L©Ò¦³ªº·Pı¬O§i¶D¥L¥¦¬O³ì¡C ¨º¸Ì, ©TÅé©M¯u¥¿ªº¡C ºòªºª÷Äݽu»sªºªÓ¦b¥Lªº¤â¤§¤U,¦b¦½¤Wªº¨Tªo©MªÎ¨mªº·L®z®ð¨ý¡C
Feet scuffed in the sand as the other team members reached them. "So
you have been rescuing us in secret all this time," Ryu said. / ·í¥t¤@ÓÁp¦¨¤@²Õ³QÁpµ¸¥L̪º¦¨û®ÉÔ¡A¸}¦b¨F¤l¤è±¶_µÛ¸}¨«¸ô¡C
"¦]¦¹§A¤w¸g¦b¯µ±Kªº©Ò¦³³o¦¸¤¤±Ï¥X§ÚÌ",Ryu »¡¡C
"That's so cold, Joe," Jinpei said. "Where have you been
hiding?" / " ¨º¬O¦p¦¹´H§N,³ì",Jinpei »¡¡C "§AÂäFþ¸Ì"?
Ken felt Joe tense, then break away from him, looking away with a sigh.
His own throat caught; of course, this was all too good to be true. /
³Q·Pı³ì®ÉºAªºªÖ®¦,µM«á±q¥L²æÂ÷ ,¥H¤@Án¼Û®§¬ÝÂ÷¶}¡C ¥L¦Û¤vªº«|³ï®·®»; ·íµM, ³o¥þ³¡¬O¤Ó¦n¦ÓµLªk¬O¯u¹êªº¡C
"Joe." Dr. Nambu stepped up behind him and placed a hand on
his shoulder. "We don't expect you to tell us everything," he
said. "But if you were alive all this time, why didn't you send word?"
/ "³ì". Nambu ³Õ¤h¦b¥L«á±¥[³t¨Ã¥B©ñ¤@°¦¤â¦b¥LªºªÓ¤W¡C "§Ṳ́£´Á«Ý§A§i¶D§Ų́C¥ó¨Æª«",¥L»¡¡C
"In any case, I'm so glad to see you alive." He grasped Joe's
hand and shook it. / "µL½×¦p¦ó¡A§Ú¦p¦¹°ª¿³¨£§A¬¡µÛªº" ¡C ¥L§ì¦í¤F³ìªº¤â¦Ó¥B·n°Ê¤F¥¦¡C
Joe's reply was cut short by a deep rumble. The ground lurched beneath
them, forcing them all to stumble. / ³ìªºµªÂгQ²`ªº¶©¶©Án¤¤Â_¤F¡C ¦a±¦b¥L̤§¤U¬ðµM¦V¤@Ãä¶É±×, ±j¢¥LÌ¥þ³¡²ÌË¡C
"The plates are shifting again. We're running out of time."
/ "ºÐ¤l¥¿¦b¦A¤@¦¸§ïÅÜ¡C §ÚÌ¥¿¦b¶]Â÷®É¶¡¡C"
"All we need to make this complete," Joe muttered, "Is
a Galactor mech." / " ¥þ³¡§ÚÌ»Ýn¨Ï³o§¹¥þ",³ì³ä³ä¦Û»y ",¬O Galactor
The grind and shriek of metal sounded off to the left. The team scattered
as something huge and metallic erupted from the ground, showering them
with sand and roaring to the heavens: a silver sphere bristling with cannons
and supported by a snakelike body. / ª÷Äݪº¿i©M¦y¾UªºÅTÁn¨«¶}Å¥¨ì¥ªÃä¡C ³Q´²§G¦p·¥¤jªºªF¦è¤p²Õ©Mª÷Äݪº±q¦a±Ãzµo,¥Î¹ï¤Ñ°óªº¨F¤l©M§qÁn²O¯D¥LÌ:
¤@Ó¥H¤j¯¥è¤ò¦Ó¥B³Q¤@Ó snakelike ¨Åé¤ä«ù ªº»È²yÅé¡C
There was no time to think. Joe was already standing in the open cockpit
of the Condor Attacker. He waved. "The rest of you keep our playmate
busy," he shouted. "I'll handle the mantle." / ¨S¦³®É¶¡·Q¡C ³ì¤w¸g¦b¨rÆN§ðÀ»ªÌªº¶}©ñ¾r¾pû®y¿µ¤¤¯¸¥ß¡C
¥L´§»R¡C "§Aªº¨ä¾lªÌ¨Ï§Ú̪ºª±¦ñ«O«ù¦£¸Lªº",¥L©I³Û¡C "§Ú±N³B²z¦a²[" ¡C
"Wait!" Nambu rushed to the vehicle, whose engine was already
gunning. Leaning close to Joe, he shouted, "The targeting instruments
are preset. Follow what they tell you. And be careful!" With an abrupt
nod, Joe slid the canopy shut and roared off, leaving Nambu staring after
him. / "µ¥Ô"! Nambu ¶Ê«P¨ì¨®½ø,¨ä¤ÞÀº¤w¸g¥¿¦b®gÀ»¡C ¦b³ìªºªþªñ¶É±×,¥L©I³Û,"ºË·Ç¤u¨ã³Q¹w¥ý³]©w¡C
¸òÀH¥Ļi¶D§Aªº¡C ¦Ó¥B¤p¤ß!"ÂǥѬðµMªºÂIÀY, ³ì slid ¤ÑÁO¨«¶}Ãö¤W¦Ó¥B§q,¦b¥L¤§«áÅý Nambu ¾®µøªº¡C
Dr. Nambu slapped the canopy after it closed, and Joe gave a distracted
wave as he gunned the engine. The car lurched forward in a flurry of sand,
pressing him hard into the seat, and he grinned. A flash of movement in
his rear view mirror caught his attention, and he swerved, narrowly missing
a bolt from the mech that now pursued him. The blast sent the vehicle
flying, but it landed neatly. Joe glanced back to see Ken's craft attach
the giant snake, distracting it. "It's up to you now," he said
softly, then turned his attention forward. / ¦b·í¥L¥Î¬¶®gÀ»¤F¤ÞÀºªº®ÉÔ¡A¥¦³QÃö³¬¡A¦Ó¥B³ìµ¹¤©¤F¤@Ӥ߷зN¶Ãªºªi®ö¤§«á¡A
Nambu ³Õ¤h©çÀ»¤F¤ÑÁO¡C ¨T¨®¦b¨F¤lªº¤@Ó·W±i¤¤¦V«e¦a¬ðµM¦V¤@Ãä¶É±×, À£¢¥LÃøªº¶i¤J®y¦ì¤§¤º¡A¦Ó¥B¥LÅS¾¦¦Ó¯º¡C ¥Lªº«á±µø³¥Ãè¤lªº¹B°Ê°{¥ú¤Þ°_¥Lªºª`·N¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¨Ï²æ¶},¯U¯¶¦a¥¢¥h¨Ó¦Û²{¦b°l¨D¤F¥Lªº
mech ªºªù¬¡C ¯e·°e¤F¨®½ø¸¡A¦ý¬O¥¦¾ã¼ä¦aµn³°¡C ³ì¦V«á¦a¿h°{¨£¸¾÷ªþ¤WÃe¤jªº³DªÖ®¦,Âಾ¥¦¡C "²{¦b¨Ì§Aªº·N«ä",¥L¬X©M¦a»¡,µM«á¦V«e¦aÂà¤F¥Lªºª`·N¡C
Without thinking, he slapped the switch that activated the ground cutters,
and lowered the car's nose into the earth. A radar screen on the central
console, right above the gearshift indicated he was right on target. It
occurred to him that he hadn't once checked the locations of the controls
or spent any time fumbling with unfamiliar equipment. The automobile controls
matched the old G-2 machine's completely, but as for the weapons and special
equipment, all Joe had had to do was reach out, to find the correct switch
or dial beneath his fingers. He shook off a sudden chill--Nambu's engineers
were that good. Was this thing in production while we were still fighting
Katse? Why weren't we told? / ¤£·Q¡A¥L©çÀ»¤F¨ë¿E¤F¤g¦aªºµô°ÅªÌ, ¦Ó¥B°§C¨T¨®ªº»ó¤l¶i¦a²y¤§¤ºªº¶}Ãö¡C ¦b¤¤¥¡ªº±±¨îÂi¤Wªº¤@Ó¹p¹F¿Ã¹õ,¥¿½T¦a¦bÅܳt±ÆÀɤW±«ü¥X¤F¥L¬O¥¿½Tªº¦b¥Ø¼Ð¤W¡C
¥L©¿µM·Q°_¥L¨S¦³´¿¸gÀˬd±±¨îªº¦aÂI©Îªá¶OÀH®É¥H¤£¼ô±xªº»ö¾¹ºN¯Á¡C ¨T¨®±±¨î§¹¥þ¦a»Pªº G-2 ¾÷¾¹¬Û°t¤F¡A¦ý¬OÃö©óªZ¾¹©M¯S§Oªº»ö¾¹¡A³Q¦³ªº©Ò¦³³ì¥²¶·°µ¦b¥~¬O½d³ò,
¦b¥Lªº¤â«ü¤§¤Uµo²{¥¿½Tªº¶}Ãö©Î¨è«×½L¡C ¥L¨«¶}·n°Ê¬ðµMªº´H§N--Nambu's ªº¤uµ{®v¬O¨º»ò¦nªº¡C ·í§Ṳ́´µM¥¿¦b¹ï§Ü Katse ªº®ÉÔ¡A»s³yªº³o¤@¥ó¨Æª«¬O¶Ü?
The car lurched as it broke from solid ground into an underground cave
illuminated by orange lava that glowed through cracks in the cave floor.
Joe downshifted with a brisk heel-toe, then brought the Attacker's wheels
down and followed the underground corridor. The radar crosshairs continued
to close in on target. / ·í¥¦±q°íµwªº¦a±¨ì³Q¦b¬}¦aªO¤¤µo¬õ¥ú¹LµõÁ_ªº¾ï¦âº²©¥·Ó©úªº¦a¤U¬}Â_±¼ªº®ÉÔ¡A¨T¨®¬ðµM¦V¤@Ãä¶É±×¡C
³ì¥H¤@Ó²n§Öªº¸}«á¸ò½Õ¦Ü§CÀÉ-¸}³k,µM«á±a¤F½ü¤låP¸¨¦Ó¥B¸òÀH¤F¦a¤Uªº¨«´Y§ðÀ»ªÌªº¡C ¹p¹F¤Q¦r½uÄ~ÄòÃö¦b¥Ø¼Ð¤W¡C
The corridor tightened to one third the Attacker's width, but he didn't
slow down; instead activating the hovercraft boosters on only one side
of the car. Maybe I can wedge it in diagonally. I saw this in a movie
once. The tires shrieked as the Condor Attacker teetered on three of its
six wheels, occasionally bumping the free wheels into a wall. / ¨«´Y°Çºò¨ì¤T¤À¤§¤@§ðÀ»ªÌªº¼e«×¡A¦ý¬O¥L¨S¦³´îºC
; §ï¬°±Ò°Ê hovercraft «á±Àªº¤H¦b¤£¹L¤§¤W¨T¨®ªºÃä¡C ¤]³\§Ú¯à·¤¦í¥¦¦b¹ï¨¤ªº¡C §Ú¦b¤@³õ¹q¼v¤@¦¸¤¤¬Ý¨£³o¡C ·í¨rÆN§ðÀ»ªÌ¦b¥¦ªº¤»Ó½ü¤l¤¤ªº¤TÓ¤W·n·n±ýÂ\ªº®ÉÔ¡A½üL¦y¥s,¦³®ÉÔ¸I¼²¦Û¥Ñªº½ü¤l¶i¤@±Àð¾À¤§¤º¡C
Ahead, the orange glow intensified, and Joe soon realized why: he was
fast running out of solid ground. The heat and close confines of the tunnel
negated the Attacker's hovercraft capabilities, so Joe had to find another
way to create a bridge. Jamming on the brakes, he reached for what would
have been the trigger of the old G-2's gatling gun. Two missiles brought
an avalanche of rock down over the lava, a temporary stay at best. Already,
a string of warning lights glowed across the front console, systems overloading
from heat and stress. The cockpit stank of hot metal and plastic, and
the oppressive heat seared the back of his throat. He still hadn't reached
the target. The radar crosshairs continued to narrow, but far too slowly.
Ignoring the squeal of alarms, Joe put more pressure on the accelerator.
/ ¦V«e¦a¡A¾ï¦âªº¨ª¼ö¼W±j¡A¦Ó¥B³ì«Ü§Ö¤F¸Ñ¬°¤°»ò: ¥L¬O¥Ñ©ó°íµwªº¦a±§Ö³tªº¶]¡C ¼ö©MÀG¹Dªº±µªñæ¬É§_©w¤F§ðÀ»ªÌªº hovercraft ¯à¤O¡A¦]¦¹¡A³ì¥²¶·µo²{¥t¤@Ó¤èªk³Ð³y¤@®y¾ô¡C
¦b·Ù¨®¤WÀ½,¥L¬°·|¬Oªº G-2 ªºªO¾÷ªF¦è¨ì¹F's gatling ºj¡C ±a©¥¥Ûªº¤@Ó³·±Yªº¤GÓ¸¼u¦bº²©¥¤§¤WåP¸¨, ¥R¨ä¶qªº¼È®É°±¯d¡C
¤w¸g¡Aĵ§iªº¥ú½u¶V¹L«e±ªº±±¨îÂiµo¬õ¥ú,¨Ó¦Û¼ö©MÀ£¤Oªº¹L¸ü ªº¨t²Î¡C ª÷Äݹ]¦r©M¶ì½¦ªº¾r¾pû®y¿µ stank,¦Ó¥BÀ£¨î©Êªº¼ö¯NµJ¤F¥Lªº«|³ïI±¡C
¥L¤´µM¨S¦³¹F¦¨¥Ø¼Ð¡C ¹p¹F¤Q¦r½uÄ~ÄòÁY¤p, ¦ý¬O¤ÓºCºC¦a»»»·¦a¡C ¤£²z¸Bĵ³øªº¦y¥s,³ì§â§ó¦hªºÀ£¤O©ñ¦b¥[³tªÌ¡C
The tunnel continued for another fifty feet, and then the computer beeped,
indicating Joe was in range. He jabbed at the large red button behind
the gearshift, and the whole car shuddered as the huge winged Fire Targetter
launched from the roof. / ÀG¹D¬°¥t¥~¤¤Q§`Ä~Äò,µM«á¹q¸£¹Í¹ÍÁn,«ü¥X³ì¬O¦b½d³ò¤¤¡C ·í·¥¤jªº¦³Ál¤õ Targetter
Joe didn't wait for impact, instead digging straight through the cavern's
ceiling. Even so, he knew he would not escape the explosion. As the earth
shook violently around him and the orange fireball enveloped the car,
he thought, Damn it, I wanted to see the team again. / ³ì¨S¦³µ¥Ô½ÄÀ»,§ï¬°µ§ª½¦a¸g¹L¥¨¥Þªº¤ÑªáªO«õ¡C
¬Æ¦Ü¦p¦¹¡A¥L»{ÃѤF¥L±N¤£°k²æÃz¬µ¡C ·í¦a²y·n°Ê²r¯Pªº¦bªþªñ¥L©M¾ï¦âªº¤õ²y«H«Ê¤F¨T¨®,¥L·Q,¶A©G¥¦,§Ú·Qn¦A¤@¦¸¨£¤p²Õ¡C
Ken waved the others into action and dashed for the Eagle Sharp. Seconds
later, he dove low over the mech, strafing with the lasers. The fire scored
the silver surface of the ball that appeared to house the mech's control
center. The cannons on the otherwise featureless ball turned to follow
the movement of his plane. / ªÖ®¦¬°ÆN°ª½Õ´§»R¨ä¾lªÌ¶i¦æ°Ê¤§¤º¦Ó¥B²rÂY¡C ¬íµy«á, ¥LÂF¤l¦b mech ¤Wªº§CÂI,©M¹p®gªº
strafing¡C ¤õÀò±o¤F¦ü¥G¦¬®e mech's ªº±±¨î¤¤¤ßªº²y»Èªí±¡C ¦b§_«hµL¯S¦âªº²y¤W¤j¯¥·Ç³Æ¨Ì·Ó¥Lªº¸¾÷¹B°Ê¡C
The others were well out of the thing's reach, flying alongside, prepared
to attack. The silhouette of the New Godphoenix hovered high above, well
out of the way, with Ryu and the professor aboard, watching. There was
no sign of Joe. / ¨ä¾lªÌ¦wµMÂ\²æ¨Æª«ªº½d³ò,¾a¸,·Ç³Æ§ðÀ»¡C ³Q½L±Û°ª«×¤W¤èªº·s Godphoenix ªº¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼v,´é¥XÂ÷¤èªk,
ÂÇ¥Ñ Ryu ©M±Ð±Â¦b¸¾÷¤W,¬Ý¡C ¨S¦³³ìªº¸ñ¶H¡C
Then the world seemed to explode. Ken fought to keep the Eagle Sharp from
tumbling as the shock waves rippled through the air. The sand shivered,
then the ground heaved like a stormy sea. Massive fissures appeared in
the surface. One opened up beneath the Galactor mech, and the craft dropped,
writhing, into complete darkness. Ken counted five, six, seven seconds
before a flash indicated it had hit something. / µM«á¥@¬É¦ü¥GÃz¬µ¡C ªÖ®¦·í°µ¸g¹LªÅ®ð°_º§º¬ªºÅåÀ~ªi®ö¥´¥M¨ÏÆN°ª½Õ¤£¶^¸¨¡C
¨F¤l¥´Å¸,µM«á³Q¥Î¤OÁ|°_ªº¦a±³ßÅw¼É·«Bªº®ü¬v¡C Ãe¤jªºµõÁ_¦bªí±¤¤¥X²{¡C ¤@¦b Galactor mech ¤§¤U¦³¸Üª½»¡¡A¦Ó¥B¸¾÷°§C,writhing,¶i¤J§¹¥þªº¶Â·t¤§¤º¡C
The ground erupted, spewing balls of flame high into the air. Out of the
corner of his eye, Ken saw something black and metallic flung from one
of the fissures. Joe? / ¦a±Ãzµo,¦R¤õµKªº²y°ª«×¶iªÅ®ð¤§¤º¡C ±q¥Lªº²´·ú¨¤¸¨¡AªÖ®¦±qµõÁ_¤§¤@¬Ý¨£¶Â¦âªºªF¦è©Mª÷Äݪº³Q§ë¡C
"There he is," Ryu called over the radio. "Ten o' clock,
almost right below me! See him?" / "¥L¨º¸Ì",Ryu ¦b¦¬µ¾÷¤§¤W©I¥s¡C
"¤Q o'®ÉÄÁ,´X¥G¥¿½T¦a¦b§Ú¤U±! ¬Ý¨£¥L?"
Then Nambu's voice: "Assemble, and we'll land." / µM«á Nambu's
ªºÁnµ: "¶°¦X¡A¦Ó¥B§Ú̱Nµn³°" ¡C
Ken swooped low over the site before pulling the Sharp into the mothership's
docking bay. His heart pounded with a sense of foreboding. Had Joe come
back to them only to die again? / ªÖ®¦¦b©Ô°ª½Õ¶i¤J mothership's ªº¤J¶õ®üÆW¤§«e§C¤U¦a¹M¤Î¦ì¸m§ì¨ú¡C
¥Lªº¤ß¥H¤@Ó¹w·P·P±j¯P¥´À»¡C ¦³³ì¦^¨ì¥L̤£®Æ³º·|¦A¤@¦¸¦º?
Dear God, I hope not, Ken thought. I hope the bastard came through safe
and sound so I can hit him again. / ¿Ë·Rªº¤W«Ò,§Ú§Æ±æ¤£,ªÖ®¦·Q¡C §Ú§Æ±æ¡A¨p¥Í¤l«×¹L¦wµMµL®~¦]¦¹§Ú¦A¤@¦¸¯à¸I¼²¥L¡C
The first thing that came to Joe's awareness was the vibration of the
ground under him and a flurry of blowing sand as a ship settled down nearby.
When the thunder of the engines subsided, there was the brief whine of
servos, then voices shouting his name--first Ken's, then Jun's. It no
longer hurt to hear them. Both voices radiated relief and concern instead
of the desperation he had heard for so long. / ±o¨ì³ìªºÄ±¹î²Ä¤@¥ó¨Æª«¬O¦b¥L©M§j¨F¤l¦p¤@¿´¦bªþªñ³Q¦w©w¤U¨Óªº²î·W±i¤U±ªº¦a±¾_°Ê¡C
·í³Q¥®§ªº¤ÞÀº¹p¹q,¦³¦øªAªºÂ²µu©ê«èªº®ÉÔ,µM«á«Åz©I³Û¥Lªº¦W¦r--²Ä¤@ÓªÖ®¦, µM«á¤»¤ë¡C ¥¦¤£¦A¶Ë®`Å¥¨ì¥LÌ¡C ¦]¬°¦p¦¹´÷±æ¡AÁnµ³£´T®g¦w¤ß¦Ó¥B±¾¼{¥N´À¥L¤w¸gÅ¥¨ìªºªq³à¡C
He lay on his left side, still strapped inside what was left of the Condor
Attacker. With his eyes closed, he took physical inventory. He was covered
with sand and broken glass and felt like he'd been skidding down a gravel
road on his face, but nothing inside him seemed broken. / ¥L¦b¥Lªº¥ªÃä¤W©ñ¸m,¤´µM¸i¸j¨rÆN§ðÀ»ªÌ³Q¯d¤Uªº¤º³¡¡C
ÂǥѥLªº³QÃö³¬ªº²´·ú¡A¥L®³¤F¹ê»Úªº¦s³f²M³æ¡C ¥L§Gº¡¨F¤l©MÃa±¼ªº¬Á¼þ¦Ó¥B·Pı¹³¥L¤w¸g¦b¥LªºÁy¤Wªu¸H¥Û¹D¸ô¦V¤U«b¨®, ¦ý¬O¨S¨Æ¤º³¡ªº¥L¦ü¥GÃa±¼¡C
Tilting his head toward the ground so that the sand ran off his face,
he opened his eyes. The cockpit was dark save for a single bare spot on
the canopy where the sun squeezed in. He unfastened what was left of the
safety harness and crawled from the car, blinking in the bright sunlight.
Propping his shoulders against the wreck, he looked himself over. He found
blood on his face and arms, but none of the injuries appeared deep. He
brushed the caked sand away to find bruises as well. His gray suit was
in ruins; flakes of charred fabric fell away from him with each movement.
/ ¶É±×¥Lªº¹ï©ó¦a±¥H«K¨F¤lªºÀY¨«¶}¶]¥LªºÁy,¥L¥´¶}¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¡C ¾r¾pû®y¿µ¬O¦b¤Ó¶§ºò´¤ªº¤ÑÁO¤Wªº¤@Ó³æ¤@¨ª»rªº¦aÂI¶Â·tªº±Ï´©¦b¡C ¥L¸Ñ¶}¤F¦w¥þ³Q¯d¤U°¨¨ã¦Ó¥B±q¨T¨®ª¦¦æªºªF¦è
,¦b©ú«Gªº¤é¥ú¤è±¯w²´¡C ¤ä¼µ¹ï§Ü´ÝÀeªº¥LªÓ,¥Lµ²§ô¬Ý¤F¥L¦Û¤v¡C ¥Lµo²{¦b¥LªºÁy©M¤âÁu¤Wªº¦å¡A¦ý¬O¨S¦³¨ü¶Ë¥X²{¤F²`³B¡C ¥L²¨¨ê¨º³J¿|¼»¨FªºÂ÷¶}¤]µo²{·ï¶Ë¡C
¥Lªº¦Ç¦â¶D³^¬O¦b·´·À¤¤; ¿NµJªºÂ´ª«Á¡¤ù¥H¨C¦¸¹B°Ê¶^¸¨»·Â÷¥L¡C
Outlined by the sunlight at their backs, four winged silhouettes rushed
forward. As their shadows fell over him, the horrified expressions on
their faces became clear. "Joe, are you all right?" There was
disbelief in Jun's voice. Dr. Nambu appeared behind her, and he wore a
similar expression. / ¦b¥L̪ºI³¡Âǵۤé¥ú·§²¤»¡©ú,¥|Ó¦³Álªº¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼v¦V«e¦a¶Ê«P¡C ·í¥L̪º¼v¹³¶^Ë¥Lªº®ÉÔ,¦b¥L̪ºÁy¤WÅ屪ªºªí¹FÅܦ¨²M·¡¡C
"³ì,¬O§A©Ò¦³ªºÅv§Q"? ¦b¤»¤ë¦³¤£«H¥õÁnµ¡C Nambu ³Õ¤h¦b¦o«á±¥X²{¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¬ïµÛ¤F¬Û¦üªºªí¹F¡C
Joe twisted around and looked at the mess he had just vacated--a half-buried
pile of burned, twisted metal and volcanic glass. The rubber tires had
melted off the wheels. Damn. Sorry about the car, Dad, he thought, and
couldn't hold back a grin. / ³ìÀ¾¦b¦Ó¥B©P³ò¬Ý¥L¶È¶È¤w¸gÄË¥Xªº¤@¹Î¶Ã--¿U¿Nªº¤@¥b®I¸®ªº°ï,À¾¤Fª÷ÄÝ©M¤õ¤sªº¬Á¼þ¡C
¾ó¥Ö½üL¤w¸g¨«¶}¿Ä¤Æ½ü¤l¡C ¤@ÂI¡C Ãø¹LªºÃö©ó¨T¨®¡Aª¨ª¨ªº¨Æ¡A¥L·Q, ¦Ó¥B¤£¥i¥H§í¨îÅS¾¦¯º¡C
His first attempt at standing failed, and he settled back against the
wreck, waving off Jun when she tried to help. "Let me rest, and I
should be able to walk in a few minutes," he said quietly. / ¥Lªº²Ä¤@ºØ¹Á¸Õ¦b«ùÄò¥¢±Ñ¡A¦Ó¥B¥L³Q¦V«á¦a¤Ï¹ï´ÝÀe¦w¹y,¨«¶}´§»R¦o¸ÕµÛÀ°§Uªº¤»¤ë¡C
"Full of surprises, aren't you?" Ken had his eyebrows raised.
"After what happened to this machine, I can't believe you got out
with only a few scratches." / " ¥Rº¡ªº·N¥~, §A¤£¬O"? ªÖ®¦¤É°_¥Lªº¬Ü¤ò¡C
"¦b³o¤@³¡¾÷¾¹µo¥Í¤F¤°»ò¨Æ¤§«á¡A§Ú¤£¯à¬Û«H§A¥H¥u¦³¤@¨ÇÀ¿¶ËÂ÷¶}" ¡C
Joe's gut twisted, but he forced a laugh. "Guess I'm just too mean
to die. Looks like the car took the worst of it for me." / ³ìªº«i®ðÀ¾¡A¦ý¬O¥LÀ£¢¤F¤@Án¯º¡C
" ²q´ú§Úè¦n¬O¤Ó§C¦H¦ÓµLªk¦º¡C ¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³¨T¨®¤@¼Ë¥¦¬°§Ú±Ä¨ú³ÌÃa¡C"
Ken's jaw tightened. "Joe, why haven't you shown your face before
now?" / ªÖ®¦ªºÃE°Çºò¡C "³ì, ¬°¤°»ò§AÁÙ¨S²{¦b¥H«eÅã¥Ü§AªºÁy"?
Joe dropped the grin. No one else spoke. / ³ì°§C¤FÅS¾¦¯º¡C ¨S¦³¤H§Oªº»¡¡C
"You can't put it off any longer," Ryu said. "C'mon, spit
it out." / "§A¯à¤£¦A±N¥¦©µ´Á",Ryu »¡¡C "C'mon,³è¦R¥X¥¦" ¡C
Joe took a deep breath, looking from face to face. Their stares burned
him, unrelenting. "After you went into the base," he said softly,
"I was rescued by a doctor who took me to a hidden laboratory. His
name was Dr. Rafael. He worked on me... saved my life." At the mention
of Rafael's name, he saw a flash of recognition in their faces, and Jun
turned to Nambu, who nodded. / ³ì§@¤F²`ªº©I§l, ±q±¹ï±¬Ý¡C ¥L̪ºª`µø¿U¿N¤F¥L,¤£¼e®¤ªº¡C "¦b§A°Q½×°ò¦¤§«á"
¡A¥L¬X©M¦a»¡ ",§Ú³Q¤@¦ì±a¤F§Ú¨ì¤@¶¡ÁôÂ꺹êÅç«ÇªºÂå¥Í±Ï¥X¤F¡C ¥Lªº¦W¦r¬O Rafael ³Õ¤h¡C ¥L³B²z§Ú¡C¡C¡C ¸Ñ±Ï¤F§Úªº¥Í¬¡¡C"¤@´£¨ì
Rafael's ªº¦W¦r¡A¥L¥¿¹ïµÛ¬Ý¨£©Ó»{ªº°{¥ú¡A¦Ó¥B¤»¤ëÂà¦V Nambu,ÂIÀY¡C
"Wasn't he with Galactor?" Jun asked. / " ¥L¤£¬O¥Ñ©ó Galactor"?
"He was." Joe climbed to his feet and moved past them, swaying
slightly, to lean against the landing gear. "Now he fights them on
his own. I think saving me was one of his little victories. " He
wondered if they knew anything about the work Rafael did. Their eyes remained
focused on him. He couldn't read Nambu's expression at all. / "¥L¬O"
¡C ³ìÃkµn¨ì¥Lªº¸}¦Ó¥B²¾°Ê¤F¹L¥h¥LÌ,¨Ç·L¦a·n°Ê, ʾa°_¸¨¬[¡C "²{¦b¥L¾a¥L¦Û¤v¹ï§Ü¥LÌ¡C §Ú·QÀx»W§Ú¬O¥Lªº¤p³Ó§Q¤§¤@¡C "¥LÃhºÃ¬O§_¥L̪¾¹D¤FÃö©ó¤u§@
Rafael ªº¥ô¦ó¨Æ°µ¡C ¥L̪º²´·ú«O«ùµJÂI©Ò¦b¥L¨¤W¡C ¥L¤£¥i¥HŪ¦b¥þ³¡ªº Nambu's ªºªí¹F¡C
"So you're the one who helped us in the temple," Jinpei said.
/ " ¦]¦¹§A¬O¨º¤@Ó½Ö¦b¦x¼q¤¤À°§U§ÚÌ",Jinpei »¡¡C
Joe turned away, staring at the ground. "I couldn't help you openly,"
he said in a low voice. "I worked from the shadows when I could.
Now that you know, it looks like I'm going to be causing you even more
grief." / ³ìÂà¦VÂ÷¶},¨nµÛ¦a±¬Ý¡C " §Ú¤½¶}¦a¤£¥i¥HÀ°§U§A",¥L¦b¤@ºØ§CªºÁnµ¤¤»¡¡C "§Ú±q¼v¹³¤u§@·í§Ú¥i¥H¡C
¬JµM§Aª¾¹D, ¥¦¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³§Ú¤@¼Ë¥¿¦b¥h¤Þ°_§A¬Æ¦Ü§ó¦hªº¶Ëµh¡C"
Jun gasped. "Causing us--how?" / ¤»¤ë³Ý®ð¡C "¤Þ°_§ÚÌ--¦p¦ó"?
Joe turned around to find everything he dreaded: the hurt, the betrayal,
the questions he didn't want to answer. He snarled silently. "It's
more than personal now. Galactor tried to take everything from me--my
parents, my life--" My team. "And that was a mistake. This time
I'll destroy them myself." He raised a ragged fist. "X will
fall--and he'll fall by this hand!" / ³ì¦^¹LÀYµo²{¥L®£Äߪº¨C¥ó¨Æª«: ¶Ë®`¡AI«q, °ÝÃD¥L¨S¦³·Qn¦^µª¡C
¥LÀqÀq¦a§q¥s¡C "¥¦²{¦b«ÜÓ¤Hªº¡C Galactor ¸ÕµÛ±a¨Ó¦Û§Úªº¨C¥ó¨Æª«--§Úªº¤÷¥À , §Úªº¥Í¬¡--"§Úªº¤p²Õ¡C
"¦Ó¥B¨º¬O¤@Ó¿ù»~¡C ³o¦¸§Ú±N¯}Ãa¥Ļڦۤv¡C"¥L¤É°_¤F¤@Ó¦çmÄ°Á¹ªº®±ÀY¡C "X ±N¸¨¤U--¦Ó¥B¥L±NÂǵ۳o¤@°¦¤â¸¨¤U"!
The others stared. Too clearly, Joe heard Jun whisper, "You can't
leave again!" / ¨ä¾lªÌª`µø¡C ¤Ó²M·¡¦a¡A³ìÅ¥¨ì¤F¤»¤ë¦Õ»y,"§A¯à¤£¦AÂ÷¶}"!
You won't feel that way once you discover the truth, Joe looked away,
across the desert to the distant silhouette of the city. / ¤@¥¹§Aµo²{¨Æ¹ê,³ì¬ÝÂ÷¶},¶V¹L¹ï«°¥«ªº»·¶Â¦â¥b¨°¼±¼vªº¨Fºz¡A§A±N¤£¨º¼Ë·Pı¡C
Ken came up and put a hand on Joe's shoulder. "Joe, I know how you
feel. But you can't win this war alone. You're a member of this team."
/ ªÖ®¦µo¥Í¦Ó¥B§â¤@°¦¤â©ñ¦b³ìªºªÓ¡C "³ì,§Úª¾¹D§A¦p¦ó·Pı¡C ¦ý¬O§A¿W¦Û¦a¤£¯àűo³o¤@Ó¾Ôª§¡C §A¬O³o¤@Ó¤p²Õªº¤@Ó¦¨û¡C"
The severity of Ken's gaze made Joe want to squirm. He forced a laugh
instead. "That desperate for a fifth member, are you? You have no
shame." / ªÖ®¦ªºª`µøÄY«¨Ï³ì·Qnį°Ê¡C ¥L§ï¬°À£¢¤F¤@Án¯º¡C " ¨º¹ï©ó¤@ӲĤӦ¨û¬Oµ´±æªº¡A¬O¶Ü ? §A¨S¦³²Û·\¡C"
Dr. Nambu grimaced and looked away from the group. / Nambu ³Õ¤h§ê°Áy¦Ó¥B¬Ý»·Â÷¹ÎÅé¡C
Still wearing that awful expression, a combination of pleading and command,
Ken held out his hand. / ¤´µMÀ¹¥i©Èªºªí¹F¡AÅG½×©M«ü¥Oªº¤@Ó²Õ¦X,ªÖ®¦¦ù¥X¥Lªº¤â¡C
Joe studied him. The urge not to hurt him was compelling, but the urge
to obey even more so. Joe could already feel himself slipping away, sliding
into the abyss. He'd already committed himself the moment he'd approached
them. It was foolish to think he could back out now, and he wanted--needed--to
stay. Ken was right. He was a member of the team. / ³ì¾Ç²ß¤F¥L¡C ©IÆ~¤£n¶Ë®`¥L¬OµLªk¤Ï»éªº,
¦ý¬O©IÆ~ªA±q¬Æ¦Ü§ó¦p¦¹¡C ³ì¥i¥H¤w¸g·Pı¥L¦Û¤v·ÆËÂ÷¶}¡A¶i¤J²`²W¤§¤º·Æ¡C ¥L¤w¸g©e°U¥L¦Û¤v¤ù¨è¤F¥L¦³±µªñ¤F¥LÌ¡C ·MÄøªº¬O»{¬°¥L²{¦b¥i¥H¥´°h°ó¹ª¡A¦Ó¥B¥L·Qn--
³Q»Ýn-- °±¯d¡C ªÖ®¦¬O¥¿½Tªº¡C ¥L¬O¤p²Õªº¤@Ó¦¨û¡C
For as long as they would have him. / ¬°¹³¥ḺN·|¦³¤@¼Ë¤[¥L¡C
Joe grasped Ken's offered hand. Ken squeezed his hand, then pulled his
startled second close and embraced him so tightly the leathers of the
Birdstyle creaked. After a surprised moment, Joe returned the embrace,
staring blindly past Ken's shoulder. Jun wiped her eyes. / ³ì§ì¦í¤F³Q´£¨Ñ¤âªºªÖ®¦¡C
³Qºò´¤¥Lªº¤âªÖ®¦,µM«á©Ô¤F¥Lªº¾_Åå¬íµ²§ô¦Ó¥B¾Ö©ê¤F¥L¦p¦¹ªººòºò³Q§@ÁÓªîÁnªº Birdstyle ªº¥Ö²¡C ¦b·P¨ìÅå³Yªº¤ù¨è¤§«á¡A³ìÂkÁÙ¤F¾Ö©ê,ª¼¥Ø¦a¶V¹LªÖ®¦ªºªÓª`µø¡C
"Don't think you're getting off this easy," Ken murmured into
his ear. "I want to know everywhere you've been and everything you've
done the past two years. I want to know all the reasons why it took you
so long to come back. You owe me." / " ¤£n»{¬°§A¥¿¦bÂ÷¶}³o®e©öªº",ªÖ®¦¶i¤J¥Lªº¦Õ¦·¤§¤º§C»y¡C
" §Ú·Qn¦U³Bª¾¹D§A¬O©M¨C¥ó¨Æª«§A¤w¸g°µ¹L¥h¤G¦~¡C §Ú·Qnª¾¹D©Ò¦³ªº²z¥Ñ¬°¤°»ò®³¤F§A¦p¦¹ªº¤[¦^¨Ó¡C §AÁ«¤í§Ú¡C"
Joe pulled back and stared into Ken's face; wide eyes shaded by a sky
blue visor. "When things have settled down," he said. "And
we're in a quiet bar somewhere, I'll tell you all of it. But give me time."
/ ³ì¦V«á¦a©Ô¦Ó¥B¶i¤JªÖ®¦ªºÁy¤§¤ºª`µø; ³Q¤@Ó¤ÑÂŦ⪺±ÀU¾B½ªªº¼e²´·ú¡C "·í¨Æª«¤w¸g¦w©w¤U¨Óªº®ÉÔ" ¡A¥L»¡¡C "¦Ó¥B§Ú̬Y³B¦b¦wÀR¤è±¬O°s§a,§Ú±N§i¶D§A¥¦¥þ³¡¡C
Ken frowned, but he released Joe with a nod. "Hakase, are we finished
here?" / ªÖ®¦½K¬ÜÀY¡A¦ý¬O¥L¥ÎÂIÀYµoªí³ì¡C "Hakase, §Ú̬O§¹¦¨ªº¦b³o¸Ì"?
"Yes." / "¬Oªº".
"Then let's clean up and go home." / " µM«áÅý§Ú̲M±½¦Ó¥B¦^®a"
--Epilogue-- / --µ²»y--
Joe sat in Ken's customary seat, in the front of the cockpit beside Ryu.
Ken sat directly behind him, Jun beside Ken, and Dr. Nambu across the
way. With an extra passenger in the cockpit, Jinpei had lost his seat,
so he leaned on Joe's and commenced a steady, streaming monologue on the
events of the past two years. Every once in a while, he touched Joe's
shoulder to make sure he was still there, still alive and real. / ¦b Ryu
®ÇÃ䪺¾r¾pû®y¿µªº«e±¤¤³ì¦bªÖ®¦ªº²ßºD®y¦ì¤¤§¤¡C ªÖ®¦ª½±µ¦a¦b¥L«á±§¤, ¤»¤ë¦bªÖ®¦ , ©M Nambu ³Õ¤h®ÇÃä¶V¹L¤èªk¡C »P¾r¾pû®y¿µªº¤@¦ìÃB¥~ªº¼«È¦b¤@°_¡A
Jinpei ¤w¸g³à¥¢¥Lªº®y¦ì¡A¦]¦¹¡A¥Lʾa³ì¦Ó¥B¶}©l©wºA,¦b¹L¥h¤G¦~ªº¨Æ¥ó¬y¿W¥Õ¡C ¤T¤£¤®É¡A¥L¸I¤F³ìªºªÓ½T©w¡A¥L¤´µM¦b¨º¸Ì,¤´µM¬¡µÛ©M¯u¥¿ªº¡C
Joe listened quietly, occasionally nodding and making one-word comments
to keep the conversation going. He was thankful for Jinpei's chatter,
since it precluded further questions from the others. He caught Ryu glancing
in his direction from time to time, and he could feel Ken's eyes boring
holes in his back. / ³ì¦wÀR¦aÅ¥, ¦³®ÉÔÂIÀY©M»s³y¤@-¦r§åµûºû«ù¥æ½Í¡C ¥L·PÁ Jinpei's ªº¼o¸Ü,¦]¬°¥¦¹w¥ý±Æ°£¤F¨Ó¦Û¨ä¾lªÌªº¤ñ¸û¶i¤@¨Bªº°ÝÃD¡C
¥L®·®»¤F®É±`¦b¥Lªº¤è¦V¤¤¿h°{ ªº Ryu ¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¥i¥H·Pı¥LªºI³¡ªÖ®¦²´·úµL²áªº¬}¡C
Feeling another touch on his shoulder, Joe closed his eyes. He might as
well enjoy seeing them again, being part of the team. Despite all their
kind intentions, it wouldn't last long. / ·Pı¦b¥LªºªÓ¤W¥tIJı,³ìÃö³¬¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¡C ¥L³Ì¦n³ßÅw¦A¤@¦¸¬Ý¨£¥LÌ¡A§@¬°¤p²Õªº³¡¥÷¡C
"Joe, are you all right?" / "³ì,¬O§A©Ò¦³ªºÅv§Q"?
Joe half turned toward Jun and forced a grin. "I'm, fine. Just a
little tired." Beside her, Joe saw Ken's eyes narrow slightly, his
jaw tighten. Yeah, you've heard that one before. Nothing escapes you,
does it? / ³ì¤@¥b¦a±µªñ¤»¤ëÂà¦Ó¥BÀ£¢¤FÅS¾¦¯º¡C "§Ú¬O,»@´Ú¡C ¶È¶Èµy·L¯h²Ö¡C"¦b¦o®ÇÃä¡A³ì¨Ç·L¦a¬Ý¨£ªÖ®¦²´·ú®ü®l,¥LªºÃE°Çºò¡C
¬Oªº,§A¥H«e¤w¸gÅ¥¨ì¨º¤@Ó¡C ¨S¨Æ°k²æ§A,¬O¶Ü?
They reached the ocean, and Ryu slipped the New Godphoenix beneath the
surface with all his old skill. Joe turned his attention to the forward
screens. After ten minutes or so, lights came into view. Joe's jaw dropped.
"You've been operating out of that?" / ¥L̨ì¹F¤F¤j®ü¡A¦Ó¥B Ryu ¦b©M¥L©Ò¦³ªº¦Ñ§Þ³Nªºªí±¤§¤U·ÆË·sªº
Godphoenix ¡C ³ì±N¥Lªºª`·NÂà¦V¦V«eªº¿Ã¹õ¡C ¦b¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¥ª¥k¤§«á¡A¥ú¶i¤Jµø³¥¡C ³ìªºÃE°§C¡C "§A¤w¸g¾Þ§@Â÷¨º"?
"Yup," said Jinpei at his elbow. "That's G-Town, our new
base." / "Yup",Jinpei ¦b¥Lªº¤â¨y»¡¡C "¨º¬O G-«°Âí,§Ú̪º·s°ò¦".
"That installation's nowhere near large enough, Hakase." Joe
glanced back at the Doctor with a grin. "You should scrap it and
start over." / "¦b¤jªº¥R¨¬ªþªñªºµL³B¨º¤@Ó¦w¸Ë,Hakase". ³ì¦V«á¦a¦b¦³ÅS¾¦¯ºªºÂå¥Í¿h°{¡C
"§AÀ³¸Óµ²§ô¥µ±ó¥¦©M¶}©l" ¡C
Jinpei and Ryu laughed. Jun joined in, and after a moment, so did Dr.
Nambu. Ken just smiled cautiously. Joe faced forward again, wondering
how in hell he could find his way out of the monstrous installation. It
looked like the underwater equivalent of New Jork. And there he was, thinking
of escape already. / Jinpei ©M Ryu ¯º¡C ¤»¤ë¥[¤J¡A¦Ó¥B¦b¤ù¨è¤§«á¡A Nambu ³Õ¤h¤]¬O¡C ªÖ®¦èè·V«¦a·L¯º¡C
³ì¦A¤@¦¸¦V«e¦a±¹ï, ı±o©_©Ç¥L¥i¥H±q¥¨¤jªº¦w¸Ëµo²{¥Lªº¤èªk¦a¦h¦b¦aº»¤è±¡C ¥¦¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³·sªº Jork ªº¦b¤ô¤¤ªº¦Pµ¥ª«¤@¼Ë¡C ¦Ó¥B¥L¨º¸Ì,¤w¸g·Q¨ì°k¤`¡C
Ryu found the docking bay and settled the ship into the airlock. He began
shutting the systems down as the water drained, and everyone stood from
their seats, surrounding Joe. As they walked him out of the ship, through
the airlock and down a series of corridors to an elevator, Ken and Nambu
walked on either side of him. Jinpei bounced ahead, and Jun and Ryu trailed
behind, chattering small talk. Joe didn't hear any of it. The way the
others encircled him looked casual, but he knew better. When the elevator
doors opened, the signs on the wall confirmed his fears: Medical wing.
/ Ryu µo²{¤F³s±µ®üÆW¦Ó¥B¦w¹y²î¶i airlock ¤§¤º¡C ¥L¶}©lÃö¤W¦V¤Uªº¨t²Î¦p³Q±Æ¥X·¾¥~ªº¤ô¡A¦Ó¥B¨CÓ¤H±q¥L̪º®y¦ì¯¸¥ß,©P³òªº³ì¡C
·í¥LÌÂ÷¶}²î¨«¸ô¤F¥L,¸g¹L airlock ¦Ó¥B¤U¨Ó¹ï¹q±è , ªÖ®¦©M Nambu ªº¤@¨t¦Cªº¨«´Y¦b¥Lªº¥ô¤@Ãä¤W¨«¸ô¡C Jinpei ¦V«e¦a¤Ï¼u¡A¦Ó¥B¤»¤ë©M
Ryu °lÂܤF«á±ªº³¡¤À, ³ã³ã¤£¥ð¤pªº½Í¸Ü¡C ³ì¨S¦³Å¥¨ì¥¦¤§¤¤ªº¥ô¦ó¤@Ó¡C ¤èªk¨ä¾lªÌÀô¶¥L¬Ý°_¨Ó°¸µM¡A¦ý¬O¥Lª¾¹D§ó¦h¡C ·í¹q±èªù¥´¶}ªº®ÉÔ,¦bÀð¾À¤Wªº²Å¸¹½T»{¤F¥Lªº®£Äß:
Damn. I'm sorry, Ken. / ¤@ÂI¡C ¹ï¤£°_,ªÖ®¦¡C
The Professor guided him down the hall, one hand on the Condor's shoulder.
"New policy," he said to Joe. "Everyone has a mandatory
physical at the end of each mission. That way we catch any hidden problems
early. You could say I learned my lesson last time." / ±Ð±Â§â¥L«ü¾É¤U¨ÓªùÆU,¤@¶Ç»¼¨rÆNªºªÓ¡C
"·sªº¬Fµ¦",¥L¹ï³ì»¡¡C "¨CÓ¤H¦³¤@Ó±j¨î©Êªº¨ÅéÀˬd¦b¨CÓ¥ô°Èµ²§ôªº®ÉÔ¡C ¨º¼Ë§Ú̦¤Þ°_¥ô¦óªºÁôÂðÝÃD¡C
Joe knew the scenario already. The medic would take his bandages off,
frown at the lack of wounds beneath the dried blood, probe deeper, then
discover the truth and dive for the security alarm. With no clear way
off the base, Joe would have to stop him before that. If he used too much
force.... If he simply refused to be touched, the medic would still call
Nambu, and Joe would have to come up with an explanation. Maybe if I made
it worth his while.... With what? Bribes? Threats? That's getting off
to a good start. / ³ì¤w¸gª¾¹D¤F±¡¸`¡C `½¶ÄÝ´Óª«±N·|²æ±¼¥LªºÁ^±a,¦b°®Àꪺ¦å¤§¤U¦b¯Ê¥F³Ð¶Ë½K¬ÜÀY,§ó²`¤J¦a±´¬d, µM«áµo²{¨Æ¹ê©M¼ç¤ô¦]¬°¦w¥þÅå·W¡C
ÂǥѨS¦³²M·¡ªº¤èªk¦b°ò¦¥~¡A³ì±N·|¥²¶·¦b¨º¤§«eªý¤î¥L¡C ¦pªG¥L¨Ï¥Î¤F¤Ó¦h¤O¶q.... ¦pªG¥L¥u¬O©Úµ´³Q±µÄ²,`½¶ÄÝ´Óª«±N·|¤´µM©I¥s Nambu
¡A¦Ó¥B³ì±N·|¥²¶·´£¥X¤@ºØ¸ÑÄÀ¡C ¤]³\¦pªG§Ú¨Ï¥¦È±o¥Lªº·í.... ¥Ñ©ó¤°»ò? ¸ì¸ï? «Â¯Ù? ¨º¥¿¦bÂ÷¶}¹ï¤@Ó¦n¶}©l¡C
They stopped before a nondescript metal door. The placard beside it read,
Dr. Raul Martinez. "Joe, you go in here," Nambu said. / ¥L̦b¤@®°²ö¥i¦Wª¬ªºª÷ÄÝ»sªºªù¤§«e°±¤î¡C
¦b¥¦®ÇÃ䪺¤½§iŪ,Raul ³Õ¤h Martinez¡C "³ì,§A¶i¤J³o¸Ì",Nambu »¡¡C
"Yeah, we get doors numbered one, three, four and five," Jinpei
quipped. "There's no escape. He got us outnumbered." Jun nudged
him with her elbow. / "¬Oªº,§ÚÌ®³¦³ªºµ¹ªù,¤T, ¥|©M¤",Jinpei »¡¿Ø¨ëªº¸Ü¡C "¨S¦³°k¤`¡C
"Once you're done here, come to my office and we'll see about getting
you settled in." / "¤@¥¹§A¦b³o¸Ì³Q°µ, ¨ì¹F§Úªº¿ì¤½«Ç¦Ó¥B§Ú̱NÃö©óÅý§A³Q¦w¹y¬Ý¨£¦b".
"Got a map?" Joe said. / "±o¨ì¤F¤@±i¦a¹Ï"? ³ì»¡¡C
"Ken will take you up." / "ªÖ®¦±N·f¸ü§A" ¡C
Joe stared at the door, which slid open automatically, revealing the standard
paper-topped examining table and green tile walls. Like a prisoner marching
to the gallows, he stepped in. The door closed, cutting off the others
and leaving him alone in the silent room. / ³ì¨nµÛªù¬Ý,slid ¦Û°Ê¦a¥´¶},Åã¥Ü¼Ð·Çªº¯È¶W¶VªºÀˬd®à¤l©Mºñ¦âªº¥Ë¤ùÀð¾À¡C
¹³¤@Ó¶ix¨ì gallowsªº¥}¥Ç¡A¥L½ñ¦b¡C ªùÃö³¬,¨«¶}¤Á¨ä¾lªÌ¦Ó¥B¦b¨HÀqªº©Ð¶¡¤¤§OºÞ¥L¡C
A second door opened in the back, and the medic appeared: a short, balding,
dark-skinned man with round, silver-rimmed glasses and a black mustache
shot with gray. He stuck out a hand. "I'm Dr. Martinez," he
said with a heavy Spanish accent, and as Joe shook his hand, he added,
"I've already been through your most recent files." / ¤@®°²Ä¤G®°ªù¦bI±¤¤¥´¶}¡A¦Ó¥B`½¶ÄÝ´Óª«¥X²{:
µu¡M¥ú¨r¨r,¶Â·t-¥Î¦^¦X¡A»ÈÆ^Ã䪺²´Ãè©M¶Â¦âªºÀh©M¦Ç¦âªºª`®gé¥Ö¨k¤H¡C ¥LªþµÛ¥X¤@°¦¤â¡C "§Ú¬O Martinez ³Õ¤h",¥L¥H¤@Ó«ªº¦è¯Z¤ú¤fµ»¡¡A¦Ó¥B·í³ì´¤¥Lªº¤â®ÉÔ,¥L¼W¥[
"What?" It came out as a loud whisper. / "¤°»ò"? ¥¦¥X¨Ó¦p¤jÁnªº¦Õ»y¡C
"I thought I should say that first so I don't have to chase you around
the examining room." The medic smiled. "Why don't you have a
seat on the table?" / " §Ú·Q¡A§ÚÀ³¸Ó»¡¨º²Ä¤@¦]¦¹§Ú¤£¶·¦bÀˬd©Ð¶¡ªº©P³ò°l®·§A". `½¶ÄÝ´Óª«·L¯º¡C
Joe complied and forced himself to hold still as Martinez checked his
pupils with a penlight, looked into his ears, nose and throat. Then the
doctor had him strip off what was left of the flight suit and return to
the table. Martinez probed for pulled muscles, then out came the stethoscope.
Joe grimaced as the cold metal touched his back. / ·í Martinez ¥Î¤@Óµ§§Î¹qµ©Àˬd¥Lªº¾Ç¥Í®ÉÔ¡A³ì¿í¦u¦Ó¥B±j¢¤F¥L¦Û¤v«O«ùÀR¤î,½Õ¬d¥Lªº¦Õ¦·¡A»ó¤l©M«|³ï¡C
µM«áÂå¥Í¨«¶}Åý¥L°£¥h¤°»ò¸¦æ³Q¯d¤U¶D³^¨Ã¥B¦^¨ì®à¤l¡C ±´¬dªº Martinez ¬°©Ô¤F¦Ù¦×,µM«á¦b¥~¨ÓÅ¥¶E¾¹¡C ·í´H§Nªºª÷ÄݸIIJ¤F¥LªºI³¡®ÉÔ¡A³ì§ê°Áy¡C
"Sounds normal in there. How do you feel?" / " Å¥°_¨Ó¥¿±`¦b¨º¸Ì¡C
"Just tired." / "¶È¶È¯h²Ö".
"Any headache or dizziness? Any pain in muscles or joints?"
/ "¥ô¦óªºÀYµh©ÎÀY©ü²´ªá? ¦Ù¦×©Î±µ¦Xªº¥ô¦óµhW?"
"No." / "¸¹½X"
"Let's look at those cuts, then." / "Åý§Ú̬ݨº¨Ç¤Á,µM«á".
"They're fine," Joe said tightly. He tensed, ready to lunge
from the table, and a hand caught his shoulder. Joe looked up to find
Martinez staring into his face. / " ¥L̫ܦn",³ìºòºò¦a»¡¡C ¥L©Ôºò,¹w³Æ±q®à¤l ,
©M¤@°¦³Q®·®»¥LªºªÓ¤â¬ð¶i¡C ³ì¬Ý¦b¤W±µo²{¶i¤J¥LªºÁy¤§¤ºª`µø ªº Martinez¡C
"Joe, I know you hate this," he said softly. "Just bear
with me. I have your best interests at heart." / "³ì, §Úª¾¹D¡A§A¼¨«ë³o",¥L¬X©M¦a»¡¡C
"¶È¶È§Ô¨ü§Ú¡C §Ú¦³§Aªº³Ì¦n¦a¹ê»Ú¤W·P¿³½ì¡C"
Joe snarled and looked away. "Get it over with." / ³ì§q¥s¦Ó¥B¬ÝÂ÷¶}¡C
"§¹¦¨¤F¥¦" ¡C
It was all he could do not to flinch as Dr. Martinez peeled the field
dressings away. The bloody gauze came off to reveal smooth, unbroken skin.
Joe waited for the shock, the hurried retreat, the alarm. "Good,
good," the doctor muttered as he probed the armor gently. "Any
pain still?" / ¥¦¥þ³£¬O¥L¥i¥H°µ·í Martinez ³Õ¤h«d»â°ì¥Ö¤F¡A¤£n¬ÈÁY¬ï¦ç¤§»·¡C ¦å¸{ªºÁ¡¯½²æ¸¨Åã¥Ü¥·Æªº,
¤£Ãa±¼ªº¥Ö½§¡C ³ìµ¥ÔÅåÀ~¡A¥^¦£ªº¥ð®§´J©Ò,ĵ³ø¡C "¦nªº,¦n",·í¥L³vº¥¦a±´¬d¤F²¯¥Òªº®ÉÔ¡AÂå¥Í³ä³ä¦Û»y¡C "¥ô¦óªºµhW¦wÀR"?
Joe's eyes widened. He shook his head. / ³ìªº²´·úÂX¤j¡C ¥L·nÀY¡C
"You still feel tired after twenty-four hours, call me. You need
to watch closely for infection when you get cut. I want to do some blood-work
on you just to make sure. Plus the ISO wants DNA evidence for their records."
He probed for and found the duct on the inside of Joe's left arm, easing
the flap of skin back. "Damn, I still think that's ingenious."
/ "§A¤´µM¦b¤G¤Q¤§«áı±o¯h²Ö-¥|¤p®É,¥´¹q¸Üµ¹§Ú¡C ·í§A±o¨ì¤Áªº®ÉÔ¡A§A»ÝnÄY±K¦a¯d·N¶Ç¬V¡C §Ú·Qn°µ¤@¨Ç¦å- ¦b§A¤Wªº¤u§@¥u¬O½T©w¡C
¥[¤W°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç²Õ´¬°¥L̪º¬ö¿ý·Qn DNA ÃÒ¾Ú¡C" ¥L±´¬d¬°¦Ó¥Bµo²{¤F¦b³ìªº¥ª¤âÁuªº¤º³¡¤WªººÞ,§â¥Ö½§ªº©ç¥´½w©M¦^¨Ó¡C "
¶A©G, §Ú¤´µM»{¬°¨º¬OÆF±Óªº" ¡C
"Beats being poked with needles all the time," Joe said numbly.
/ " ¥´©l²×»P°w¤@°_¼·¶}",³ì¥¢¥hª¾Ä±»¡¡C
Martinez grinned. "Yeah, it makes going to the doctor a lot easier,
doesn't it?" / Martinez ÅS¾¦¦Ó¯º¡C "¬Oªº,¥¦¨Ï§äÂå¥Í«D±`¤ñ¸û®e©ö,¥¦¤£¤£¶Ü"?
"No. There's still that freezing stethoscope." / "¸¹½X¤´µM¦³¨ºÓ¦B᪺ť¶E¾¹"
The medic laughed. As he swabbed the area with alcohol and drew blood
through the duct with a syringe, Joe said, "How did you know?"
/ `½¶ÄÝ´Óª«¯º¡C ·í¥L¸g¹L©M¤@Óª`®g¾¹ªººÞ¥Î°s«ø©Ù°Ï°ì¦Ó¥B©â¦åªº®ÉÔ,³ì»¡,"§A¦p¦óª¾¹D"?
"I'm a contact. He mentored me about twelve years ago while I was
still in med school, and he's done some amazing things since. Once it
became apparent you were rejoining the Kagaku Ninjatai, someone was needed
to smooth your way." / "§Ú¬O³sµ¸¡C ·í§Ú¤´µM¬O¦bÂåÃĪº¾Ç®Õ¤¤¡A¦Ó¥B¥L¦Û±q¤w¸g°µ¤@¨Ç¥O¤HÅ岧ªº¨Æª««áªº®ÉÔ¡A¥L¨}®v¤F§Ú¤j¬ù¦b¤Q¤G¦~¥H«e¡C
¤@¥¹¥¦Åܦ¨©úÅã§A¥¿¦b¦A¥[¤J Kagaku Ninjatai,¨Ï§Aªº¤èªk¥ú·Æ»Ýn¬Y¤H¡C"
"You're not reporting it to--" / " §A¨S¦³¦b³ø§i¥¦¨ì--"
Dr. Martinez shook his head. "You ought to do it to clear the air,
though. I think you'd be surprised." / Martinez ³Õ¤h·nÀY¡C "§AÀ³¸Ó°µ¥¦²M°£ªÅ®ð,ÁöµM¡C
Joe stared at him for a long moment, then looked away and sighed. / ¬°ªøªº¤ù¨è¨nµÛ¥L¬Ýªº³ì,
Joe received a shot of antibiotics before the doctor cleaned off the blood
and replaced the gauze dressings. "I'd leave these on for a week,
maybe two to keep up appearances. There's some new clothes in the basket
for you. Remember, you feel sick, you call me." / ¦bÂå¥Í²M±½¦å¦Ó¥B´À´«¤FÁ¡¯½¬ï¦ç¤§«e
, ³ì¦¬¨ì¤F§Ü¥Í¯Àªºª`®g¡C " §Ú±N·|Â÷¶}³o¨Ç¦b¹F¤@Ó¬P´Á¤§¤[¤§¤W, ¤]³\¤G«ùÄò¥~ªí¡C ¬°§A¦bÄx¤l¤¤¦³¤@¨Ç·sªº¦çªA¡C °O±o,§Aı±o¤£µÎªA,§A¥´¹q¸Üµ¹§Ú¡C"
Joe rolled his eyes. / ³ì±²¤F¥Lªº²´·ú¡C
In the basket he found a plain black t-shirt, a pair of jeans, sneakers
and socks, all his size. Martinez busied himself writing on a clipboard.
Joe managed a quick glance at it and deciphered the doctor's handwriting
to find only a few generalized notes. Martinez shook his hand again before
he vanished through the back door, and like a sleepwalker, Joe ambled
toward the exit. / ¦bÄx¤l¤¤¥Lµo²{¤@Ó²³æªº¶Â¦â T«ò¡A¤@Âù¤û¥J¿Ç¡A¹B°Ê¾c©MÄû¤l¡A¥L©Ò¦³ªº¤j¤p¡C Martinez ¦£µÛ¤F¥L¦Û¤v¦b¤@Ó¥I¦³¯È§¨ªºµ§°OªO¤Wªº¼g§@¡C
³ì³B²z¤F¦b¥¦ªº§Ö¤@¿h¦Ó¥BĶ¸Ñ¤FÂå¥Íªºµ§¸ñ¥uµo²{¤@¨Ç³Q±À¼sªºªþµù¡C ¦b¥L®ø¥¢¹L«áªù¤§«e , Martinez ¦A¤@¦¸´¤¥Lªº¤â¡A¦Ó¥B¹³¤@Ó¹Ú¹C¯fªÌ¡A³ì¹ï©ó¥X¤f½w¦æ¡C
Just short of the door's sensor, he paused. Voices drifted in from the
hall; the rest of the team, waiting. Feet scuffed as Jinpei and Ryu argued
over where to take him next. / ¥u¬Oªùªº·PÀ³¾¹ªºµu,¥L¼È°±¡C Ánµº}¬y¦b±qªùÆU; ¤p²Õªº¨ä¥¦³¡¤À,ԸɡC ·í
Jinpei ©M Ryu µ²§ôª§½×¸Ó¦bþ¸ÌµM«á±a¥Lªº®ÉÔ¡A¸}¶_µÛ¸}¨«¸ô¡C
"Do we have to go to Hakase right away?" / "§ÚÌ¥²¶·¥ß¨è¥h Hakase
"No, but--" / "¤£,¦ý¬O--"
"Let's take him to the apartments first." / "Åý§Ú̺¥ý§â¥L±a¨ì¤½´J"
"Why? No, let's go to the training rooms." / "¬°¤°»ò? ¤£,Åý§ÚÌ¥h°V½m©Ð¶¡¡C"
"Hey, what about the weapons room? He'll freak!" / "¶Ù,
ªZ¾¹«ç»ò¼Ë¦í±J? ¥L±NÅܱoµJÀê!"
"Of course, he'll freak anyway when he sees that big booger of yours,
Ryu." / "·í¥L¬Ý¨£§Aªº¤j booger ¡A Ryu ªº®ÉÔ¡A·íµM¡A¥L±NµL½×¦p¦óÅܱoµJÀê" ¡C
Ryu let out a growl. Jinpei began to laugh and his footsteps danced around
the hall as the big man went after him. With his voice changing, the honking
noise he made was almost musical. Joe found himself grinning at the sound.
His team at the end of a successful mission: relieved, giddy, content
to revel in the moment. The moments came all too seldom. In the old days,
Joe used to scoff at the games. Now.... / Ryu ©ñ¥X¤@Ó§pÁn¡C Jinpei ¶}©l¯º¡A¦Ó¥B·í¤jªº¨k¤H°l¨D¥Lªº®ÉÔ¡A¥Lªº¸}¨B¦bªùÆUªº©P³ò¸õ»R¡C
ÂǥѥLªº§ïÅÜ ªºÁnµ, ¶»ï¥s¾¸µ¥L»s³y´X¥Gµ¼Ö¡C ³ìµo²{¥L¦Û¤v¦bÁnµÅS¾¦¦Ó¯º¡C ¦b¤@Ó¦¨¥\ªº¥ô°Èµ²§ôªº®ÉÔ¥L¤p²Õ: ¦pÄÀ«t¡M²´ªáªº,¦b¤ù¨è¤¤¨gÅw§@¼Öº¡¨¬¡C
¤ù¨è¥þ³¡¤Ó«Ü¤Ö¨Ó¡C ¦bªº¼Æ¤Ñ¤¤¡A³ì¹L¥h¤@ª½¦b¤ñÁɼJ¯º¡C ²{¦b....
From the moment he'd seen Jun's face in the desert, Joe had expected catastrophe,
and it hadn't happened. He'd survived their reunion. He'd survived his
return to base. He'd even survived his physical. For now, he could belong
to his team again. Maybe there was hope. If he could be with them long
enough, maybe they could learn to accept him for what he was. / ±q¤ù¨è¥L¤w¸g¬Ý¨ì¨Fºzªº¤»¤ëÁy,³ì¤w¸g´Á±æ¤j¨aÃø¡A¦Ó¥B¥¦¨S¦³µo¥Í¡C
¥L¦³¥¦w´ç¹L¥L̪º¹Î»E¡C ¥L¦³¥¦w´ç¹L¥Lªº¦^ªð§@°ò¦¡C ¥L¦³¬Æ¦Ü¥¦w´ç¹L¥Lªº¨ÅéÀˬd¡C ²{¦b¡A¥L¦A¤@¦¸¥i¥HÄÝ©ó¥Lªº¤p²Õ¡C ¤]³\¦³§Æ±æ¡C ¦pªG¥L¥i¯à¬O¥Ñ©ó¥LÌ°÷ªøªº,¤]³\¥LÌ¥i¥H¾Ç²ß¬°¥L¬O¤°»ò±µ¨ü¥L¡C
Or maybe he shouldn't push his luck. / ©Î¤]³\¥L¤£À³¸Ó±À°Ê¥Lªº¹B®ð¡C
Ken had once told him aboard the Marine Saturn, "Maybe there are
things you're better off not knowing." Ken had been right in at least
one respect, though if he asked, Joe knew he couldn't lie to Ken. Not
anymore. / ªÖ®¦´¿¸g¤w¸g¦b¸¾÷¤W§i¶D¥L¯è®üªº¤g¬P , "¤]³\¦³§A¹Òªp§ó¦n¤£¬O³Õ¾Çªº¨Æª«" ¡C ªÖ®¦¤w¸g¬O¦Ü¤Ö·q·NªºÅv§Q,ÁöµM¦pªG¥L°Ý,³ì»{ÃѤF¥L¤£¥i¥H¹ïªÖ®¦»¡ÁÀ¡C
Maybe they would never ask. / ¤]³\¥ḺN·|µLªk°Ý¡C
So, he thought. Are you going to hide forever, or are you going to join
them? / ¦]¦¹,¥L·Q¡C §A±Nn¥Ã»·¦aÂöÜ,©Î§A±Nn°Ñ¥[¥L̶Ü?
The door slid open to reveal the others, now in civilian clothes, waiting.
Ken and Ryu both pushed away from the wall as Joe appeared. "What
did the doctor say?" Jun asked. / ªù slid ¥´¶}Åã¥Ü¨ä¾lªÌ,²{¦b¦b¥¥Áªº¦çªA¤¤,µ¥Ô¡C ·í³ì¥X²{ªº®ÉÔ¡AªÖ®¦©M
Ryu ¨âªÌ³£±À°Ê»·Â÷Àð¾À¡C " Âå¥Í»¡¤°»ò"? ¤»¤ë°Ý¡C
Joe shrugged. "Clean bill," he said. "Minor burns and scrapes.
I was lucky, I guess." "I knew it," Ryu said. "Too
mean to die." He laughed. Ken's eyes clouded for a moment. Joe glanced
at him, then looked away. / ³ìÁqªÓ¡C "²M²z±b³æ",¥L»¡¡C "¸û¤pªº¿N¶Ë©M¨í±¼¡C
§Ú¬O©¯¹Bªº,§Ú²q´ú¡C""§Úª¾¹D¤F¥¦",Ryu »¡¡C "¤]·N¿×¦º" ¡C ¥L¯º¡C ¤@·|¨àªº³±¶³±K§GªºªÖ®¦²´·ú¡C
"So are we gonna stand here all day?" Jinpei said. "C'mon,
Joe n'aniki, there's all this stuff you gotta see! We have two years to
catch up on." / " ¦p¦¹§Ú̱Nn¾ã¤Ñ¦b³o¸Ì¯¸¶Ü"? Jinpei »¡¡C "C'mon
¡A³ì n'aniki,¦³§A¥²¶·¬Ý¨£ªº©Ò¦³³o¤@ºØ¨Æ±¡! §Ú̦³¤G¦~»°¤W¡C"
Joe forced himself to straighten, then blinked as Jun smiled and took
him by the arm. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Ken took up the rear.
/ ³ì±j¢¤F¥L¦Û¤v§Ëª½, µM«á¯w²´·í¤»¤ë³Q¤âÁu·L¯º¦Ó¥B±a¤F¥L¡C ¥Lªº¤f³U¶ñ¶ëª«¥Lªº¤â,ªÖ®¦µÛ¤â¶i¦æ«á±¡C
Together, the five members of the Kagaku Ninjatai headed down the hall
toward Dr. Nambu's office. / ¤@°_¡A Kagaku Ninjatai ªº¤Ó¦¨û±a»â¤U¨Ó¹ï©ó Nambu's ³Õ¤h¿ì¤½«ÇªºªùÆU¡C
THE END / µ²§ô
Author's Note I had started this story with the intention of keeping it
as close to canon as possible. However, there were elements to the story
that I just couldn't make sense of. Of course, some of the dialogue has
been tweaked from the original episodes in situations where the original
translations wouldn't fit. / §@®aªºªþµù§Ú¤w¸g¥Î¾¨¥i¯à¾aªñ±Ð·|ªk³W«O¦s¥¦ªº·N¹Ï¶}©l³o¤@Ó¬G¨Æ¡C µM¦Ó,¦³¨ì¬G¨Æªº¤¸¯À§Ú´N¬O¤£¥i¥H¤F¸Ñ¡C
Another instance is the omission of Joe's little one-man helicopter from
the battle scene in New Jork. I did this partly at reader request, and
partly because the scene left too many holes in the show's reasoning.
I apologize if that was your favorite scene. / ¥t¤@Ó¨ÒÃÒ¬O·sªº Jork ªº¨Ó¦Û¾Ôª§²{³õªº³ì¤p¤@Ó¨k¤Hªºª½ª@¾÷ªº¬Ù²¤¡C
§Ú¦bŪªÌ½Ð¨D³¡¤À°µ¤F³o, ©M³¡¤À¦]¬°²{³õªíºtªº±À½×¦V¥ª¤Ó¦h¬}¡C ¦pªG¨º¬O§Aªº³ß·R²{³õ¡A§Ú¹Dºp¡C
There is one more part to this tale, but it departs a little bit further
from the original and will be released separately in December, 2000. /
¦³¹ï³o¤@Ó¬G¨Æªº¥t¥~¤@Ó³¡¥÷¡A¦ý¬O¥¦§ó¶i¤@¨BÂ÷¶}¤p¤@ÂIÂI±q¨º³Ìªìªº¦Ó¥B±N³Q¦b 2000 ¦~¤Q¤G¤ë¤À¶}ªºÄÀ©ñ.